Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Development of pre-reading skills and beginning reading in slow learner |
Secondary abstract: |
This thesis presents the problem of teaching the early reading to slow learning students.
In the early stages of reading development we often encounter problems because of the non-reclaimed prerequisites for reading, such as understanding of the reading concept, narrative ability, vocabulary, recognition of letters, visual differentiation, phonological awareness and interest for learning to read. On the acquisition of reading also affect cognitive factors, perceptual factors, socio-cultural factors, emotional factors, motivation, memory factors and factors of rapid automatic naming.
Early reading by slow learning students, is under influence of specific factors, typical for this group of children. Slow learning students are slowly processing informations. They are also having problems with working memory, spatial memory and verbal memory. Consequently they need more time to achieve knowledge and more repetition. They also need additional explanations and visualizations. Teachers have to connect their knowledge with their life experiences and concrete examples, which facilitates memorization. Multisensory and systematic approach with precise and simple instructions, explanations and feedback information is very important. Work with slow learning students is expected to be diverse and interesting from the aspect of teaching utility and activity. This increase learning motivation and preserve consentration of a student. There are many strategies we can use. Our choice of strategies depends on needs of a specific student.
The thesis presents the development of reading, necesary prereading skills for it, reading efficiency factors, issues that can interact in early reading faze, characteristics of slow learners and strategies for work with them, connected with early reading faze.
The empirical part presents a training programm of help for a student in the second grade. His teacher has recognized a major learning issues when they were learning to read. Before he was putted in the training program, he was included in first level of Original working project of help, because of his slow learning, especially with early reading, writing, doing math and having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The teacher gave him a differentiation and individualization of the class, but this approach did not gave any results.
The functional abilities of the student were tested before and after the trainig program through different tests. Those tests were: a Test of reading and writing disorders, the Acadia test, the Evaluation Scheme reading achievement, the Rapid automated naming test, the Test of phonological awareness and Assessment of students' reading. Through the training program the student improved his phonological awareness (auditory discrimination, segmentation, synthesis, analysis, rhymes), recognition of letters and the associative connection betwen letters and phonemes. The student improved from alphabetical reading to read the syllable, partly bound reading. Reading became more fluent and correct. |
Secondary keywords: |
reading;special education;branje;pouk po prilagojenem programu; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijske pedagogika |
Pages: |
X, 96 f. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Development of pre-reading skills and beginning reading in slow learner |
Keywords (ePrints): |
učenci z učnimi težavami |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
slow learners |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V diplomskem delu je predstavljena problematika poučevanja začetnega branja pri učencih z učnimi težavami, ki počasneje usvajajo znanje.
V obdobju začetnega branja se pogosto pojavijo težave zaradi neusvojenih predbralnih veščin, kot so razumevanje koncepta tiska, sposobnosti pripovedovanja, besedni zaklad, poznavanje črk, vidno razločevanje, fonološko zavedanje ter interes za učenje branja. Na usvajanje branja vplivajo tudi kognitivni, perceptivni, socialno-kulturni, čustveno-motivacijski dejavniki ter dejavniki spomina in hitrega avtomatiziranega poimenovanja.
Začetno branje učencev z učnimi težavami, ki počasneje usvajajo znanja, je ob zgoraj naštetih dejavnikih še pod vplivom specifičnih dejavnikov, značilnih za to skupino otrok. Učenci z učnimi težavami, ki počasneje usvajajo znanja, počasneje procesirajo informacije in imajo težave na področju delovnega spomina, prostorskega in verbalnega spomina. Posledično potrebujejo več časa za usvojitev znanja, več ponavljanja, dodatnih razlag ter ponazoritev. Znanje moramo povezati z življenjskimi izkušnjami, s konkretnimi primeri, kar omogoča lažjo zapomnitev. Pomemben je sistematičen in multisenzorni pristop z natančnimi ter preprostimi navodili, razlagami in povratnimi informacijami. Delo naj bi bilo z vidika materialov in aktivnosti raznoliko ter zanimivo, kar poveča učno motivacijo in omogoča ohranjanje pozornosti učencev. Obstaja veliko strategij, ki se jih lahko poslužimo pri poučevanju. Naša izbira strategij pa je odvisna od potreb posameznega učenca.
