diplomsko delo
Barbara Može (Author), Mojca Lipec-Stopar (Mentor)


Dojenje otrok z downovim sindromom


osebe s posebnimi potrebami;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [B. Može]
UDC: 376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9680201 Link will open in a new window
Views: 880
Downloads: 147
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Breastfeeding children with Down syndrome
Secondary abstract: Even if nutrition is a common need of all children, there are some specifics related to this area for children with Down syndrome. Breastfeeding is an ideal natural way of feeding the baby, and it fulfills all of the baby’s requirements needed for growth and development (Vistoropski, 2013). It includes several advantages, both for the baby and for the mother (Skale, 2010). Children with Down syndrome are born with many health specialties, which can present a barrier to breastfeeding. Nonetheless, breastfeeding a baby with Down syndrome is possible and also useful (Sekcija za Downov sindrom, 2010; Breastfeeding a Baby with Down Syndrome, 2013). However, mothers need adequate help to successfully feed the baby with Down syndrome. The help should not only be focused on the baby, but the family as a whole. Psychological help is particularly valuable, as it helps the parents to face with their baby’s special needs (Pori, 2012). The mothers wish for more cooperation with the experts (Vajagič, 2008). They can achieve this through the early intervention model. It takes typical development milestones into account and follows the baby’s development of specific functions. With the early intervention model, we can design an assistance plan that systematically fosters and guides the baby’s learning process from the birth onwards. The parents and various experts take part in designing the early intervention plan. The experts usually involve a pediatrician, physical therapist, special educator, and speech therapist (Vajagič, 2008). By working together on the early intervention plan, we could connect different experts and the parents, thereby improving their communication and cooperation. We would also fulfill the parents’ wish for experts’ home visits, because the early intervention program can be executed at home, in special early intervention centers and in various pre-school institutions (Jurišič, 2009; Kastelic, 2009). In my bachelor’s thesis, I based my empirical part on 26 survey questionnaires, filled out by the mothers of babies with Down syndrome, born after 2005. I wanted to explore general characteristics of breastfeeding among mothers of babies with Down syndrome in Slovenia, their attitude towards this matter, their handling and experience of it. I also examined their needs for help and wishes for future developments on this field. I found that the surveyed mothers are strongly in favor of breastfeeding and that half of them were successful in breastfeeding. The breastfeeding took more time than for the mothers of babies without Down syndrome. Almost all the mothers I surveyed faced different barriers in breastfeeding. Less informed mothers had more issues with this matter. The mothers answered that they were generally pleased with the help they received, but would have liked to cooperate with different experts to a greater extent. They highlighted the fact they would like more multidisciplinary and systematic treatment of their baby, more encouragement, persistence, and understanding of the experts.
Secondary keywords: Down's syndrome;Downov sindrom;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: X, 72 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Breastfeeding children with Down syndrome
Keywords (ePrints): dojenje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): breastfeeding
Abstract (ePrints): Prehrana je skupna potreba vseh otrok, vendar se na področju otrok z downovim sindromom pojavljajo določene posebnosti. Dojenje je idealen in naraven način prehranjevanja dojenčka, ki v prvih šestih mesecih življenja izpolni vse potrebe za njegovo rast in razvoj (Vistoropski, 2013). Prinaša številne prednosti, tako za otroka kot tudi za mater (Skale, 2010). Otroci z downovim sindromom se rodijo s številnimi zdravstvenimi posebnostmi, ki lahko predstavljajo oviro pri dojenju. Kljub temu je dojenje novorojenčka z downovim sindromom mogoče in tudi koristno (Sekcija za Downov sindrom, 2010; Breastfeeding a Baby with Down Syndrome, 2013). Za uspešno dojenje otroka z downovim sindromom potrebujejo matere ustrezno pomoč. Ta ne sme biti usmerjena le na otroka, temveč na celotno družino. Zlasti je pomembna psihološka pomoč, ki pomaga staršem, da se soočijo z otrokovimi posebnimi potrebami (Pori, 2012). Matere si v večji meri želijo sodelovanja s strokovnjaki (Vajagič, 2008). To lahko storijo z modelom zgodnje obravnave. Ta upošteva tipične razvojne mejnike in sledi razvoju posameznih funkcij