Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Drawings of children with speech and language impairment |
Secondary abstract: |
This thesis addresses the use of drawing as an alternative way for children with speech and language impairment to express how they perceive themselves and their speech in communication with others. The aim of the qualitative research was to identify general characteristics of drawings of children with speech and language impairment, as well as identifying those specific characteristics which can indicate how children with speech and language impairment feel in general about themselves and their speech during conversation. The research included children aged between four and five years; eight children with speech and language impairment, which are included in individual speech and language therapy, and five children with typical speech and language development. The children were asked to draw themselves while talking with someone else and to answer a series of questions related to the content of their drawings. Their answers were used as a base for the analyses and interpretation of their drawings, which are collected and presented in the empirical part of this thesis. Most children with speech and language impairment expressed, with direct and indirect indicators of positive emotions in their drawings, that they feel comfortable talking with the chosen conversational partners, as well as that they feel good about their speech. Unlike children with typical speech and language development, which portrayed only positive emotions in their drawings, some children with speech and language impairment also portrayed negative emotions. |
Secondary keywords: |
speech therapy;speech defect;child;logopedija;govorna motnja;otrok; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Surdopedagogika in logopedija |
Pages: |
93 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Drawings of children with speech and language impairment |
Keywords (ePrints): |
otroška risba |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
children’s drawings |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Diplomsko delo obravnava uporabo risanja kot alternativnega načina, na katerega lahko otroci z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami izrazijo, kako doživljajo sebe in svoj govor v komunikaciji z drugimi osebami. Kvalitativna raziskava tega dela je bila namenjena ugotavljanju splošnih značilnosti risb otrok z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami, kot tudi ugotavljanju tistih značilnosti, na podlagi katerih lahko sklepamo o splošnem počutju teh otrok v pogovorni situaciji in o čustvih, povezanih z doživljanjem lastnega govora. V raziskavi so sodelovali otroci, stari med štiri in pet let, od tega osem otrok z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami, ki so vključeni v individualno logopedsko obravnavo, in pet otrok s tipičnim govorno-jezikovnim razvojem. Otroci so se najprej narisali med pogovorom z nekom drugim, tj. s poljubno osebo, in nato odgovorili na vrsto vprašanj, ki so se nanašala na vsebino njihove risbe. Odgovori so služili kot izhodišče za analizo in interpretacijo risb, ki so zbrane in predstavljene v empiričnem delu tega diplomskega dela. Večina otrok z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami je z neposrednim in posrednim prikazom pozitivnih čustev na svojih risbah sporočila, da jim je z izbranimi sogovorniki v pogovoru prijetno in da se glede svojega govora počutijo dobro. Z razliko od otrok s tipičnim govorno-jezikovnim razvojem, ki so na svojih risbah prikazali izključno pozitivne emocije, pa so nekateri otroci z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami na svojih risbah upodobili tudi negativna čustva. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
This thesis addresses the use of drawing as an alternative way for children with speech and language impairment to express how they perceive themselves and their speech in communication with others. The aim of the qualitative research was to identify general characteristics of drawings of children with speech and language impairment, as well as identifying those specific characteristics which can indicate how children with speech and language impairment feel in general about themselves and their speech during conversation. The research included children aged between four and five years; eight children with speech and language impairment, which are included in individual speech and language therapy, and five children with typical speech and language development. The children were asked to draw themselves while talking with someone else and to answer a series of questions related to the content of their drawings. Their answers were used as a base for the analyses and interpretation of their drawings, which are collected and presented in the empirical part of this thesis. Most children with speech and language impairment expressed, with direct and indirect indicators of positive emotions in their drawings, that they feel comfortable talking with the chosen conversational partners, as well as that they feel good about their speech. Unlike children with typical speech and language development, which portrayed only positive emotions in their drawings, some children with speech and language impairment also portrayed negative emotions. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
children’s drawings |
ID: |
8311458 |