diplomsko delo
Marko Jenič (Avtor), Črtomir Frelih (Mentor)


Tehnični postopki globokega tiska in njihova uporaba v osnovni šoli

Ključne besede

globoki tisk;matrica;odtisi;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Jenič]
UDK: 766:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9218633 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 886
Št. prenosov: 212
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Technical aspect of intaglio print and its use in school
Sekundarni povzetek: Intaglio print, as part of graphic art is a wide field which contains many different views and technical procedures. Every technique requires its own approach and many times its own tools. Materials and tools for graphic art have been developing through time, and can be easily bought today, although mostly expensive. The process and principle of making graphic art and techniques itself stayed mostly unchanged till present day. Understanding of this process can open views of how to combine techniques and how to change traditional tools and materials with more inexpensive and easy to get everyday stuff. The main goal of this kind of approach was to find new virtual and esthetic alternatives of graphic art, but in school the conditions for graphic art are usually poor, there is lack of equipment, some techniques seem to be too complicated, so the approach to make thing easier is quite important. At this stage, the knowledge of processes, materials and techniques can be, beside of experiences, of great help. Technical approach towards the process of intaglio print is the contents of this diploma. From different sources it gives, for each technique in particular the information about its history, characteristics and the description of technical process from the preparation of the matrix till the final proof. After descriptions of most common used materials, tools and preparations in traditional approach of an intaglio print, it follows also some descriptions of the same techniques in simpler manner, which might be used in primary schools. The quality of the expression is not the same as with the traditional intaglio print, but these techniques can serve as the beginning of knowing the intaglio problems, both technical and visual and as such they can serve well. In my opinion, this kind of experimentation does not harm or jeopardize the purity of graphic tradition but can enlarge its varieties of expression. As an graphic amateur and an admirer of art I do not take easy on the subject, but as a future teacher of art, I think that graphic expressions deserve bigger place in schools in its normal, or even better in its simpler form.
Sekundarne ključne besede: graphic arts;grafika;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Strani: 78 f.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Technical aspect of intaglio print and its use in school
Ključne besede (ePrints): tehnični postopek
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): technical process
Povzetek (ePrints): Globoki tisk kot veja grafičnih umetnosti in izraznosti je široko področje, v katerega vključujemo vrsto različnih likovnih izrazov in tehničnih postopkov. Vsaka tehnika zahteva svoj pristop in pogosto tudi svoje orodje. Materiali in orodja za grafično umetnost so se izpopolnjevali in so danes v specializiranih trgovinah, čeprav večinoma dragi, dokaj lahko dostopni. Sam proces in princip pridobivanja značilne izraznosti določene tehnike, pa je skozi stoletja ostal skoraj nespremenjen. Razumevanje tega procesa in principa odpira ustvarjalcem, ki se ukvarjajo z področjem grafičnih dejavnosti možnosti, da kombinirajo tehnike med seboj in nadomeščajo tradicionalne materiale in orodja z bolj vsakdanjimi, za grafiko neobičajnimi, lažje dostopnimi in cenejšimi. Vodilo takega početja je predvsem želja po iskanju in odkrivanju novih izraznih možnosti grafične umetnosti. Za razliko od teh iskalcev grafičnih posebnosti, pa se grafična dejavnost na šolski stopnji srečuje z ovirami kot so nepopolna opremljenost grafične delavnice, prezahtevnost samih tehnik, nakup ustreznega materiala in tako je korak k poenostavljanju samega procesa pač nujen. Na tem mestu nam je znanje o procesih, postopkih in različnih materialih poleg izkušenj lahko v veliko pomoč. Tehnični pristop k procesom globokega tiska pa je vsebina te diplomske naloge. V njej so, iz različnih virov kolikor toliko dosledno izbrani, za vsako tehniko posebej zgodovinski podatki, posebnosti in opis tehničnega postopka od priprave matrice do končnega izdelka. Tako so opisani najbolj pogosto uporabljani materiali, orodja in pripravki klasičnih postopkov mehanskega in kemičnega pristopa, poleg tega pa tudi nekaj njihovih preprostejših izpeljav, ki bi prilagojeni morda bili uporabni tudi v šoli. Preprostosti navkljub, dajejo ti postopki vpogled v izbrano tehniko, njene izrazne možnosti in način dela, ki ga sama tehnika zahteva. Preprostejši materiali in preprostejša orodja nudijo omejeno kvaliteto vizualne izraznosti, vendar lahko služijo kot začetno spoznavanje tehničnih problemov pri grafiki. Končni odtis v šoli, je navadno šele začetni in kot tak je vizualno in estetsko povsem primeren. Kot ljubitelj grafične umetnosti (in umetnosti nasploh) in občudovalec izbranih grafičnih umetnikov te stroke nikakor ne jemljem zlahka, vendar sem kot bodoči likovni pedagog mnenja, da si grafična izraznost zasluži večje mesto v šolskih učilnicah, pa čeprav, ali še toliko bolje, v kar se da preprosti obliki.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Intaglio print, as part of graphic art is a wide field which contains many different views and technical procedures. Every technique requires its own approach and many times its own tools. Materials and tools for graphic art have been developing through time, and can be easily bought today, although mostly expensive. The process and principle of making graphic art and techniques itself stayed mostly unchanged till present day. Understanding of this process can open views of how to combine techniques and how to change traditional tools and materials with more inexpensive and easy to get everyday stuff. The main goal of this kind of approach was to find new virtual and esthetic alternatives of graphic art, but in school the conditions for graphic art are usually poor, there is lack of equipment, some techniques seem to be too complicated, so the approach to make thing easier is quite important. At this stage, the knowledge of processes, materials and techniques can be, beside of experiences, of great help. Technical approach towards the process of intaglio print is the contents of this diploma. From different sources it gives, for each technique in particular the information about its history, characteristics and the description of technical process from the preparation of the matrix till the final proof. After descriptions of most common used materials, tools and preparations in traditional approach of an intaglio print, it follows also some descriptions of the same techniques in simpler manner, which might be used in primary schools. The quality of the expression is not the same as with the traditional intaglio print, but these techniques can serve as the beginning of knowing the intaglio problems, both technical and visual and as such they can serve well. In my opinion, this kind of experimentation does not harm or jeopardize the purity of graphic tradition but can enlarge its varieties of expression. As an graphic amateur and an admirer of art I do not take easy on the subject, but as a future teacher of art, I think that graphic expressions deserve bigger place in schools in its normal, or even better in its simpler form.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): technical process
ID: 8310094
Priporočena dela:
, diplomsko delo
, diplomsko delo
, koncert "Glasbena gostija"