diplomsko delo
Sanja Stropnik (Author), Črtomir Frelih (Mentor), Beatriz Tomšič-Čerkez (Co-mentor)


Odtisi v glini


grafične tehnike;glina;keramika;mala plastika;ornament;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Stropnik]
UDC: 7:691.4(043.2)
COBISS: 9470281 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1086
Downloads: 709
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Printing on clay
Secondary abstract: Whenever we think about artistic graphics, we often think of graphic prints made on paper. My thesis is focused on another medium for graphic prints, and that is clay. Theoretical part consists of a short presentation of graphics, its history and different ways of printing. Presentation of clay as a material follows. Afterwards there is a historical chapter which is divided in subchapters of printing techniques that are set chronologically. There is also a description of industrial clay-printing techniques, which were monitored by me in industrial plant Gorenje Keramika, main focus there was screenprinting process. Chapter »Umetniške tehnike tiskanja na glino« described various graphic techniques used for clay-printing. My work consisted of diferent graphic tecniques: linocuts, stencil printing and litography. I made 3 small statues and used before mentioned techniques in order to create prints, techniques had to be modified for prints to succeed. My pedagogy research part presents 3 different graphics techniques, which can be used for printing onto clay surfaces. It is concluded with preparations for lessons held at primary school Osnovna šola Braslovče, which were conducted during 4 lessons with eight-graders. There is also ananalysis of the school lessons and ananalysis of some works created by pupils.
Secondary keywords: graphic arts;grafika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: VIII, 110 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Printing on clay
Keywords (ePrints): grafične tehnike
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): graphics techniques
Abstract (ePrints): Kadar pomislimo na umetniško grafiko, so prva misel vedno grafični odtisi, odtisnjeni na papir. V svojem diplomskem delu sem raziskovala uporabo nekaterih grafičnih tehnik na drugem mediju – glini. V teoretičnem delu najprej na kratko predstavim grafiko, njeno zgodovino, vrste in načine tiska in papir kot nosilec tiska. Sledi kratka predstavitev gline kot materiala. Za tem je poglavje o zgodovini, ki je razdeljeno na podpoglavja o tehnikah odtiskovanja, ki si časovno sledijo po vrsti. Opisujem tudi tehnike industrijskega tiska na glino in keramiko, ki sem ga opazovala v industriji Gorenje Keramika, pri tem pa sem se najbolj posvetila sitotisku. V poglavju Umetniške tehnike tiskanja na glino opisujem nekatere najpogostejše grafične tehnike, prilagojene za tiskanje na glino, in pri vsaki natančno opišem postopek tiskanja. V »svojem delu« sem se ukvarjala z grafičnimi tehnikami linorez, šablonski tisk in litografija. Izdelala sem 3 male plastike, grafične tehnike pa sem priredila odtiskovanju na glino. V pedagoško-raziskovalnem delu so predstavljene grafične tehnike, ki so preproste in se lahko uporabljajo za tiskanje na glino v osnovni ali srednji šoli. Na koncu je priprava za učno uro na Osnovni šoli Braslovče, ki sem jo izvedla z osmošolci in je obsegala 4 šolske ure. Sledi analiza ure ter analiza nekaterih del učencev.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Whenever we think about artistic graphics, we often think of graphic prints made on paper. My thesis is focused on another medium for graphic prints, and that is clay. Theoretical part consists of a short presentation of graphics, its history and different ways of printing. Presentation of clay as a material follows. Afterwards there is a historical chapter which is divided in subchapters of printing techniques that are set chronologically. There is also a description of industrial clay-printing techniques, which were monitored by me in industrial plant Gorenje Keramika, main focus there was screenprinting process. Chapter »Umetniške tehnike tiskanja na glino« described various graphic techniques used for clay-printing. My work consisted of diferent graphic tecniques: linocuts, stencil printing and litography. I made 3 small statues and used before mentioned techniques in order to create prints, techniques had to be modified for prints to succeed. My pedagogy research part presents 3 different graphics techniques, which can be used for printing onto clay surfaces. It is concluded with preparations for lessons held at primary school Osnovna šola Braslovče, which were conducted during 4 lessons with eight-graders. There is also ananalysis of the school lessons and ananalysis of some works created by pupils.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): graphics techniques
ID: 8310961
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