Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Pedagogical portret of Slovene composer Brina Jež Brezavšček |
Secondary abstract: |
This study addresses an area of contemporary music and presents pedagogical portrait of composer Brina Jež Brezavšček.
In theoretical part of the study I have presented a musical development in 20th century.
I have divided the theoretical part of the study in three periods: first period of new music (1918-1941), second period of new music (1945-1960) and third period of new music. For each individual period, I have presented their essential characteristics. Very important part of the study, is the part dedicated to the composer Brina Jež Brezavšček, where I introduced her biography, bibliography and educational work.
In the empirical part of the study, I have used a qualitative survey in the form of a semi-structured interview with Brina Jež Brezavšček. During our interview we defined what was her childhood like as part of a musical family, who excited her about the music, similarities between hers and fathers (Jakob Jež's) works, the people who contributed most to her musical development, her role in Society of Muzina, her experience of authors events, her plan of education at Faculty of Education and the suitability of her works for listening and implementation to the nine-year primary schools.
The composer Brina Jež Brezavšček played an important role in different societies. She was the initiator of Society of Muzina, later she founded the society Sirius A B followed by society Sozven. As an educator at the Faculty of Education she encourages her students to be creative and active in participation. Her children's and youth opus consists of 49 compositions that are appropriate for listening and implementation to the nine-year primary level schools. |
Secondary keywords: |
music;biography;glasba; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
62 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Pedagogical portret of Slovene composer Brina Jež Brezavšček |
Keywords (ePrints): |
pedagoško delo |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
educational work |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Diplomsko delo obravnava področje sodobne glasbe in predstavlja pedagoški portret skladateljice Brine Jež Brezavšček.
V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela sem na kratko predstavila glasbeni razvoj 20 stoletja. Novo glasbo sem razdelila na tri obdobja: prvo obdobje nove glasbe (1918-1941), drugo obdobje nove glasbe (1945-1960) in tretje obdobje nove glasbe. Pri posameznih obdobjih sem opisala bistvene stilne značilnosti. Pomembno vlogo v diplomskem delu ima poglavje o skladateljici Brini Jež Brezavšček, v katerem sem predstavila njeno biografijo, bibliografijo in njeno pedagoško delo.
V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem s pomočjo kvalitativne raziskave v obliki polstrukturiranega intervjuja z Brino Jež Brezavšček ugotovila, kako je preživela otroštvo v glasbeni družini, kdo jo je navdušil za glasbo, podobnosti med njenimi deli in deli njenega očeta skladatelja Jakoba Ježa ter katere osebe so najbolj prispevale k njenemu glasbenemu razvoju. Opisala sem njeno vlogo v društvu Muzina, orisala sem skladateljičino doživljanje avtorskih večerov in se poglobila v njen način dela oz. program izobraževanja na Pedagoški fakulteti. Raziskala sem tudi primernost njenih otroških skladb za poslušanje in izvajanje na razredni stopnji devetletne osnovne šole.
Ugotavljam, da je imela skladateljica Brina Jež Brezavšček pomembno vlogo v različnih društvih, na začetku je bila pobudnica za nastanek društva Muzina, kasneje je ustanovila društvo Sirius A B nato pa še društvo Sozven. Kot pedagoginja na Pedagoški fakulteti, skladateljica pri svojih študentih spodbuja ustvarjalnost in aktivne oblike sodelovanja, prav tako pa spodbuja tudi njihovo lastno kreativnost. Otroški in mladinski opus skladateljice Brine Jež Brezavšček vsebuje 49 skladb. Te skladbe so primerne za poslušanje in izvajanje na razredni stopnji devetletne osnovne šole. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
This study addresses an area of contemporary music and presents pedagogical portrait of composer Brina Jež Brezavšček.
In theoretical part of the study I have presented a musical development in 20th century.
I have divided the theoretical part of the study in three periods: first period of new music (1918-1941), second period of new music (1945-1960) and third period of new music. For each individual period, I have presented their essential characteristics. Very important part of the study, is the part dedicated to the composer Brina Jež Brezavšček, where I introduced her biography, bibliography and educational work.
In the empirical part of the study, I have used a qualitative survey in the form of a semi-structured interview with Brina Jež Brezavšček. During our interview we defined what was her childhood like as part of a musical family, who excited her about the music, similarities between hers and fathers (Jakob Jež's) works, the people who contributed most to her musical development, her role in Society of Muzina, her experience of authors events, her plan of education at Faculty of Education and the suitability of her works for listening and implementation to the nine-year primary schools.
The composer Brina Jež Brezavšček played an important role in different societies. She was the initiator of Society of Muzina, later she founded the society Sirius A B followed by society Sozven. As an educator at the Faculty of Education she encourages her students to be creative and active in participation. Her children's and youth opus consists of 49 compositions that are appropriate for listening and implementation to the nine-year primary level schools. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
educational work |
ID: |
8311294 |