magistrsko delo
Darja Krašovec (Author), Mitja Krajnčan (Mentor)


Vloga svetovalnega delavca pri socialnopedagoški obravnavi dečka z vedenjskimi in čustvenimi težavami v osnovni šoli


šola;družba;socialna pedagogika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Krašovec]
UDC: 37.013.42(043.2)
COBISS: 9601097 Link will open in a new window
Views: 841
Downloads: 180
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The role of school counsellor in a social pedagogical approach to analysing a primary school boy with behavioural and emotional problems
Secondary abstract: The process of social pedagogical dealing with the boy with behaviour problems in primary school is presented in my masterwork. In the theoretical part, the indicators of social vulnerability of youth are presented, the role of school, and the factors that contribute that behavioural and emotional problems occur are also mentioned. There are also presented the social pedagogical methods of working with children. Classification of emotional and behavioural problems helps us to define the factors that contribute that the problems occur. Such circumstances can occur in family, in child himself or in his wider environment. Their definition depends on social and cultural context. In empirical part, the longitudinal study of the case is presented. The chronological analysis of the events presents the model of planning and implementation of social pedagogical interventions. The purpose was to help the boy with behavioural and emotional problems from the beginning to the end of his primary school education. The process of evaluation the boy’s life situation is presented and the problem situations. According to this, the social pedagogical help was planned. The cooperation with parents, integration of external institutions and the process of team cooperation of different specialist are also presented. Analysis and interpretation present the dynamics that occur during the interdisciplinary approach and cooperation between different institutions and the integrity of the phenomena, strategies and methods in social pedagogical treatment. The masterwork highlights the role of the counsellor and his position in the school. By using systemic view that enables recognition and understanding of complex interaction of different factors, the counsellor contributes to better understanding of the problems in dealing with children with behavioural problems in schools. Conclusions present the findings, the ideas and the suggestions that can contribute to more appropriate strategies of working with children with behavioural problems and to the progress of the social pedagogical science.
Secondary keywords: behaviour disorder;guidance officer;motnje vedenja;svetovalec;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: XI, 168 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The role of school counsellor in a social pedagogical approach to analysing a primary school boy with behavioural and emotional problems
Keywords (ePrints): vedenjske in čustvene težave
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): behavioural and emotional problems
Abstract (ePrints): Magistrsko delo predstavlja proces socialnopedagoške obravnave dečka z izstopajočim vedenjem v osnovni šoli. Teoretični del opredeljuje spremembe v postmoderni družbi ter kazalce socialne ranljivosti mladih. Opisuje vpliv šole in šolskega (ne)uspeha, vlogo in temeljne naloge šolske svetovalne službe ter predstavi socialnopedagoško metodiko dela z otroki. S pomočjo klasifikacij čustvenih in vedenjskih težav ter dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na njihov nastanek, spoznamo, da so vedenjske in čustvene težave posledica številnih ogrožujočih dejavnikov, ki se lahko pojavljajo v družini, otroku samem ali v njegovem širšem okolju ter da je njihova opredelitev odvisna od socialno-kulturnega konteksta. Empirični del naloge je longitudinalna študija primera. Kronološka analiza dogodkov prikazuje model načrtovanja in izvajanja socialnopedagoških intervencij z namenom pomoči dečku z vedenjskimi in čustvenimi težavam v celotnem obdobju njegovega osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. Opisan je proces ocenjevanja dečkovega življenjskega položaja in problemske situacije in v povezavi s tem načrtovanje oblik podpore in socialnopedagoške pomoči na šoli, sodelovanje s starši, vključevanje zunanjih institucij ter proces timskega sodelovanja različnih strokovnih služb. Analiza in interpretacija prikazujeta dinamiko, ki se pojavlja ob interdisciplinarnem pristopu in sodelovanju različnih ustanov ter celovitost pojavov, strategij in metod ob socialnopedagoški obravnavi. Delo osvetljuje vlogo svetovalnega delavca in njegov položaj na šoli ter ob uporabi sistemskega pogleda, ki omogoča zajetje in upoštevanje kompleksnejšega prepleta dejavnikov v njihovem medsebojnem sovplivanju, prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju problematike obravnave otrok z izstopajočim vedenjem v šolah. Sklepi prinašajo ugotovitve, ideje in predloge, ki lahko prispevajo k ustreznejšim strategijam dela z vedenjsko izstopajočimi otroki in napredku socialnopedagoške znanosti.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The process of social pedagogical dealing with the boy with behaviour problems in primary school is presented in my masterwork. In the theoretical part, the indicators of social vulnerability of youth are presented, the role of school, and the factors that contribute that behavioural and emotional problems occur are also mentioned. There are also presented the social pedagogical methods of working with children. Classification of emotional and behavioural problems helps us to define the factors that contribute that the problems occur. Such circumstances can occur in family, in child himself or in his wider environment. Their definition depends on social and cultural context. In empirical part, the longitudinal study of the case is presented. The chronological analysis of the events presents the model of planning and implementation of social pedagogical interventions. The purpose was to help the boy with behavioural and emotional problems from the beginning to the end of his primary school education. The process of evaluation the boy’s life situation is presented and the problem situations. According to this, the social pedagogical help was planned. The cooperation with parents, integration of external institutions and the process of team cooperation of different specialist are also presented. Analysis and interpretation present the dynamics that occur during the interdisciplinary approach and cooperation between different institutions and the integrity of the phenomena, strategies and methods in social pedagogical treatment. The masterwork highlights the role of the counsellor and his position in the school. By using systemic view that enables recognition and understanding of complex interaction of different factors, the counsellor contributes to better understanding of the problems in dealing with children with behavioural problems in schools. Conclusions present the findings, the ideas and the suggestions that can contribute to more appropriate strategies of working with children with behavioural problems and to the progress of the social pedagogical science.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): behavioural and emotional problems
ID: 8311329