Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Implementation of combined graphical techniques in 5th grade of elementary school |
Secondary abstract: |
Graphic is one among five areas of art education, to which the teachers should devote the same amount of hours. Because the making of graphics is often a long-term process, it is reasonable that we implement at least two graphic techniques into one fine arts assignment, in the second trimester of primary school. In this graduation thesis, I wanted to find out, what is the knowledge of the pupils about graphical concepts and specificity of graphical materials in the 5th grade of primary school. To research whether it is proper to implement combined graphical techniques in high and flat print, and to find out what influence has the interruption of one fine arts assignment on pupil’s motivation. I gathered the results which I needed for this research with the help of questionnaire, watch lists and art creations. I carried the research in the 5th grade of primary school of Srečko Kosovel in Sežana. In this class, I had carried out 6 hours of fine arts from graphics area in May 2012. The results showed that the knowledge of graphical concepts and the specificity of carrying out the graphical techniques are alarming. The pupils in the 5th grade have a poor knowledge about the basic graphical terms, more then half of the students; don't know the procedure of simple graphical techniques such as printing with seal, printing with movable pattern and monotype.
When the pupils were learning the specialties and when they carried out the combined graphical techniques, they did not have any problems. The research showed that the fine arts assignment, which was combined from two graphical techniques, is not to demanding for the pupils of 5th grade. The motivation to carry out the combined graphical techniques was high. The motivation after the interruption and resumption of making one fine arts, has not changed significally, so that the interruption of the work, does not influence on the pupils motivation. Based on my results, I could answer on my first, second and fourth research question negatively and positively on my third question.
My research was carried out only in one 5th elementary grade, so I can't generalize the results on all the pupils in 5th grade in Slovenija. But I can say that the teachers of fine arts should devote more of their attention to the field of graphic and the right use of graphical terms. They should use the combined techniques more often at their hours, because these are not too hard for the pupils of 5th grade, they are rather more encouraging. |
Secondary keywords: |
graphic arts;art education;primary school;grafika;likovna vzgoja;osnovna šola; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
VI, 58 f., [8] f. pril. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Implementation of combined graphical techniques in 5th grade of elementary school |
Keywords (ePrints): |
grafika |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
graphic |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Grafika je eno izmed petih področij likovne vzgoje, kateremu bi morali učitelji nameniti enako število ur. Ker je izdelovanje grafik velikokrat dolgotrajnejši proces, je v 2. triletju OŠ smiselno vsaj dve grafični tehniki združiti v eni likovni nalogi. V diplomskem delu sem želela ugotoviti, kakšno je poznavanje grafičnih pojmov in posebnosti grafičnih materialov pri učencih v 5. razredu OŠ, raziskati ali je primerno izvajati kombinirane grafične tehnike v visokem in ploskem tisku in ugotoviti, kakšen je vpliv prekinjanja izvedbe ene likovne naloge na motivacijo učencev. Rezultate, ki sem jih potrebovala pri raziskavi sem pridobila s pomočjo vprašalnika, opazovalne liste in likovnih izdelkov v 5. razredu OŠ Srečka Kosovela Sežana. V tem razredu sem v maju 2012 izvedla 6 šolskih ur likovne vzgoje iz področja grafike. Rezultati so pokazali, da je poznavanje grafičnih pojmov in posebnosti izvajanja grafičnih tehnik zaskrbljujoče. Učenci v 5. razredu slabo poznajo osnovne grafične pojme, več kot polovica učencev pa ne pozna postopka izvedbe enostavnih grafičnih tehnik kot je tiska s pečatnikom, tiska s premično šablono in monotipija.
Pri spoznavanju posebnosti in izvajanju kombiniranih grafičnih tehnik učenci niso imeli težav. Raziskava je pokazala, da naloga iz področja grafike, sestavljena iz dveh grafičnih tehnik, za učence v 5. razredu ni prezahtevna. Tudi motivacija za izvajanje kombiniranih grafičnih tehnik je bila velika. Motivacija po prekinitvi in ponovnem začetku izvajanja grafične tehnike se ni bistveno spremenila, tako da prekinitev pri izvajanju naloge iz področja grafike ne vpliva na motivacijo učencev. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov sem lahko na prvo, drugo in četrto raziskovalno vprašanje odgovorila z odgovorom ne, na tretje raziskovalno vprašanje pa z odgovorom da.
Raziskava je bila opravljena le v enem 5. razredu, tako da dobljenih rezultatov ne morem posplošiti na vse učence petih razredov v Sloveniji. Lahko pa rečem, da bi morali učitelji pri likovni vzgoji nameniti večjo pozornost za izvajanje nalog iz področja grafike in pravilni uporabi grafičnih izrazov. V urah bi morali večkrat uporabiti tudi kombinirane tehnike, saj te za učence v 5. razredu niso prezahtevne, ampak spodbujajoče. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Graphic is one among five areas of art education, to which the teachers should devote the same amount of hours. Because the making of graphics is often a long-term process, it is reasonable that we implement at least two graphic techniques into one fine arts assignment, in the second trimester of primary school. In this graduation thesis, I wanted to find out, what is the knowledge of the pupils about graphical concepts and specificity of graphical materials in the 5th grade of primary school. To research whether it is proper to implement combined graphical techniques in high and flat print, and to find out what influence has the interruption of one fine arts assignment on pupil’s motivation. I gathered the results which I needed for this research with the help of questionnaire, watch lists and art creations. I carried the research in the 5th grade of primary school of Srečko Kosovel in Sežana. In this class, I had carried out 6 hours of fine arts from graphics area in May 2012. The results showed that the knowledge of graphical concepts and the specificity of carrying out the graphical techniques are alarming. The pupils in the 5th grade have a poor knowledge about the basic graphical terms, more then half of the students; don't know the procedure of simple graphical techniques such as printing with seal, printing with movable pattern and monotype.
When the pupils were learning the specialties and when they carried out the combined graphical techniques, they did not have any problems. The research showed that the fine arts assignment, which was combined from two graphical techniques, is not to demanding for the pupils of 5th grade. The motivation to carry out the combined graphical techniques was high. The motivation after the interruption and resumption of making one fine arts, has not changed significally, so that the interruption of the work, does not influence on the pupils motivation. Based on my results, I could answer on my first, second and fourth research question negatively and positively on my third question.
My research was carried out only in one 5th elementary grade, so I can't generalize the results on all the pupils in 5th grade in Slovenija. But I can say that the teachers of fine arts should devote more of their attention to the field of graphic and the right use of graphical terms. They should use the combined techniques more often at their hours, because these are not too hard for the pupils of 5th grade, they are rather more encouraging. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
graphic |
ID: |
8311163 |