diplomska naloga
Grega Bajželj (Author), Jana Šelih (Mentor), Aleksander Srdič (Co-mentor)


Analiza rentabilnosti uporabe mobilne betonarne


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;VSŠ;beton;transport betona;betonarna;rentabilnost mobilne betonarne;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [G. Bajželj]
UDC: 666.97:691.23.003(043.2)
COBISS: 4666721 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1997
Downloads: 578
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Mobile concrete factory profiability analysis
Secondary abstract: Diploma task deals with the preparation of concrete in the mobile and stationary concrete factory, transport of concrete and the comparison between the cost of preparation of concrete in the mobile and stationary concrete factory. Represented is the way of preparation of concrete in the mobile and stationary concrete factory. I conducted an analysis of the viability of mobile concrete factory, based on a comparison of the cost of preparation of concrete in the mobile and the cost of preparing in the stationary concrete factory. The analysis involved 21 different sites in Slovenia. For each construction site, I then calculated the factor Fb, which is defined as the ratio between the cost of preparation of concrete in the stationary concrete factory and the cost of making in the mobile concrete factory. With this factor in the choice of concrete factory, already taking into account the factor of distance from the stationary concrete factory, the amount of installed concrete, and the amount of built-times of the construction site. Annex to diploma task is a program that is based on the data to be entered, calculated factor Fb. The analysis showed that the mobile concrete factory is viable in the case where the times of the site is longer than 6 months, the quantity of installed concrete is more than 10,000 m3 and when the distance is usually greater than 40 km. In the selection is not enough only to consider the factor Fb, but also other factors that affect this decision.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;concrete;concrete transport;betonarna;the viability of mobile concrete factory;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: IX, 72 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Mobile concrete factory profiability analysis
Keywords (ePrints): beton;transport betona;betonarna;rentabilnost mobilne betonarne;
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): concrete;concrete transport;betonarna;the viability of mobile concrete factory
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo obravnava pripravo betona v mobilni in stacionarni betonarni, transport betona ter primerjavo med stroški priprave betona v mobilni in stacionarni betonarni. Predstavljen je tudi potek priprave betona v mobilni in stacionarni betonarni. V nadaljevanju sem opravil tudi analizo rentabilnosti mobilne betonarne, ki temelji na primerjavi stroškov priprave betona v mobilni ter stroški priprave v stacionarni betonarni. V to analizo je vključenih 21 različnih gradbišč po Sloveniji. Za vsako gradbišče sem nato izračunal faktor Fb, ki je definiran, kot razmerje med stroški priprave betona v stacionarni betonarni in stroški priprave v mobilni betonarni. S tem faktorjem, pri izbiri betonarne, že upoštevamo faktor oddaljenosti od stacionarne betonarne, količino vgrajenega betona ter čas obratovanja gradbišča. Priloga diplomski nalogi je tudi program, ki na osnovi podatkov, ki jih vnesemo, izračuna faktor Fb. Analiza je pokazala, da je postavitev mobilne betonarne rentabilna v primeru, če je čas obratovanja gradbišča daljši od 6 mesecev, količina vgrajenega betona večja od 10000 m3 in oddaljenost običajno večja od 40 km. Pri sami izbiri pa ni dovolj, da upoštevamo samo faktor Fb, temveč tudi ostale faktorje, ki vplivajo na to odločitev.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Diploma task deals with the preparation of concrete in the mobile and stationary concrete factory, transport of concrete and the comparison between the cost of preparation of concrete in the mobile and stationary concrete factory. Represented is the way of preparation of concrete in the mobile and stationary concrete factory. I conducted an analysis of the viability of mobile concrete factory, based on a comparison of the cost of preparation of concrete in the mobile and the cost of preparing in the stationary concrete factory. The analysis involved 21 different sites in Slovenia. For each construction site, I then calculated the factor Fb, which is defined as the ratio between the cost of preparation of concrete in the stationary concrete factory and the cost of making in the mobile concrete factory. With this factor in the choice of concrete factory, already taking into account the factor of distance from the stationary concrete factory, the amount of installed concrete, and the amount of built-times of the construction site. Annex to diploma task is a program that is based on the data to be entered, calculated factor Fb. The analysis showed that the mobile concrete factory is viable in the case where the times of the site is longer than 6 months, the quantity of installed concrete is more than 10,000 m3 and when the distance is usually greater than 40 km. In the selection is not enough only to consider the factor Fb, but also other factors that affect this decision.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): concrete;concrete transport;betonarna;the viability of mobile concrete factory
ID: 8310937