diplomsko delo
Bojana Bohinc (Author), Igor Saksida (Mentor)


Bralna pismenost učencev prvega razreda na OŠ Vič


knjiga;družinsko branje;poslušanje;bralne aktivnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [B. Bohinc]
UDC: 028.5:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9687113 Link will open in a new window
Views: 874
Downloads: 185
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reading literacy students of the first class in OŠ Vič
Secondary abstract: In my thesis I wanted to find out what books mean to children, how much encouragement they get from their parents to read and how often they pick up a book in their free time. In the first part I have presented the theoretical bases, which apply to the thesis. Next is the research conducted at Vič Primary School. The sample for the research was the first grade with twenty-four pupils. The information was gathered by ways of a questionnaire filled out by the children's parents. The analysis of the results collected by the questionnaire shows that parents realize, how important family reading is. When parents read to their children, they create warmth and thus emotional bonds within the family are strengthened. Family reading is also beneficial and calming for the parents. They enjoy reading with their children as they enter the world of imagination. The thesis and the analysis of the questionnaires reveal that both children and their parents like family reading and the bonding it brings. Children report that the amount of time spent reading at home has increased through the year. They spend more of their free time with books and parents and they like it immensely.
Secondary keywords: reading;literacy;primary school;branje;pismenost;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 81 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Reading literacy students of the first class in OŠ Vič
Keywords (ePrints): branje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): reading
Abstract (ePrints): V svojem diplomskem delu sem želela odkriti in ugotoviti, kaj otrokom pomeni knjiga, koliko spodbude otroci dobijo od staršev in kolikokrat v svojem prostem času posežejo po knjigi. V prvem delu sem predstavila teoretične osnove, ki se nanašajo na diplomsko nalogo. V nadaljevanju sledi raziskava, ki je bila izvedena na OŠ Vič. Vzorec je bil izveden v prvem razredu, kjer je bilo štiriindvajset otrok. Podatki so bili zbrani z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki so ga izpolnili starši otrok. Analiza anketnega vprašalnika je pokazala, da se starši zavedajo, kako pomembno je družinsko branje. Ko starši berejo svojemu otroku, ustvarjajo toplino in čustvene vezi v družini se s tem krepijo. Družinsko branje tudi na starše vpliva pozitivno in pomirjevalno, skupaj z otroki ob branju uživajo in stopajo v domišljijski svet. Skozi diplomsko delo in analizo vprašalnikov se je pokazalo, da je tako učencem kot njihovim staršem všeč družinsko branje in ob tem skupno druženje, le časa je nekaterim staršem primanjkovalo. Po pripovedovanju otrok so se za družinsko branje skozi celo leto odločali vse pogosteje in todi otroci sami so si želeli skupnega druženja s svojimi starši ob prebiranju in branju različnih knjig.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In my thesis I wanted to find out what books mean to children, how much encouragement they get from their parents to read and how often they pick up a book in their free time. In the first part I have presented the theoretical bases, which apply to the thesis. Next is the research conducted at Vič Primary School. The sample for the research was the first grade with twenty-four pupils. The information was gathered by ways of a questionnaire filled out by the children's parents. The analysis of the results collected by the questionnaire shows that parents realize, how important family reading is. When parents read to their children, they create warmth and thus emotional bonds within the family are strengthened. Family reading is also beneficial and calming for the parents. They enjoy reading with their children as they enter the world of imagination. The thesis and the analysis of the questionnaires reveal that both children and their parents like family reading and the bonding it brings. Children report that the amount of time spent reading at home has increased through the year. They spend more of their free time with books and parents and they like it immensely.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): reading
ID: 8311551