Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Didactic game »TURN AND TELL« in household class |
Secondary abstract: |
Didactic games can be very useful in classroom, they can be used at the beginning of lesson, ongoing consolidation or to repeate some lesson. Using didactic games allow pupils to learn on a bit more relaxed way. The lack on the topic, that is mentioned in the literature is, that didactic games are very time - consuming in terms of quality and good preparation. The aim of diploma is to determine differences in knowledge of pupils who study school material with the help of teacher’s questions and the knowledge of pupils who repeat the substance by using didactic game. I also wanted to determine whether pupils find the use of didactic games in the classroom interesting and useful. The purpose is to determine the usefulness of didactic game Turn and tell in teaching process. I conducted an educational experiment that involved 39 fifth grade pupils, to verify the effectiveness of two teaching methods in sight of memorizing new information’s. In the first group we repeated substance with a classic way of teaching, question - answer. In the experimental group, I introduced didactic game Turn and tell. The results showed that the success of solving the worksheet, with which I have verified knowledge, was high in both groups - even in the experimental group. Didactic game proved to be a good motivational tool. Most pupils, that repeated school material with didactic game, described lesson as interesting. They also thought that they learned a lot. Most of the experimental group pupils also expressed a desire to use didactic games more often. |
Secondary keywords: |
home economics;educational game;gospodinjstvo;didaktična igra; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Biologija in gospodinjstvo |
Pages: |
51 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Didactic game »TURN AND TELL« in household class |
Keywords (ePrints): |
didaktična igra |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
didactic game |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Didaktične igre pri pouku so lahko zelo uporabne, saj se lahko uporabljajo kot uvodna motivacija, za sprotno preverjanje in utrjevanje snovi. Uporaba didaktične igre omogoča, da se učenci učijo na nekoliko bolj sproščen način. Pomanjkljivost, ki jo navaja literatura na temo didaktičnih iger je, da so zelo zamudne z vidika kvalitetne in dobre priprave. Cilj diplomske naloge je ugotoviti razlike v znanju učencev, ki učno snov ponovijo s pomočjo učiteljevih vprašanj in v znanju učencev, ki snov ponovijo z didaktično igro. Ugotoviti želim tudi ali se učencem zdi uporaba didaktičnih iger pri pouku zanimiva in uporabna. Namen diplome je bil ugotoviti uporabnost didaktične igre Obrni in povej v pedagoškem procesu. Zato sem izvedla pedagoški eksperiment, v katerem je bilo vključenih 39 učencev petega razreda devetletne osnovne šole. Preverjala sem učinkovitost dveh metod poučevanja z vidika zapomnjenja novih informacij. V prvi skupini sem podano novo snov ponovila na klasičen način: vprašanje – odgovor. V drugi (eksperimentalni) skupini pa sem uvedla didaktično igro Obrni in povej. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bila uspešnost reševanja delovnega lista, s katerim sem preverjala znanje, visoka v obeh skupinah – tudi v eksperimentalni skupini, kjer smo ponavljali z uvedeno didaktično igro. Didaktična igra se je izkazala kot dobro motivacijsko sredstvo. Večina učencev je uro, v kateri so ponavljali z didaktično igro, opisala kot zanimivo. Več učencev kot v kontrolni skupini, kjer so ponavljali po principu vprašanje - odgovor, je tudi menilo, da so se pri uri veliko naučili. Večina učencev eksperimentalne skupine je tudi izrazila željo, da bi se pri pouku uporabljalo več didaktičnih iger. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Didactic games can be very useful in classroom, they can be used at the beginning of lesson, ongoing consolidation or to repeate some lesson. Using didactic games allow pupils to learn on a bit more relaxed way. The lack on the topic, that is mentioned in the literature is, that didactic games are very time - consuming in terms of quality and good preparation. The aim of diploma is to determine differences in knowledge of pupils who study school material with the help of teacher’s questions and the knowledge of pupils who repeat the substance by using didactic game. I also wanted to determine whether pupils find the use of didactic games in the classroom interesting and useful. The purpose is to determine the usefulness of didactic game Turn and tell in teaching process. I conducted an educational experiment that involved 39 fifth grade pupils, to verify the effectiveness of two teaching methods in sight of memorizing new information’s. In the first group we repeated substance with a classic way of teaching, question - answer. In the experimental group, I introduced didactic game Turn and tell. The results showed that the success of solving the worksheet, with which I have verified knowledge, was high in both groups - even in the experimental group. Didactic game proved to be a good motivational tool. Most pupils, that repeated school material with didactic game, described lesson as interesting. They also thought that they learned a lot. Most of the experimental group pupils also expressed a desire to use didactic games more often. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
didactic game |
ID: |
8311228 |