magistrsko delo
Pija Florjančič (Avtor), Tomaž Vec (Mentor), Darja Tadič (Komentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava različne strategije pri soočanju s stresom na delovnem mestu, ki jih uporabljajo vzgojitelji, zaposleni v Vzgojnem zavodu Višnja Gora. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila stres, vrste stresa, stresorje, simptome in znake stresa, spoprijemanje s stresom, strategije soočanja s stresom. Nadalje sem pojasnila pojem »otroci in mladostniki s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami«, opisala sem kriterije čustvenih in vedenjskih težav ter razloge za namestitev v vzgojni zavod. Pojasnila sem, kaj sploh so vzgojni zavodi, in nazadnje tudi opisala delo vzgojitelja ter psihosocialne obremenitve, s katerimi se na delovnem mestu sooča. V empiričnem delu raziskave sem uporabila kvalitativni pristop raziskovanja in z metodo delno strukturiranega intervjuja odgovorila na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Vzorec je predstavljalo devet vzgojiteljev, zaposlenih v Vzgojno-izobraževalnem zavodu Višnja Gora. Raziskava je pokazala, da vzgojiteljem predstavljajo stres situacije, povezane z mladostniki v vzgojni skupini, stresne situacije so doživeli tudi v vzgojiteljskem timu. Prav tako jim določeno obliko stresa predstavljajo slab pretok informacij, neurejeni odnosi v kolektivu in slaba komunikacija. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da vzgojitelji uporabljajo naslednje strategije, da se učinkovito soočijo s stresom: mentalne tehnike, relaksacijske tehnike, nesistemske strategije, podpora zunanjih institucij, udeležba na superviziji/interviziji, razna izobraževanja in seminarji ter refleksija dela. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo vzgojitelji tudi izkušnjo nekonstruktivnega soočanja s stresom (nesoočanje s stresom, alkohol, potlačevanje). Ugotovila sem, da s pomočjo uporabe različnih strategij vzgojitelji doživijo manj stresa. Prav tako jim uporaba strategij predstavlja preventivno delo, da se na ta način izognejo marsikateremu stresu. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima institucija pomembno vlogo pri soočanju s stresom, saj zaposlenim omogoča razna izobraževanja in supervizije/intervizije, kar vzgojiteljem predstavlja obliko strategije pri konstruktivnem soočanju s stresom. Še bolj kot institucija pa je pomembna lastna odgovornost vzgojiteljev pri soočanju s stresno situacijo, saj je vsak posameznik odgovoren, kako in na kakšen način se bo soočil s stresom. S strani institucije pa bi vzgojitelji potrebovali več neformalnih druženj, kar pa bi doprineslo k boljšim odnosom in povezanosti med zaposlenimi.

Ključne besede

vzgojno-izobraževalni zavodi;vzgojni zavodi;vzgojitelji;stresne situacije;učinkovite strategije spoprijemanja;pedagoško delo;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [P. Florjančič]
UDK: 159.944.4:37.018.3(043.2)
COBISS: 87945219 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 172
Št. prenosov: 20
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Stress management strategies for educational work in an educational institution
Sekundarni povzetek: This master’s thesis deals with different strategies for coping with workplace stress used by teachers, working in the Educational Institution of Višnja Gora. In the theoretical part, the thesis defines stress, types of stress, stressors, symptoms and signs of stress, coping with stress and coping strategies. Furthermore, the term "children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural problems" is explained, and the criteria of emotional and behavioural problems and the reasons for placement in an educational institution are defined. The thesis also explains what educational institutions are and, finally, it describes the work of an educator and the psychosocial pressures they face at work. For the empirical part of the research, a qualitative research approach and a semi-structured interview method was used to obtain the answers to the research questions. The sample consisted of nine teachers employed at the Višnja Gora educational institution. The research showed that the teachers were stressed by situations related to the adolescents in the educational group and that they experienced stressful situations in the educational team. What causes them a certain amount of stress as well is poor information flow, disorganised relationships among the staff and poor communication. The results of the research show that the teachers use the following strategies to cope with stress effectively: mental techniques, relaxation techniques, non-systematic strategies, support of external institutions, participation in supervision, various seminars and reflection on their work. The results show that the teachers have also had experience of non-constructive coping with stress (not coping with stress, alcohol, suppression). It has been found out that by using different strategies, the teachers experience less stress. What is more, the use of such strategies is a preventive work, so they can avoid a lot of stress in advance. The results also show that the institution plays an important role in coping with stress by providing seminars and supervision for the teachers. They see this as a way to cope with stress in a constructive way. However, the teachers' own responsibility in coping with a stressful situation is even more important than the institution’s help, as each individual is responsible for the way they will cope with stress. The teachers would want more informal gatherings, organised by the institution, which would contribute to better relationships and unity among the staff.
Sekundarne ključne besede: community home;mental stress;vzgojni dom;duševni stres;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Strani: 65 str.
ID: 13880116