diplomsko delo
Anže Krek (Author), Branko Kaučič (Mentor), Stanislav Avsec (Co-mentor)


Okoljsko izobraževalne igre


spletne igre;Adobe Flash;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Krek]
UDC: 004.4:37:502/504(043.2)
COBISS: 9629257 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1234
Downloads: 247
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Environmental educational games
Secondary abstract: One of the main concepts to encourage quality living for us and our children is care for the environment. This work concentrates on possibility for environmental education through the popular media of computer games. The first part is trying to answer the question, how humans are nowadays effecting environment and what are the consequences of our behaviour. The main finding is that education plays a big role when trying to prevent pollution. Afterwards, it presents different goals and methods of environmental education and is later focused on influence of computer games in education. Review of current internet environmental games is done, while seeking a game which would incorporate high standards of environmental education. Due to presenting mostly narrow insight on the big story of polluting our planet, the ideal environmental game was not found. Main focuses in this part were also exploring educational parts of games and also user interfaces, their good use and testing. The main goal of this thesis was to design and to program internet based environmental computer game. The game was created in Adobe Flash Cs4 and its Action Script 3.0. It's presented through technical view and its content. Evaluation of game is done through educational evaluation and through user interface testing. The game is added to this diploma thesis. Evaluation shows that the goal of creating educational game was achieved. And also the results of user interface testing show that interaction is good in most cases. This work presents insight into high standards of environmental education and tries to keep up to them, while designing the browser game. By creating educational software using Adobe Flash, makes decisions on which tool to use to create educational material, easier. It also presents the potential usefulness of educational games and their important disadvantages.
Secondary keywords: computer science;environmental education;software;računalništvo;okoljska vzgoja;programska oprema;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Fak. za matematiko in fiziko, Fizika in tehnika
Pages: 79 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Environmental educational games
Keywords (ePrints): izobraževanje o okolju
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): environmental education
Abstract (ePrints): Eden najpomembnejših vidikov zagotavljanja kvalitetnega življenja za nas in za naše potomce je skrb za okolje. Namen diplomskega dela je spoznati možnosti za ozaveščanje in izobraževanje o okolju skozi razširjen medij računalniških iger. V prvem delu se delo ukvarja z vprašanjem, kako človek vpliva na okolje in kakšne so posledice dandanašnjega ravnanja. Izkaže se, da ima odločilno vlogo izobraževanje o okolju. Diplomsko delo se nato osredotoči na raznovrstne metode in cilje znotraj okoljskega izobraževanja. Mesto znotraj izobraževanja najdejo računalniške igre in proučevanje njihovega vpliva. V delu je bil narejen tudi pregled obstoječe ponudbe spletnih izobraževalnih iger. Iskali smo igro, ki bi ustrezala visokim standardom okoljskega izobraževanja, a je nismo našli. Igre praviloma predstavljajo samo delček velike zgodbe o uničevanju našega planeta. Pri pregledu smo se osredotočili na izobraževalni vidik iger. Dobršen del pa namenili tudi uporabniškim vmesnikom, njihovi dobri uporabi in testiranju. Zadnji del je namenjen osrednjemu cilju diplomskega dela in sicer izdelavi in vrednotenju igre z okoljsko tematiko. Igra je izdelana s pomočjo programa Adobe Flash Cs4 in programskim jezikom ActionScript 3.0. Predstavljena je iz tehnične in vsebinske plati in je tudi priložena diplomskemu delu. Rezultati vrednotenja so pokazali, da igra dosega zastavljene cilje iz vidika izobraževanja in tudi iz vidika uporabe uporabniškega vmesnika. Diplomsko delo predstavlja vpogled v visoke standarde okoljskega izobraževanja in jim poskuša slediti z izdelavo spletne igre. Pri tem prikaže, da je Adobe Flash ustrezna izbira za izdelavo izobraževalnih vsebin in obenem predstavi izobraževalne igre kot potencialen izobraževalni medij z nekaj resnimi omejitvami.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): One of the main concepts to encourage quality living for us and our children is care for the environment. This work concentrates on possibility for environmental education through the popular media of computer games. The first part is trying to answer the question, how humans are nowadays effecting environment and what are the consequences of our behaviour. The main finding is that education plays a big role when trying to prevent pollution. Afterwards, it presents different goals and methods of environmental education and is later focused on influence of computer games in education. Review of current internet environmental games is done, while seeking a game which would incorporate high standards of environmental education. Due to presenting mostly narrow insight on the big story of polluting our planet, the ideal environmental game was not found. Main focuses in this part were also exploring educational parts of games and also user interfaces, their good use and testing. The main goal of this thesis was to design and to program internet based environmental computer game. The game was created in Adobe Flash Cs4 and its Action Script 3.0. It's presented through technical view and its content. Evaluation of game is done through educational evaluation and through user interface testing. The game is added to this diploma thesis. Evaluation shows that the goal of creating educational game was achieved. And also the results of user interface testing show that interaction is good in most cases. This work presents insight into high standards of environmental education and tries to keep up to them, while designing the browser game. By creating educational software using Adobe Flash, makes decisions on which tool to use to create educational material, easier. It also presents the potential usefulness of educational games and their important disadvantages.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): environmental education
ID: 8311362
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