diplomsko delo
Anja Žavbi (Author), Olga Poljšak-Škraban (Mentor), Tomaž Vec (Co-mentor)


Spoprijemanje s hiperkinetično motnjo pri otroku


družina;šola;študija primera;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Žavbi]
UDC: 376.1:37.013.42(043.2)
COBISS: 9636425 Link will open in a new window
Views: 819
Downloads: 268
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Coping with children with hyperactivity disorder
Secondary abstract: This thesis deals with coping with children with hyperactivity disorder, within that focuses on family and school. For a child with a hyperactivity disorder life can be very difficult, however, this also depends on people, who are close to him and other, who participate with child. For the best quality form of assistance, it is important that the environment can effectively deal with hyperactivity disorder and their own experiences. The theoretical part is first focusing on hyperactivity disorder and on the description of the primary and secondary symptoms, possible causes, differences between the sexes. In continuing it also deals with families with children with special needs. Within this is important relationship between the parents, siblings and forms of assistance that the children with hyperactivity disorder receive in the family. Last extensive theoretical section refers to the school. School is an important part of a child's life, but above all, in this context, is exposed relationship with their peers, types of aid which a child receives and the legal basis for assistance. Empirical section describes a case study, through which I have tried to explore how family and school face with hyperactivity disorder in a child. More specifically I was interested in how child with hyperactivity disorder affects life in the family and how the experience changed teachers, and counselors in relation to the pupil. To obtain relevant information I used semi-structured interviews. With described process I tried on the basis of one case get a more comprehensive picture, how to deal with hyperactivity disorder in a child. With analyzing the interviews, I found out, that children with hyperactivity disorder often disturb lessons, because he disturb classmates and teacher. For a child with hyperactivity disorder is important, to set him boundaries and to include routine in his life. Child can get effective help when parents and school workers are cooperating.
Secondary keywords: hyperactivity;child;hiperaktivnost;otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 116 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Coping with children with hyperactivity disorder
Keywords (ePrints): hiperkinetična motnja
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): hyperactivity disorder
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo obravnava spoprijemanje s hiperkinetično motnjo pri otrocih, znotraj tega se osredotoča na družino in šolo. Za otroka s hiperkinetično motnjo je lahko življenje zelo oteženo, seveda pa je to odvisno tudi od njegovih bližnjih in ostalih, ki sodelujejo z njim. Za čim bolj kvalitetno obliko pomoči je pomembno, da se okolica zna učinkovito spoprijemati s hiperkinetično motnjo in svojim lastnim doživljanjem. Teoretični del se najprej navezuje na samo hiperkinetično motnjo, in sicer na opis primarnih ter sekundarnih simptomov, možnih vzrokov, razlik med spoloma. V nadaljevanju obravnava družine z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. Znotraj tega je pomemben odnos med staršema, sorojenci ter oblike pomoči, ki so jo otroci s hiperkinetično motnjo deležni v družini. Zadnje obsežnejše poglavje teoretičnega dela se nanaša na šolo. Šola je pomemben del otrokovega življenja, predvsem pa je, v okviru tega, izpostavljen odnos z vrstniki, vrste pomoči, katerih je otrok deležen in zakonska podlaga za nudenje pomoči. V empiričnem delu opisujem izvedeno študijo primera, preko katere sem skušala raziskati, kako se v družini in šoli spoprijemajo s hiperkinetično motnjo pri otroku. Podrobneje me je zanimalo, kako otrok s hiperkinetično motnjo vpliva na življenje v družini in kako se je spreminjalo doživljanje učiteljev, svetovalnih delavcev v odnosu do učenca. Za pridobitev ustreznih informacij sem uporabila polstrukturiran intervju. S tem sem na podlagi enega primera pridobila bolj celostno predstavo o načinih spoprijemanja s hiperkinetično motnjo pri otroku. Z analizo intervjujev sem ugotovila, da otrok s hiperkinetično motnjo pogosto moteče vpliva na delo v razredu, saj moti sošolce in onemogoča delo učitelja. Za otroka s hiperkinetično motnjo je pomembno, da mu doma in v šoli postavijo meje ter omogočajo rutino. Za čim bolj učinkovito pomoč je ključno sodelovanje med starši in šolo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): This thesis deals with coping with children with hyperactivity disorder, within that focuses on family and school. For a child with a hyperactivity disorder life can be very difficult, however, this also depends on people, who are close to him and other, who participate with child. For the best quality form of assistance, it is important that the environment can effectively deal with hyperactivity disorder and their own experiences. The theoretical part is first focusing on hyperactivity disorder and on the description of the primary and secondary symptoms, possible causes, differences between the sexes. In continuing it also deals with families with children with special needs. Within this is important relationship between the parents, siblings and forms of assistance that the children with hyperactivity disorder receive in the family. Last extensive theoretical section refers to the school. School is an important part of a child's life, but above all, in this context, is exposed relationship with their peers, types of aid which a child receives and the legal basis for assistance. Empirical section describes a case study, through which I have tried to explore how family and school face with hyperactivity disorder in a child. More specifically I was interested in how child with hyperactivity disorder affects life in the family and how the experience changed teachers, and counselors in relation to the pupil. To obtain relevant information I used semi-structured interviews. With described process I tried on the basis of one case get a more comprehensive picture, how to deal with hyperactivity disorder in a child. With analyzing the interviews, I found out, that children with hyperactivity disorder often disturb lessons, because he disturb classmates and teacher. For a child with hyperactivity disorder is important, to set him boundaries and to include routine in his life. Child can get effective help when parents and school workers are cooperating.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): hyperactivity disorder
ID: 8311376