diplomsko delo


Stališča razrednih učiteljev do didaktičnih gradiv za glasbeno vzgojo


didaktična gradiva;razredni učitelji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [U. Volarič]
UDC: 78:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9512009 Link will open in a new window
Views: 967
Downloads: 400
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Point of view of primary education teachers regarding didactic materials for music education
Secondary abstract: This thesis treats the topic of the use of didactic materials during music education because in the practical application of music education it is often discovered that class teachers tend not to make use of this kind of material enough. In the theoretical part I present the importance and role of didactic materials, the character of the class teacher; furthermore I treat the viewpoints of class teachers towards didactic materials in music education, hence there is a chapter dedicated to presentation of aforementioned viewpoints. Very important for teachers are also their competences, which were also presented in the chapter describing class teachers and music teachers. In the empirical part of my thesis I tried, with the help of a survey questionnaire on a sample of 78 class teachers, to discover to what extent do they make use of didactic materials (textbooks and workbooks) during classes of music education, which are the advantages and disadvantages of using didactic material in music education classes, the didactic materials of which authors do they use most often and why do they choose a certain author of didactic materials. I also did a comparison between the uses of textbooks and workbooks during music education and during other primary level education classes. Gathered data was then processed with the program Excel and presented with graphs, tables and written interpretation of the results. The research established that teachers use didactic materials, both textbooks and workbooks, in music education, but they use workbooks to a larger extent compared to textbooks. It was also established that teachers who use didactic materials in music education find the classes much more interesting and varied, that the materials serve them as a professional aid and that classes with the help of didactic materials are much more oriented and systematised. But teachers are still making use of only the songs offered in didactic materials too much, for many the prices of didactic materials are too high and include too little practical activities.
Secondary keywords: music education;primary school;attitude;teaching aid;glasbena vzgoja;osnovna šola;stališče;učni pripomočki;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 65 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Point of view of primary education teachers regarding didactic materials for music education
Keywords (ePrints): didaktično gradivo
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): didactic materials
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo obravnava tematiko uporabe didaktičnih gradiv pri glasbeni vzgoji, saj v praksi glasbenega poučevanja pogosto ugotavljamo, da se razredni učitelji premalo poslužujejo tovrstnega gradiva. V teoretičnem delu predstavljam pomen in vlogo didaktičnih gradiv, lik razrednega učitelja in v tem okvirju še posebej lik učitelja glasbene vzgoje, v nadaljevanju obravnavam stališča razrednih učiteljev do didaktičnih gradiv pri glasbeni vzgoji, eno poglavje pa sem namenila tudi predstavitvi stališč. Za učitelje so zelo pomembne njihove strokovne kompetence, ki sem jih predstavila v poglavju, ki opisuje razredne učitelje in učitelje glasbene vzgoje. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika na vzorcu 78 učiteljev in učiteljic razrednega pouka ugotavljala, v kolikšni meri uporabljajo didaktična gradiva (učbenike in delovne zvezke) pri pouku glasbene vzgoje, katere so prednosti in pomanjkljivosti uporabe le-teh, didaktična gradiva katerih avtorjev najpogosteje uporabljajo in zakaj se odločijo za določenega avtorja. Naredila sem tudi primerjavo uporabe učbenikov in delovnih zvezkov z drugimi predmeti na razredni stopnji. Dobljeni rezultati so bili obdelani v programu Excel in predstavljeni z grafi, tabelami in pisano interpretacijo rezultatov. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da učitelji pri pouku glasbene vzgoje uporabljajo didaktična gradiva, tako učbenike kot delovne zvezke, v večji meri pa uporabljajo delovni zvezek. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da lahko učitelj, uporabnik didaktičnih gradiv pri pouku glasbene vzgoje, naredi pouk bolj zanimiv, pester, usmerjen in sistematiziran ter da mu gradivo služi kot strokovna podpora. Še vedno pa se učitelji preveč poslužujejo zgolj ponujenih pesmi v didaktičnih gradivih, mnogi pa so mnenja, da je cena didaktičnih gradiv previsoka in vključuje premalo praktičnih dejavnosti.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): This thesis treats the topic of the use of didactic materials during music education because in the practical application of music education it is often discovered that class teachers tend not to make use of this kind of material enough. In the theoretical part I present the importance and role of didactic materials, the character of the class teacher; furthermore I treat the viewpoints of class teachers towards didactic materials in music education, hence there is a chapter dedicated to presentation of aforementioned viewpoints. Very important for teachers are also their competences, which were also presented in the chapter describing class teachers and music teachers. In the empirical part of my thesis I tried, with the help of a survey questionnaire on a sample of 78 class teachers, to discover to what extent do they make use of didactic materials (textbooks and workbooks) during classes of music education, which are the advantages and disadvantages of using didactic material in music education classes, the didactic materials of which authors do they use most often and why do they choose a certain author of didactic materials. I also did a comparison between the uses of textbooks and workbooks during music education and during other primary level education classes. Gathered data was then processed with the program Excel and presented with graphs, tables and written interpretation of the results. The research established that teachers use didactic materials, both textbooks and workbooks, in music education, but they use workbooks to a larger extent compared to textbooks. It was also established that teachers who use didactic materials in music education find the classes much more interesting and varied, that the materials serve them as a professional aid and that classes with the help of didactic materials are much more oriented and systematised. But teachers are still making use of only the songs offered in didactic materials too much, for many the prices of didactic materials are too high and include too little practical activities.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): didactic materials
ID: 8311169