diplomsko delo
Simona Kavčič (Author), Milena Blažič (Mentor)


Bralna motivacija pri pouku v šoli


projekt Beremo skupaj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Kavčič]
UDC: 028.5:316.628(043.2)
COBISS: 9626441 Link will open in a new window
Views: 811
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reading motivation in the classroom at school
Secondary abstract: Reading motivation includes eleven dimensions or elements that are divided in three groups. First group consists of convictions about abilities and efficiency of reading, the latter combines dimensions such as self-efficiency/competence, challenge and avoiding activity. Second group consists of goals and reasons for reading, internal as well as external. Dimensions of internal motivation are; curiosity, immersion and importance of reading while dimensions of external reasons include recognition, reading that gets graded and competitive reading. Third group applies more to the social side of reading and covers sociality and helpfulness. Reading motivation is actually multidimensional and various, so we cannot talk about pupils being motivated or unmotivated for reading in general, but we can say that they are motivated with different methods and for different kinds of reading. Children decide to read for different reasons, different pleasures that reading provides them with; feels of physical and emotional joy. From the previous sentence we can conclude that teacher's knowledge of those various reading dimensions presents the source of decision for different encouragement methods and strategies for each and every pupil and is a key contribution to building bases for developing reading abilities of a pupil. Teacher in a process of developing a dedicated reader tries to accomplish different goals; invoke an interest, encourage positive relationship to reading, elaborate on reading activities and reading accomplishes of pupils and all of those goals combine for the final one: having successful readers in class. According to international research of reading literacy PISA, Slovenian reading literacy has improved from under average (research in 1991) to average (researches in 2001, 2006). More specific research in 2009 has shown us that better results in school are linearly connected with greater enjoyment of reading. Positive effects of quality reading projects from all over the world as well as from our homeland tell us that schools can drastically effect reading motivation of pupils with incentive reading environment. Project ‘Beremo skupaj’ that I have presented in empirical part of my thesis is one of possible ways to encourage and develop reading motivation in school. Project is being evaluated every year and according to positive responds from pupils and teachers and inclusion of the project in yearly working plan of whole school, I consider it being successful. In research part of my thesis I present a level of reading motivation on a chosen school and the results I collected have become a great asset in developing reading motivation of whole class as well as of every individual student and finally derivations from my research led to a fact that those kinds of literally projects are essential and helpful for developing of reading literacy in schools.
Secondary keywords: reading taste;motivation;teaching;bralni interes;motivacija;pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 104 str., [21] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Reading motivation in the classroom at school
Keywords (ePrints): motivacija za branje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): reading motivation
Abstract (ePrints): Motivacija za branje vključuje enajst dimenzij ali prvin, ki se razvrščajo v tri skupine. Prva skupina združuje prepričanja o sposobnostih in učinkovitosti branja, ki vključuje naslednje dimenzije – lastno učinkovitost/kompetentnost, izziv in izogibanje dejavnosti. Druga skupina vključuje cilje in razloge za branje (notranje in zunanje). Dimenzije notranje motivacije so radovednost, zatopljenost in pomembnost branja. Dimenzije zunanje motivacijo pa so priznanje, branje za ocene in tekmovalnost. Tretja skupina pa se nanaša na socialni vidik branja, ki zajema socialnost in ustrežljivost. Motivacija za branje je dejansko večdimenzionalna in raznolika, zato ne moremo na splošno govoriti, da so učenci motivirani ali nemotivirani, ampak da so motivirani na različne načine in za različne bralne vsebine. Otroci se za branje odločajo tudi zaradi različnih motivov – bralnih užitkov, občutkov telesnega in duševnega ugodja. Prav učiteljevo poznavanje le-teh ter različnih dimenzij motivacije za branje so vir odločitve, kakšno spodbudo in strategije dela bo učitelj izbral za posameznega učenca, kar pa je ključnega pomena za ustvarjanje temeljev za razvijanje bralnih zmožnosti učenca. Učitelj v procesu razvoja zavzetega bralca poskuša uresničevati več ciljev – spobuditi interes, spodbuditi pozitiven odnos do branja, povečati bralne aktivnosti in bralne dosežke učenca, katerih končni cilj je bralno pismen učenec. Navezujoč se na mednarodno raziskavo bralne pismenosti PISA se je slovenska bralna pismenost v mednarodnem merilu zvišala s podpovprečne (raziskava leta 1991) do povprečne (raziskave v letih 2001, 2006). Bolj specifična raziskava v letu 2009 pa je pokazala, da so boljši dosežki učencev v šoli linearno povezani z veseljem do branja. Pozitivni učinki kakovostnih programov bralnih projektov po svetu in pri nas kažejo, da lahko šole s prijetnim spodbudnim bralnim okoljem ter z različnimi književnimi aktivnostmi in književnimi akcijami močno vplivajo na bralno motivacijo otrok. Eden izmed možnih načinov spodbujanja in razvijanja bralne motivacije na šoli je projekt Beremo skupaj, ki ga predstavljam v empiričnem delu. Projekt je bil vsako leto evalviran, pozitivni odzivi učencev in učiteljev ter doseženi cilji pa kažejo, da je bil uspešen in je postal del letnega delovnega načrta cele šole. V raziskovalnem delu predstavljam nivo bralne motivacije učencev na izbrani šoli; rezultati dela so v veliko pomoč pri razvijanju bralne motivacije razreda kot celote ali posameznega učenca, ugotovitve pa so močno vplivale na mnenje, da učenci še kako potrebujejo tovrstne bralne projekte za razvijanje bralne pismenosti.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Reading motivation includes eleven dimensions or elements that are divided in three groups. First group consists of convictions about abilities and efficiency of reading, the latter combines dimensions such as self-efficiency/competence, challenge and avoiding activity. Second group consists of goals and reasons for reading, internal as well as external. Dimensions of internal motivation are; curiosity, immersion and importance of reading while dimensions of external reasons include recognition, reading that gets graded and competitive reading. Third group applies more to the social side of reading and covers sociality and helpfulness. Reading motivation is actually multidimensional and various, so we cannot talk about pupils being motivated or unmotivated for reading in general, but we can say that they are motivated with different methods and for different kinds of reading. Children decide to read for different reasons, different pleasures that reading provides them with; feels of physical and emotional joy. From the previous sentence we can conclude that teacher's knowledge of those various reading dimensions presents the source of decision for different encouragement methods and strategies for each and every pupil and is a key contribution to building bases for developing reading abilities of a pupil. Teacher in a process of developing a dedicated reader tries to accomplish different goals; invoke an interest, encourage positive relationship to reading, elaborate on reading activities and reading accomplishes of pupils and all of those goals combine for the final one: having successful readers in class. According to international research of reading literacy PISA, Slovenian reading literacy has improved from under average (research in 1991) to average (researches in 2001, 2006). More specific research in 2009 has shown us that better results in school are linearly connected with greater enjoyment of reading. Positive effects of quality reading projects from all over the world as well as from our homeland tell us that schools can drastically effect reading motivation of pupils with incentive reading environment. Project ‘Beremo skupaj’ that I have presented in empirical part of my thesis is one of possible ways to encourage and develop reading motivation in school. Project is being evaluated every year and according to positive responds from pupils and teachers and inclusion of the project in yearly working plan of whole school, I consider it being successful. In research part of my thesis I present a level of reading motivation on a chosen school and the results I collected have become a great asset in developing reading motivation of whole class as well as of every individual student and finally derivations from my research led to a fact that those kinds of literally projects are essential and helpful for developing of reading literacy in schools.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): reading motivation
ID: 8311348
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