diplomsko delo


Nasilje v družini nad otrokom in vloga vrtca


vrste nasilja;prepoznavanje nasilja nad otrokom;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [O. Brandstatter]
UDC: 364.63:173(043.2)
COBISS: 9502793 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1039
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Violence against children in families and role of kindergarden in discovering, suspect
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this diploma is to analyse how well teachers in kindergartens and their assistants know the legislation that deals with violence against children within families. The goal is also to discover, how well they are aware of child abuse, how well they are able to recognize signs of violence and if they know how to intervene. In theoretical part of diploma I describe possible forms and symptoms of violence against children within families. I present the role of kindergarten when detecting it and the regulations upon which employees can intervene. In empirical part I present the results of survey that was taken in kindergartens in Slovenia among teachers and their assistants. They had to recognize different types of violence and to asses which types in their opinion appear more commonly. They were also asked to estimate how well they know the “Regulatory book on prevention violence against children within family”. They were asked to tell whether they would stand in court, and to state dilemmas when facing cases of violence against children within family. Most of them (95 %) believed that violence manifests in all forms of physical violence, while almost quarter of them considered yelling not to be a form of violence. Also as most commonly appeared type of violence they chose physical violence (68 %). Almost ¾ of them estimated their knowledge of the “Regulatory book on preventing violence against children within families” as good. Yet, more than a third of them (38 %), when stating dilemmas, doubted that a child would speak the truth. Therefore, I believe that they overestimated their knowledge of the regulations. Further on, participants considered that they are not qualified well enough to intervene: Less than a fifth of them thought that they are well qualified for that, and almost half of them as moderately qualified.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;violence;trainer;predšolski otrok;nasilje;vzgojitelj;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 35 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Violence against children in families and role of kindergarden in discovering, suspect
Keywords (ePrints): nasilje nad otrokom
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): violence against children
Abstract (ePrints): Namen diplomskega dela je med strokovnimi delavci raziskati poznavanje zakonodaje, ozaveščenost, možnost prepoznavanja in ravnanja v primeru suma nasilja nad otrokom v družini. V teoretičnem delu so opisane oblike in simptomi nasilja. Predstavljene so vloga vrtca ob zaznavi nasilja in pravne podlage, ki so osnova za ukrepanje pri družinskem nasilju. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati ankete, s katero sem v vrtcih po Sloveniji raziskovala, ali strokovni delavci prepoznavajo različne oblike nasilja, njihovo oceno pogostosti posameznih vrst nasilja v družini, poznavanje Pravilnika o preprečevanju nasilja nad otrokom v družini in njihovo pripravljenost na pričanje pred sodiščem ter dileme, ki se jim ob tem porajajo. Večina anketirank (95 %) je menila, da k nasilju sodijo vse oblike fizičnega nasilja, za npr. vpitje pa je bila skoraj četrtina mnenja, da to ne predstavlja nasilja nad otrokom. Strokovne delavke so psihično nasilje uvrstile med najpogostejšo obliko nasilja nad otrokom v družini (68 %). Skoraj tri četrtine strokovnih delavcev je svoje poznavanje Pravilnika o preprečevanju nasilja nad otrokom v družini ocenilo kot dobro. Ker pa jih je več kot tretjina (38 %) med dilemami izrazila zaskrbljenost, ali otrok govori resnico, menim, da so svoje poznavanje pravilnika precenile. Slabše pa so anketiranke ocenile svojo usposobljenost za ukrepanje: manj kot petina se ocenjuje za dobro usposobljene, polovica (49 %) pa za zmerno usposobljene.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The purpose of this diploma is to analyse how well teachers in kindergartens and their assistants know the legislation that deals with violence against children within families. The goal is also to discover, how well they are aware of child abuse, how well they are able to recognize signs of violence and if they know how to intervene. In theoretical part of diploma I describe possible forms and symptoms of violence against children within families. I present the role of kindergarten when detecting it and the regulations upon which employees can intervene. In empirical part I present the results of survey that was taken in kindergartens in Slovenia among teachers and their assistants. They had to recognize different types of violence and to asses which types in their opinion appear more commonly. They were also asked to estimate how well they know the “Regulatory book on prevention violence against children within family”. They were asked to tell whether they would stand in court, and to state dilemmas when facing cases of violence against children within family. Most of them (95 %) believed that violence manifests in all forms of physical violence, while almost quarter of them considered yelling not to be a form of violence. Also as most commonly appeared type of violence they chose physical violence (68 %). Almost ¾ of them estimated their knowledge of the “Regulatory book on preventing violence against children within families” as good. Yet, more than a third of them (38 %), when stating dilemmas, doubted that a child would speak the truth. Therefore, I believe that they overestimated their knowledge of the regulations. Further on, participants considered that they are not qualified well enough to intervene: Less than a fifth of them thought that they are well qualified for that, and almost half of them as moderately qualified.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): violence against children
ID: 8311157
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