diplomsko delo
Dragana Jevtić (Author), Alenka Cemič (Mentor), Jera Gregorc (Co-mentor)


Predlogi za dejavnosti predšolskih otrok na Zelenici


hoja v gore;gibalne igre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Jevtić]
UDC: 373.2.016:796.5(043.2)
COBISS: 9692489 Link will open in a new window
Views: 877
Downloads: 340
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Suggestions for activity for preschool children on Zelenica
Secondary abstract: The focus of this thesis is on the significane of hiking for pre-school children. It is trying to establish which movement activities can be preformed on Zelenica, thus a list of suggestions for movement activities for pre-school children are presented. Such activities would diversify the stay or just a visit to Zelenica. With this purpose a monographic research method has been used, a detailed examinations of hiking trails to Zelenica has been conducted and the wider surroundings of the lodge and the accomodation on Zelenica have been studied. With the help of the descriptive method of educational research we have made a list of suggestions for movement activities in the lodge and its surroundings as well as a list of access ideas. Our basis has been the integrated development of pre-schoolers, considering all the developmental patterns which influence the teaching methods. We have tried to present mountain hiking to children as a game with choices, thus motivating the child as well as following the developmental patterns and enabling the right and optimal amount of everything. Mountain hiking should be at an easy and steady pace without stopping, being monotonous so that it can be endured longer. In pre-school period such pace is impossible, which is what adults accompaying childeren often forget, thus forcing children to go against themselves. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to show that considering the very nature of a child such problems can be avoided with suitable preparation. Such problems can even be resolved by introducing hiking as a game.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;open air activities;predšolski otrok;dejavnosti na prostem;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: V, 39 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Suggestions for activity for preschool children on Zelenica
Keywords (ePrints): hoja v gore
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): hiking
Abstract (ePrints): Z diplomskim delom želimo predstaviti pomen hoje v gore za predšolske otroke, ugotoviti, katere gibalne dejavnosti lahko izvajamo na Zelenici in podati predloge gibalnih dejavnosti za predšolske otroke, ki bi popestrile bivanje ali samo obisk na Zelenici. Uporabili smo monografsko metodo raziskovanja. Z natančnim pregledom planinskih poti, ki vodijo na Zelenico, preučitvijo širše okolice Doma na Zelenici in koče, smo z deskriptivno metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja izoblikovali predloge za gibalne dejavnosti v sami koči ter njeni okolici in podali ideje za dostop. Izhajali smo iz celostnega razvoja predšolskega otroka ter iz vseh razvojnih zakonitosti, ki vplivajo na metode poučevanja, hojo v vzpeti svet pa prenesli v predšolsko obdobje kot igro, ki otroku omogoča izbiro, spodbuja njegovo motiviranost, pri tem sledi temeljnim zakonitostim razvoja in omogoča njihovo optimalno doziranje. Hoja v vzpetem svetu naj bi bila enakomerna, brez ustavljanja, počasna in monotona, da lahko zdržimo čim dlje. V predšolskem obdobju pa taka hoja ni mogoča, na kar odrasli, kadar vodijo otroke s seboj, pogosto pozabijo, tako da velikokrat pride do raznih težav. Zato je namen tega dela, da s predstavitvijo in izhajanjem iz posameznih stopenj otrokovega razvoja pokažemo, da se takšnim problemom z ustrezno predpripravo lahko uspešno izognemo, z vpeljavo igre pa jih v konkretni situaciji lahko tudi odpravimo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The focus of this thesis is on the significane of hiking for pre-school children. It is trying to establish which movement activities can be preformed on Zelenica, thus a list of suggestions for movement activities for pre-school children are presented. Such activities would diversify the stay or just a visit to Zelenica. With this purpose a monographic research method has been used, a detailed examinations of hiking trails to Zelenica has been conducted and the wider surroundings of the lodge and the accomodation on Zelenica have been studied. With the help of the descriptive method of educational research we have made a list of suggestions for movement activities in the lodge and its surroundings as well as a list of access ideas. Our basis has been the integrated development of pre-schoolers, considering all the developmental patterns which influence the teaching methods. We have tried to present mountain hiking to children as a game with choices, thus motivating the child as well as following the developmental patterns and enabling the right and optimal amount of everything. Mountain hiking should be at an easy and steady pace without stopping, being monotonous so that it can be endured longer. In pre-school period such pace is impossible, which is what adults accompaying childeren often forget, thus forcing children to go against themselves. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to show that considering the very nature of a child such problems can be avoided with suitable preparation. Such problems can even be resolved by introducing hiking as a game.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): hiking
ID: 8311563