Sekundarni jezik: |
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Sekundarni naslov: |
Training of basic arithmetics skills for pupil with dyspraxia |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Good artihmetic skills are very important, since we deal with different mathematical problems in our everyday life. These skills also affect our academic achievements. We often only focus on the child's good grades, and do not pay attention to the cause of his learning disabilities. To improve his artithmetic skills the pupil must first develop conceptual and procedural knowledge, metacognition, language skills.
Children with dyspraxia have to cope with many problems in their everday life. They usually excell in verbal language and phonology, but have a deficiency in the field of fine and gross motor skills, graphomotor skills, … We can see a developmental delay in the motor developement, troubles with visual perception, a pragmatic language impairment and understanding the nonverbal communication . They rarely play with their peers, and prefer to spend time with adults. The aforementioned competences are very important for a child's developement, and need to be sistematically improved, while supporting the child, since his failure can affect him badly.
A child can often have a combination of two learning disabilities, so we must know the fields in which he excels or deficits. It is important, to carefully specify the child's disabilities and plan the training accordingly. Only a well planned training, which also includes the child's strong point, will be successful.
In my thesis, I prepared a training for a 5th grader with arithmetic learning disabilities and dyspraxia. I focused on searching for strategies, that would help the pupil overcome his problems with arithmetics and other deficits, that are consequences of dyspraxia. The goal of the training was to improve the pupil's artihmetic skills and search for suitable strategies that help him solve arithmetic problems. Before the begining of the training I evaluated the pupil's academic abilities using different tests (Sugerman's Test, The 10-minute Test, Mathematical Screening Test, ACADIA), and based on the findings, I formulated the training. I met with the pupil once a week for two school periods, from January 2013 to April 2013. All the exercises were sistematically planned, because the pupil had not acquired any basic arithmetic skills prior to that, so we had to start by counting numbers. In April 2013, when we finished the training, I evaluated the pupil againg, using the same tests as I did before the training, and compared the results.
If I compare the initial and final results, I can see the pupil's improvement in all his academic areas. After the completed training the pupil now counts in sequences, calculates numbers to 10, using arithmetic facts, and has broadened the range of mathematical strategies (separating numbers to tens and units), which he uses in solving arithmetic problems in large scale numerical (to 100). With the training he sets some basic arithmetics skills (counting, calculating). |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
special education;pupil;pouk po prilagojenem programu;učenec; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijske pedagogika |
Strani: |
102 f. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Training of basic arithmetics skills for pupil with dyspraxia |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
dispraksija |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
dyspraxia |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Dobre aritmetične sposobnosti so zelo pomembne za življenje, saj se na vsakem koraku srečujemo s problemi, ki vključujejo števila, računanje. Vse te sposobnosti in spretnosti pa pomembno vplivajo tudi na dobre izobraževalne dosežke. Pogosto smo pri učencu osredotočeni le na dobre ocene, ne poiščemo pa vzrokov težav, če so prisotne. Za razvoj aritmetike mora učenec imeti ustrezno razvito konceptualno in proceduralno znanje, metakognicijo, jezikovne sposobnosti itd.. Učenec z dispraksijo se prav tako srečuje z mnogimi težavami, ki so povezane z vsakdanjim življenjem. Močni področji teh otrok sta verbalne sposobnosti in fonologija. Primanjkljaje pa imajo na področjih grobe in fino motorike, grafomotorike, opazni so tudi razvojni zaostanki na gibalnem področju, težave na področju vidno prostorskega zaznavanja, težave z razumevanjem pragmatičnega jezika in neverbalno komunikacijo. Redkeje se vključijo v igro z vrstniki, raje se družijo z odraslimi osebami. Tako je potrebno sistematično razvijanje potrebnih znanj in veščin, otroku nuditi ustrezno oporo, saj otrokov neuspeh vpliva na njegovo celostno funkcioniranje.
Pri nekaterih učencih je prisotna kombinacija dveh vrst učnih težav. Dobro moramo poznati otrokove primanjkljaje na obeh področjih in njegova močna področja. Pomembno je, da natančno določimo področja težav in načrtujemo pomoč ob upoštevanju njegovih posebnih potreb ter močnih področji, saj le dobro strukturiran trening prinese uspeh.
