diplomska naloga
Tjaša Kadivec (Author), Gordana Schmidt (Mentor)


Tibetančki za predšolske otroke v vrtcu


dihanje;tibetanske vaje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Kadivec]
UDC: 373.2.016:79(043.2)
COBISS: 9547849 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3280
Downloads: 431
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Five Tibetan exercises for preschool children in the kindergarten
Secondary abstract: I introduced five Tibetan exercises into the group as a way to relax children. My experience from kindergarten shows that children are increasingly prone to stress. They are more restless and they give up their activities quickly. In addition, children are unable to choose a toy and when they do, they soon take a different one. The playroom lacks relaxation and thus I decided to offer them something new and interesting. The theoretical part provides a description of stress and reactions to it and touches on the causes of stress in children in order to identify their message. It is advisable to find a way to help children cope with stressful situations. The main purpose of relaxation is to take care of the entire body, which both adults and children need. To this end, I pointed to the significance of relaxation for children. Tibetan exercises are one of the relaxation techniques; although they may be less visible than yoga, the two originate from a similar source. The thesis describes the energy flow through the body and underlines the importance of breathing. As soon as thoughts are focused on breathing, the body relaxes automatically, followed by exercises and their positive effects. The empirical part of the thesis presents how five Tibetan Rites were carried out with kindergarten children aged 5–6 years, including parallel activities to acquaint them with the foreign culture and the functioning of their body (how muscles and breathing work). If we present new things to children in an interesting way, that will improve our cooperation and harmonise interpersonal relations.
Secondary keywords: relaxation;pre-school child;mental stress;sprostitev;predšolski otrok;duševni stres;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 66 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Five Tibetan exercises for preschool children in the kindergarten
Keywords (ePrints): stres
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): stress
Abstract (ePrints): Pet tibetanskih vaj sem v skupino uvedla kot način sprostitve za otroke. Iz izkušenj v vrtcu sem opazila, da so tudi otroci čedalje bolj podvrženi stresu. Bolj so nemirni, pri dejavnostih ne vztrajajo dolgo, izmed kopice igrač pa nič več ne vedo, katero bi izbrali za igro, in jih hitro menjajo. V igralnici primanjkuje sproščenosti, zato sem jim ponudila nekaj novega in zanimivega. V teoretičnem delu so najprej opisani stres in odzivi nanj. Omenjeni so tudi vzroki za stres pri otrocih, saj nam to pomaga prepoznati sporočila otrok. Dobro je, če najdemo način, s katerim otrokom pomagamo obvladovati stresne situacije. Smisel sprostitve je skrb za celotno telo. Ta način je postal tudi potreba otrok in ne samo odraslih, zato je naveden pomen sproščanja za otroke. Ena izmed tehnik sproščanja so tibetanske vaje, ki so verjetno manj poznane kot joga, vendar izhajajo iz podobnega vira. Opisan je pretok energije skozi telo in pomen dihanja. Ko se misli usmerijo na dihanje, se telo samodejno sprosti. Sledi izvedba vaj in njihovi pozitivni učinki. V empiričnem delu je opisano izvajanje petih obredov s predšolskimi otroki v vrtcu, starimi od pet do šest let. Navedene so vzporedne dejavnosti, prek katerih so otroci na kratko spoznali drugo kulturo, predvsem pa delovanje telesa (delovanje mišic in proces dihanja). Če so nove stvari otrokom predstavljene na zanimiv način, je tudi sodelovanje pri tem boljše, povezanost v medsebojnih odnosih pa večja.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): I introduced five Tibetan exercises into the group as a way to relax children. My experience from kindergarten shows that children are increasingly prone to stress. They are more restless and they give up their activities quickly. In addition, children are unable to choose a toy and when they do, they soon take a different one. The playroom lacks relaxation and thus I decided to offer them something new and interesting. The theoretical part provides a description of stress and reactions to it and touches on the causes of stress in children in order to identify their message. It is advisable to find a way to help children cope with stressful situations. The main purpose of relaxation is to take care of the entire body, which both adults and children need. To this end, I pointed to the significance of relaxation for children. Tibetan exercises are one of the relaxation techniques; although they may be less visible than yoga, the two originate from a similar source. The thesis describes the energy flow through the body and underlines the importance of breathing. As soon as thoughts are focused on breathing, the body relaxes automatically, followed by exercises and their positive effects. The empirical part of the thesis presents how five Tibetan Rites were carried out with kindergarten children aged 5–6 years, including parallel activities to acquaint them with the foreign culture and the functioning of their body (how muscles and breathing work). If we present new things to children in an interesting way, that will improve our cooperation and harmonise interpersonal relations.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): stress
ID: 8311199