diplomsko delo
Špela Oblak (Author), Barbara Sicherl-Kafol (Mentor)


Otroški ljudski plesi in rajalne igre v učnem načrtu za glasbeno vzgojo od 1. do 5. razreda


otroško ljudsko izročilo;slovenska ljudska glasba;učni načrti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Š. Oblak]
UDC: 78:373.3.016(043.2)
COBISS: 9640777 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3294
Downloads: 310
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Children's folk dances and merrymaking games in curriculum for music education from 1st to 5th class
Secondary abstract: In my thesis I explore the representation of folk dances in the current curriculum for music and textbooks. In the theoretical part I discuss the concept of folk music, dances, songs and musical instruments, with a special emphasis on children's folk music heritage. The theoretical part summarizes some previous research on the attitude of teachers and students to Slovenian folk music heritage. The empirical part shows the representation of the folk music in the current curriculum for music and in music textbooks. The proposed methods of transmission of each folk dance were also included in the analysis. I found out that folk music is involved in the learning process, but still under-represented in comparison with other types of music. Folk dance is also not as frequent as folk song. At the same time there are new opportunities for combining folk songs and dance. At the end I added some of my own proposals for dealing with Slovenian folk dance, because I found out that folk dance is mostly not adjusted to the motor skills of students or explained well enough for teachers to understand it. I chose the dance, called “kólo” (dance wheel), which is the most common. The proposals are arranged by methodical steps, which will make it easier to understand for teachers, and faster to learn for students.
Secondary keywords: folk dance;primary education;curriculum;music education;ljudski ples;osnovnošolski pouk;kurikulum;glasbena vzgoja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 122 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Children's folk dances and merrymaking games in curriculum for music education from 1st to 5th class
Keywords (ePrints): glasbena vzgoja
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): music education
Abstract (ePrints): V svojem diplomskem delu sem raziskovala zastopanost ljudskih plesov v veljavnem učnem načrtu za glasbo in v učbeniških gradivih. V teoretičnem delu sem obravnavala pojem ljudske glasbe, plesa, pesmi in glasbil, posebno pozornost znotraj ljudske glasbe pa sem namenila tudi otroški ljudski glasbeni dediščini. Prav tako sem v teoretičnem delu povzela tudi nekatere dosedanje raziskave s področja odnosa učiteljev in učencev do slovenske ljudske glasbene dediščine. V empiričnem delu sem z analizo učnih načrtov in učbeniških gradiv opredelila zastopanost ljudske glasbe v njih in obravnavala tudi predlagan način posredovanja posameznega ljudskega plesa. Ugotovila sem, da je ljudska glasba v učni proces vključena, a še vedno premalo zastopana v primerjavi z drugimi vrstami glasbe, pri čemer je ljudski ples v primerjavi z ljudsko pesmijo manjkrat prisoten. Ob tem se porajajo nove priložnosti za združevanje ljudske pesmi in plesa. Na koncu sem dodala tudi nekaj svojih predlogov za obravnavo slovenskega ljudskega plesa, saj sem ugotovila, da ljudski ples večinoma ni ustrezno prilagojen motoričnim sposobnostim učencev ali razložen tako, da bi ga lahko učitelji razumeli. Izbrala sem ples kólo, ki se pojavlja najpogosteje. Predlogi so razdelani po metodičnih korakih, kar bo učiteljem omogočilo lažje razumevanje, učencem pa hitrejše učenje posameznih plesov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In my thesis I explore the representation of folk dances in the current curriculum for music and textbooks. In the theoretical part I discuss the concept of folk music, dances, songs and musical instruments, with a special emphasis on children's folk music heritage. The theoretical part summarizes some previous research on the attitude of teachers and students to Slovenian folk music heritage. The empirical part shows the representation of the folk music in the current curriculum for music and in music textbooks. The proposed methods of transmission of each folk dance were also included in the analysis. I found out that folk music is involved in the learning process, but still under-represented in comparison with other types of music. Folk dance is also not as frequent as folk song. At the same time there are new opportunities for combining folk songs and dance. At the end I added some of my own proposals for dealing with Slovenian folk dance, because I found out that folk dance is mostly not adjusted to the motor skills of students or explained well enough for teachers to understand it. I chose the dance, called “kólo” (dance wheel), which is the most common. The proposals are arranged by methodical steps, which will make it easier to understand for teachers, and faster to learn for students.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): music education
ID: 8311381