otroka. Z zgodnjo obravnavo izdelamo načrt pomoči, ki načrtno spodbuja in usmerja učenje otroka od samega rojstva naprej. Pri oblikovanju načrta zgodnje obravnave sodelujejo starši in različni strokovnjaki. To so najpogosteje pediater, fizioterapevt, specialni pedagog in logoped (Vajagič, 2008). S skupnim oblikovanjem načrta zgodnje obravnave bi povezali sodelovanje med različnimi strokovnjaki in starši ter izboljšali njihovo komuniciranje in sodelovanje. Izpolnili bi tudi željo staršev po obisku strokovnjakov na dom, saj se program zgodnje obravnave lahko izvaja na domu, v posebnih centrih za zgodnjo intervencijo in v različnih predšolskih ustanovah (Jurišič, 2009; Kastelic, 2009). V svojem diplomskem delu sem upoštevala 26 anketnih vprašalnikov, ki so jih izpolnile matere otrok z downovim sindromom, rojenih po letu 2005. Želela sem raziskati, kakšne so splošne značilnosti dojenja slovenskih mater, kakšen je njihov odnos do njega, ravnanje in doživljanje dojenja. Raziskala pa sem tudi njihove potrebe po pomoči in želje za prihodnost. Ugotovila sem, da so anketirane matere močno naklonjene dojenju in da jih je polovica uspešno dojila. Dojenje je potekalo dlje kot dojijo matere otrok brez downovega sindroma. Skoraj vse matere so se pri dojenju otroka soočile tudi z različnimi ovirami. Nekoliko več težav pri tem so imele slabše informirane matere. Matere so v anketnih vprašalnikih navedle, da so bile z nudeno pomočjo večinoma zadovoljne, vendar si želijo v večji meri sodelovati z različnimi strokovnjaki. Izpostavile so, da si želijo več multidisciplinarne in sistematične obravnave otroka, več spodbujanja, vztrajanja in razumevanja s strani strokovnjakov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Even if nutrition is a common need of all children, there are some specifics related to this area for children with Down syndrome. Breastfeeding is an ideal natural way of feeding the baby, and it fulfills all of the baby’s requirements needed for growth and development (Vistoropski, 2013). It includes several advantages, both for the baby and for the mother (Skale, 2010). Children with Down syndrome are born with many health specialties, which can present a barrier to breastfeeding. Nonetheless, breastfeeding a baby with Down syndrome is possible and also useful (Sekcija za Downov sindrom, 2010; Breastfeeding a Baby with Down Syndrome, 2013). However, mothers need adequate help to successfully feed the baby with Down syndrome. The help should not only be focused on the baby, but the family as a whole. Psychological help is particularly valuable, as it helps the parents to face with their baby’s special needs (Pori, 2012). The mothers wish for more cooperation with the experts (Vajagič, 2008). They can achieve this through the early intervention model. It takes typical development milestones into account and follows the baby’s development of specific functions. With the early intervention model, we can design an assistance plan that systematically fosters and guides the baby’s learning process from the birth onwards. The parents and various experts take part in designing the early intervention plan. The experts usually involve a pediatrician, physical therapist, special educator, and speech therapist (Vajagič, 2008). By working together on the early intervention plan, we could connect different experts and the parents, thereby improving their communication and cooperation. We would also fulfill the parents’ wish for experts’ home visits, because the early intervention program can be executed at home, in special early intervention centers and in various pre-school institutions (Jurišič, 2009; Kastelic, 2009). In my bachelor’s thesis, I based my empirical part on 26 survey questionnaires, filled out by the mothers of babies with Down syndrome, born after 2005. I wanted to explore general characteristics of breastfeeding among mothers of babies with Down syndrome in Slovenia, their attitude towards this matter, their handling and experience of it. I also examined their needs for help and wishes for future developments on this field. I found that the surveyed mothers are strongly in favor of breastfeeding and that half of them were successful in breastfeeding. The breastfeeding took more time than for the mothers of babies without Down syndrome. Almost all the mothers I surveyed faced different barriers in breastfeeding. Less informed mothers had more issues with this matter. The mothers answered that they were generally pleased with the help they received, but would have liked to cooperate with different experts to a greater extent. They highlighted the fact they would like more multidisciplinary and systematic treatment of their baby, more encouragement, persistence, and understanding of the experts.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): breastfeeding
ID: 8311526
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