diplomsko delo
Saša Borovnik (Author), Alenka Kobolt (Mentor)


Vrstniški odnosi v stanovanjskih skupinah




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Borovnik]
UDC: 37.013.42(043.2)
COBISS: 9653577 Link will open in a new window
Views: 701
Downloads: 163
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Peer relations in small group homes
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to present peer relations in children’s residential homes or a small group homes. In the theoretical part, I name the factors that influence the child's/adolescent's development and the reasons that lead to his accommodation at children's residential. I describe the life at the small group homes where I pay a special attention to peer relations and their influences on an adolescent. In the empirical part, I present the results of a qualitative research where I conducted some interviews with the adolescents that live in small group homes. I wondered how they perceived friendship and peer relations in the group. The results show that the adolescents in the group get along differently well, are mostly satisfied with the relations, and some of them also have a best friend in the group. So, the friendships among them also work as a safety factor as they give them a feel of belonging, support at the arrival to the group, mutual trust, and help. On the other hand, bullying such as insulting and mockery can also be detected in a groups but usually as a case of minor conflicts due to “bugging”, use of common things, personality differences, borrowing property without permission etc. that come with cohabitation. One of the key findings is that peer relations can appear in both roles – as a safety factor and also as a risk factor. One of the purposes of this thesis is also to emphasize the importance of awareness of peer influence in small group homes. It is especially significant that the educators are aware of this influence, and try to create a good group atmosphere that will support adolescent’s development.
Secondary keywords: peer group;community home;vrstniki;vzgojni dom;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: VII, 124 str., [XVI] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Peer relations in small group homes
Keywords (ePrints): vrstniški odnosi
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): peer relations
Abstract (ePrints): Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vrstniške odnose v vzgojnih zavodih oziroma stanovanjskih skupinah. V teoretičnem delu navedem dejavnike, ki vplivajo na otrokov/mladostnikov razvoj in razloge, ki privedejo do namestitve v vzgojnem zavodu. Opišem življenje v stanovanjskih skupinah, pri čemer posvetim posebno pozornost vrstniškim odnosom in njihovim vplivom na mladostnika. V empiričnem delu predstavim rezultate kvalitativne raziskave, v kateri sem izvedla pogovore z mladostniki iz stanovanjskih skupin. Zanimalo me je, kako vidijo prijateljstvo in kako doživljajo vrstniške odnose v skupini. Rezultati so pokazali, da se mladostniki v skupini različno dobro razumejo, so praviloma z odnosi zadovoljni, nekateri pa imajo v skupini celo najboljšega prijatelja. Tako so prijateljstva med njimi tudi varovalni dejavnik, saj jim dajejo občutek pripadnosti, podporo ob prihodu v skupino, medsebojno zaupanje in pomoč. V skupinah je na drugi strani zaznati tudi vrstniško nasilje v obliki zbadanja in posmehovanja. Navadno gre za manjše konflikte zaradi »teženja«, uporabe skupnih stvari, osebnostnih različnosti, sposojanja lastnine brez dovoljenja idr., ki so glede na skupno življenje pričakovani. Ena izmed ključnih ugotovitev je, da se vrstniški odnosi lahko pojavljajo v obeh vlogah – kot varovalni dejavnik in kot dejavnik tveganja. Eden od namenov diplomskega dela je tudi poudariti pomen zavedanja vpliva vrstnikov v stanovanjskih skupinah. Zlasti je pomembno, da se vzgojitelji zavedajo tega vpliva in skušajo ustvariti dobro skupinsko klimo, ki bo podprla razvoj mladostnikov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The purpose of this thesis is to present peer relations in children’s residential homes or a small group homes. In the theoretical part, I name the factors that influence the child's/adolescent's development and the reasons that lead to his accommodation at children's residential. I describe the life at the small group homes where I pay a special attention to peer relations and their influences on an adolescent. In the empirical part, I present the results of a qualitative research where I conducted some interviews with the adolescents that live in small group homes. I wondered how they perceived friendship and peer relations in the group. The results show that the adolescents in the group get along differently well, are mostly satisfied with the relations, and some of them also have a best friend in the group. So, the friendships among them also work as a safety factor as they give them a feel of belonging, support at the arrival to the group, mutual trust, and help. On the other hand, bullying such as insulting and mockery can also be detected in a groups but usually as a case of minor conflicts due to “bugging”, use of common things, personality differences, borrowing property without permission etc. that come with cohabitation. One of the key findings is that peer relations can appear in both roles – as a safety factor and also as a risk factor. One of the purposes of this thesis is also to emphasize the importance of awareness of peer influence in small group homes. It is especially significant that the educators are aware of this influence, and try to create a good group atmosphere that will support adolescent’s development.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): peer relations
ID: 8311429