V diplomskem delu je predstavljen razvoj branja, zanj potrebne predbralne veščine, dejavniki, ki vplivajo na bralno učinkovitost, težave, ki lahko nastopijo v obdobju začetnega branja, značilnosti skupine učencev z učnimi težavami, ki počasneje usvajajo znanje ter strategije za delo z njimi, vezane predvsem na področje začetnega branja.
V empiričnem delu je predstavljen program pomoči za učenca drugega razreda devetletne osnovne šole, pri katerem je učiteljica zaznala izrazitejše težave pri usvajanju branja. Pred vključitvijo v program pomoči je bil vključen v prvo stopnjo Izvirnega delovnega projekta pomoči zaradi počasnejšega usvajanja znanja, predvsem pri začetnem branju, pisanju in računanju ter motenj pozornosti s hiperaktivnostjo. Učiteljica je v sklopu pouka izvajala diferenciacijo in individualizacijo, kar pa težav ni odpravilo.
Učenčeve funkcionalne sposobnosti na področju branja in predbralnih veščin smo tako pred, kakor tudi po zaključenem programu pomoči, preverili s Testom motenosti v branju in pisanju, Testom sposobnosti ACADIA, Testom hitrega avtomatiziranega poimenovanja, Ocenjevalno shemo bralnih dosežkov učencev, Testom fonološkega zavedanja ter oceno učenčevega branja. Učenec je s pomočjo treninga izboljšal predbralne veščine fonološkega zavedanja (slušno razločevanje, razčlenjevanje, slušna sinteza, analiza, rimanje) ter izboljšal prepoznavanje črk in vzpostavitev asociativne zveze črka-glas. Učenec je iz branja s črkovanjem prešel na deloma vezano branje, deloma branje z zlogovanjem. Branje je postalo bolj tekoče in pravilno. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
This thesis presents the problem of teaching the early reading to slow learning students.
In the early stages of reading development we often encounter problems because of the non-reclaimed prerequisites for reading, such as understanding of the reading concept, narrative ability, vocabulary, recognition of letters, visual differentiation, phonological awareness and interest for learning to read. On the acquisition of reading also affect cognitive factors, perceptual factors, socio-cultural factors, emotional factors, motivation, memory factors and factors of rapid automatic naming.
Early reading by slow learning students, is under influence of specific factors, typical for this group of children. Slow learning students are slowly processing informations. They are also having problems with working memory, spatial memory and verbal memory. Consequently they need more time to achieve knowledge and more repetition. They also need additional explanations and visualizations. Teachers have to connect their knowledge with their life experiences and concrete examples, which facilitates memorization. Multisensory and systematic approach with precise and simple instructions, explanations and feedback information is very important. Work with slow learning students is expected to be diverse and interesting from the aspect of teaching utility and activity. This increase learning motivation and preserve consentration of a student. There are many strategies we can use. Our choice of strategies depends on needs of a specific student.
The thesis presents the development of reading, necesary prereading skills for it, reading efficiency factors, issues that can interact in early reading faze, characteristics of slow learners and strategies for work with them, connected with early reading faze.
The empirical part presents a training programm of help for a student in the second grade. His teacher has recognized a major learning issues when they were learning to read. Before he was putted in the training program, he was included in first level of Original working project of help, because of his slow learning, especially with early reading, writing, doing math and having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The teacher gave him a differentiation and individualization of the class, but this approach did not gave any results.
The functional abilities of the student were tested before and after the trainig program through different tests. Those tests were: a Test of reading and writing disorders, the Acadia test, the Evaluation Scheme reading achievement, the Rapid automated naming test, the Test of phonological awareness and Assessment of students' reading. Through the training program the student improved his phonological awareness (auditory discrimination, segmentation, synthesis, analysis, rhymes), recognition of letters and the associative connection betwen letters and phonemes. The student improved from alphabetical reading to read the syllable, partly bound reading. Reading became more fluent and correct. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
slow learners |
ID: |
8311558 |