Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Use of textbooks in class and at home |
Secondary abstract: |
Printed media or textbooks are often used in the educational process. However, pupils at primary level have difficulties with their use, because they are just getting familiar with them. Teachers should select textbooks that are suitable for students and which will help them with the acquisition and consolidation of learning material. Besides the appropriate choice there is also an important task for teachers to teach students how to learn from textbooks, so they will truly serve their purpose. Research has addressed the use of textbooks and independent workbooks in subjects: Mathematics, Slovene (language class), Science and technology and Society. Pupils from the 4th and 5th grade of primary school already read independently and are expected to begin to use textbooks – both at school and at home.
With my research I have found that teachers provide a variety of teaching reading strategies, which contribute to a more efficient use of textbooks; most students also get help from parents at home. Sometimes teachers choose textbooks with a lack of professionality – some teaching materials are later proved to be inadequate and pupils are reluctant to use them. Results have shown that on average pupils prefer to learn from textbooks for Science and technology and least from textbooks for Society. In their opinion the latter are the least used because they write in a notebook most of the time and discuss the different topics. With the questionnaire I also wanted to discover whether the progress in using textbooks/independent workbooks is seen between 4th and 5th grade students. Pupils from the 5th grade know more about use of teaching material, but the difference in their use between classes is not as large as expected. |
Secondary keywords: |
education;teaching aid;vzgoja in izobraževanje;učni pripomočki; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Pages: |
148 str., [9] str. pril. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Use of textbooks in class and at home |
Keywords (ePrints): |
učno gradivo |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
teaching material |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Tiskani mediji oz. učna gradiva so v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu pogosto uporabljana, vendar imajo učenci, predvsem na razredni stopnji, pri njihovi uporabi težave, ker jih šele spoznavajo. Učitelji morajo izbrati učna gradiva, ki so primerna za učence in s katerimi si bodo ti lahko pomagali pri usvajanju in utrjevanju učne snovi. Poleg ustrezne izbire pa je pomembna naloga učiteljev ta, da učence naučijo, kako se učiti iz gradiv in jih uporabljati, da bodo resnično služila svojemu namenu. Raziskava je obravnavala rabo učbenikov in samostojnih delovnih zvezkov pri predmetih: matematika, slovenščina (jezikovni pouk), naravoslovje in tehnika ter družba. Učenci 4. in 5. razreda osnovne šole berejo že samostojno in predvideno je, da začnejo uporabljati učna gradiva – v šoli in doma.
Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da učitelji učencem posredujejo različne bralne učne strategije, ki pripomorejo k učinkovitejši uporabi učnih gradiv, večini učencev pa pri tem doma pomagajo tudi starši. Učitelji včasih premalo strokovno izbirajo učna gradiva – nekatera se kasneje izkažejo za neustrezna in jih tudi učenci neradi uporabljajo. Rezultati so pokazali, da se učenci v povprečju najraje učijo iz učbenikov za naravoslovje in tehniko, najmanj pa iz učbenikov za družbo. Slednji so po njihovem mnenju tudi najmanj uporabljani, ker večino časa pišejo v zvezek in se o učnih temah pogovarjajo. Z anketnim vprašalnikom sem želela ugotoviti tudi, ali se vidi napredek v znajdenju v posameznih učnih gradivih med četrto- in petošolci. Učenci 5. razreda gradiva bolje poznajo, vendar razlika v rabi med razredoma ni tako velika, kot bi pričakovali. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Printed media or textbooks are often used in the educational process. However, pupils at primary level have difficulties with their use, because they are just getting familiar with them. Teachers should select textbooks that are suitable for students and which will help them with the acquisition and consolidation of learning material. Besides the appropriate choice there is also an important task for teachers to teach students how to learn from textbooks, so they will truly serve their purpose. Research has addressed the use of textbooks and independent workbooks in subjects: Mathematics, Slovene (language class), Science and technology and Society. Pupils from the 4th and 5th grade of primary school already read independently and are expected to begin to use textbooks – both at school and at home.
With my research I have found that teachers provide a variety of teaching reading strategies, which contribute to a more efficient use of textbooks; most students also get help from parents at home. Sometimes teachers choose textbooks with a lack of professionality – some teaching materials are later proved to be inadequate and pupils are reluctant to use them. Results have shown that on average pupils prefer to learn from textbooks for Science and technology and least from textbooks for Society. In their opinion the latter are the least used because they write in a notebook most of the time and discuss the different topics. With the questionnaire I also wanted to discover whether the progress in using textbooks/independent workbooks is seen between 4th and 5th grade students. Pupils from the 5th grade know more about use of teaching material, but the difference in their use between classes is not as large as expected. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
teaching material |
ID: |
8311322 |