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Sara Gluk (Author), Tatjana Hodnik Čadež (Mentor)


Stališča učiteljev do uporabe didaktičnih računalniških iger pri učenju poštevanke




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Gluk]
UDC: 373.3:51(043.2)
COBISS: 9443401 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1007
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Teachers' attitudes towards the use of didactic computer games for learning multiplication
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the thesis Teachers' attitudes towards the use of didactic computer games for learning multiplication is to inform the teachers of selected didactic games for the classes of multiplication table and ascertain their views to use them in mathematics. The presence of the multiplication table in the school curriculum is presented in the theoretical part. Its introduction into the lessons and ways of refreshing are presented as well. A chapter discussing information and communication technology is included. In that chapter one is able to learn more about including ICT in lessons, trends and usage during classes, as well as of the usage of ICT at mathematics. In the chapter discussing games (where the subject of the discussion is a game in general), didactic games, and their usage at the classes of mathematics the computer games are taken into consideration. Especially educational computer games are presented into greater detail. The theoretical part is concluded with the chapter discussing computer games for the classes of multiplication table and specific Slovenian and foreign web-sites where games with multiplication tables can be found are mentioned there. Six games are chosen and described. One of them is Slovenian and the rest are foreign. The results of the research that took place with six selected teachers from different Slovenian primary schools are presented in the empirical part. It was carried out with the help of a structured interview. At first, the games were presented to the teachers. Secondly, they tested them and according to that experience they answered the questions. The results of the research present the standpoint of the teachers regarding the usage of computer games at classes when multiplication table is studied and their professional opinion on the presented games. According to the results of the research the teachers are enthusiastic about the computer games. However, because the ICT equipment in the schools is poor, they cannot use them extensively.
Secondary keywords: mathematics;computer game;primary school;matematika;računalniška igra;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: V, 88 str, b
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Teachers' attitudes towards the use of didactic computer games for learning multiplication
Keywords (ePrints): poštevanka
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): (multiplication) table
Abstract (ePrints): Namen diplomskega dela z naslovom Stališča učiteljev do uporabe didaktičnih računalniških iger pri učenju poštevanke je seznaniti učitelje z izbranimi didaktičnimi igrami za pouk poštevanke in preveriti njihova stališča do uporabe le-teh pri pouku matematike. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena zastopanost poštevanke v učnem načrtu, njena vpeljava v pouk in načini utrjevanja. Vključeno je poglavje o informacijsko-komunikacijski tehnologiji (IKT), v katerem izvemo nekaj več o vključevanju IKT v pouk, trendih in uporabi pri pouku ter o uporabi IKT pri matematiki. Znotraj poglavja o igrah, kjer beseda teče o igri na splošno, didaktičnih igrah, in njihovi uporabi pri pouku matematike, so obravnavane računalniške igre, med katerimi so podrobneje predstavljene izobraževalne računalniške igre. Teoretični del se zaključi s poglavjem o računalniških igrah za pouk poštevanke, kjer so omenjene nekatere slovenske in tuje spletne strani, na katerih lahko najdemo igre za poštevanko. Izbranih in opisanih je šest iger, med katerimi je ena slovenska, vse ostale pa so tuje. V empiričnem delu so prikazani rezultati raziskovanja, ki je potekalo med šestimi izbranimi učiteljicami različnih slovenskih osnovnih šol. Izvedeno je bilo s pomočjo strukturiranega intervjuja. Učiteljicam so bile didaktične računalniške igre najprej predstavljene, nato pa so jih same preizkusile (odigrale) in na podlagi tega odgovorile na zastavljena vprašanja. Rezultati raziskovanja predstavljajo stališče učiteljic do uporabe računalniških iger pri pouku poštevanke in strokovno mnenje o predstavljenih igrah. Glede na rezultate raziskave so učitelji nad računalniškimi igrami navdušeni, še vedno pa jim uporabo pri pouku omejuje skromna opremljenost šol z IKT.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The purpose of the thesis Teachers' attitudes towards the use of didactic computer games for learning multiplication is to inform the teachers of selected didactic games for the classes of multiplication table and ascertain their views to use them in mathematics. The presence of the multiplication table in the school curriculum is presented in the theoretical part. Its introduction into the lessons and ways of refreshing are presented as well. A chapter discussing information and communication technology is included. In that chapter one is able to learn more about including ICT in lessons, trends and usage during classes, as well as of the usage of ICT at mathematics. In the chapter discussing games (where the subject of the discussion is a game in general), didactic games, and their usage at the classes of mathematics the computer games are taken into consideration. Especially educational computer games are presented into greater detail. The theoretical part is concluded with the chapter discussing computer games for the classes of multiplication table and specific Slovenian and foreign web-sites where games with multiplication tables can be found are mentioned there. Six games are chosen and described. One of them is Slovenian and the rest are foreign. The results of the research that took place with six selected teachers from different Slovenian primary schools are presented in the empirical part. It was carried out with the help of a structured interview. At first, the games were presented to the teachers. Secondly, they tested them and according to that experience they answered the questions. The results of the research present the standpoint of the teachers regarding the usage of computer games at classes when multiplication table is studied and their professional opinion on the presented games. According to the results of the research the teachers are enthusiastic about the computer games. However, because the ICT equipment in the schools is poor, they cannot use them extensively.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): (multiplication) table
ID: 8310840