V diplomskem delu sem oblikovala trening za učenca petega razreda, ki ima dispraksijo ter aritmetične učne težave. Osredotočila sem se na iskanje strategij, ki bi učencu pomagale premagovati težave pri aritmetiki ter dispraksiji. Cilj treninga je bil izboljšati učenčeve aritmetične veščine, poiskati ustrezne strategije, ki bodo učencu v pomoč pri reševanju aritmetičnih problemov. Pred začetkom treninga sem s pomočjo testov (Sugarmanov test, 10-minutni test, Matematični presejalni test, ACADIA) pridobila začetno oceno o učenčevem funkcioniranju. Na podlagi ocene sem si zastavila cilje ter na podlagi teh ciljev oblikovala trening. Trening sem izvajala od januarja do aprila 2013, na učenčevem domu, enkrat tedensko po dve šolski uri. Ker učenec ni imel usvojenih osnovnih aritmetičnih veščin, sva začela s štetjem, nato so si vaje treninga sistematično sledile. Po končanem treningu sem konec meseca aprila 2013 ponovno ocenila učenčeva znanja in spretnosti ter primerjala rezultate, ki jih je učenec dosegel pred in po treningu. Pri učencu je opaziti napredek na vseh v trening vključenih področjih. Po treningu učenec šteje v zaporedjih, v obsegu do 10 računa s pomočjo priklica aritmetičnih dejstev, razširil je tudi obseg strategij (razdruževanje števil na desetice in enice), ki jih uporablja pri reševanju aritmetičnih problemov v večjem številskem obsegu (do 100). S treningom je učenec pridobil osnovna aritmetična znanja (štetje, računanje). |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
Good artihmetic skills are very important, since we deal with different mathematical problems in our everyday life. These skills also affect our academic achievements. We often only focus on the child's good grades, and do not pay attention to the cause of his learning disabilities. To improve his artithmetic skills the pupil must first develop conceptual and procedural knowledge, metacognition, language skills.
Children with dyspraxia have to cope with many problems in their everday life. They usually excell in verbal language and phonology, but have a deficiency in the field of fine and gross motor skills, graphomotor skills, … We can see a developmental delay in the motor developement, troubles with visual perception, a pragmatic language impairment and understanding the nonverbal communication . They rarely play with their peers, and prefer to spend time with adults. The aforementioned competences are very important for a child's developement, and need to be sistematically improved, while supporting the child, since his failure can affect him badly.
A child can often have a combination of two learning disabilities, so we must know the fields in which he excels or deficits. It is important, to carefully specify the child's disabilities and plan the training accordingly. Only a well planned training, which also includes the child's strong point, will be successful.
In my thesis, I prepared a training for a 5th grader with arithmetic learning disabilities and dyspraxia. I focused on searching for strategies, that would help the pupil overcome his problems with arithmetics and other deficits, that are consequences of dyspraxia. The goal of the training was to improve the pupil's artihmetic skills and search for suitable strategies that help him solve arithmetic problems. Before the begining of the training I evaluated the pupil's academic abilities using different tests (Sugerman's Test, The 10-minute Test, Mathematical Screening Test, ACADIA), and based on the findings, I formulated the training. I met with the pupil once a week for two school periods, from January 2013 to April 2013. All the exercises were sistematically planned, because the pupil had not acquired any basic arithmetic skills prior to that, so we had to start by counting numbers. In April 2013, when we finished the training, I evaluated the pupil againg, using the same tests as I did before the training, and compared the results.
If I compare the initial and final results, I can see the pupil's improvement in all his academic areas. After the completed training the pupil now counts in sequences, calculates numbers to 10, using arithmetic facts, and has broadened the range of mathematical strategies (separating numbers to tens and units), which he uses in solving arithmetic problems in large scale numerical (to 100). With the training he sets some basic arithmetics skills (counting, calculating). |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
dyspraxia |
ID: |
8311552 |