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Mojca Bilban (Author), Darija Skubic (Mentor)


Govorno-jezikovne motnje predšolskih otrok in vpliv staršev nanje




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Bilban]
UDC: 373.2:376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9697865 Link will open in a new window
Views: 813
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Speech disorders of preschool children and parents influence on them
Secondary abstract: The motivation to get a deeper insight into the speech and language disorder was its influence on person's general development and his/her self-image. In the theoretical part, the definition of speech, different phases in the speech development and factors which have an influence on them (with special attention to parents) are presented. The most extensive is the chapter where I write about preschool children’s speech and language disorders. Empirical part contains questions for preeschool childrens parents and their answers. I asked them about speech and language disorders, their awareness of these disorders for childs development, if they think that they are important factor in childs speech development, did they speak to a specialist and who that was, do they think it's important for every kindergarten to have speech and language specialist. I conclude with the conclusions, which emphasize the importance of parents in a child's speech and language development, highlight the results of the study and suggest measures to improve the current situation.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;speech defect;predšolski otrok;govorna motnja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: II, 46 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Speech disorders of preschool children and parents influence on them
Keywords (ePrints): govor
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): speech
Abstract (ePrints): Govorno-jezikovne motnje sem želela podrobneje proučiti zaradi pečata, ki ga pustijo na človeku, njegovi samopodobi, razvoju na drugih področjih in nenazadnje na celotnem njegovem delovanju. V teoretičnem delu sem se posvetila razlagi samega pojma govora, podrobneje sem opisala dejavnike, ki vplivajo na razvoj govora, še posebej starše, in opisala faze govornega razvoja. Najpomembnejše in tudi najbolj obsežno pa je poglavje o govorno-jezikovnih motnjah, ki se lahko pojavijo pri predšolskem otroku. V empiričnem delu sem izvedla anketo, ki so jo anonimno izpolnjevali starši predšolskih otrok. Želela sem dobiti vpogled v dejansko stanje zavedanja staršev o govorno-jezikovnih motnjah, njihovi razširjenosti, vrstah, zanimalo me je tudi, ali starši menijo, da so pomemben dejavnik v otrokovem govornem razvoju, kaj lahko naredijo, če opazijo govorno-jezikovne motnje, ali so se posvetovali s strokovnjakom in kdo je to bil. Zanimalo me je tudi, ali so seznanjeni z delom logopeda in če menijo, da bi moralo biti v vsakem vrtcu mesto logopeda sistemizirano. Diplomsko delo sklenem s sklepnimi ugotovitvami, kjer poudarim pomembnost staršev v otrokovem govorno-jezikovnem razvoju, izpostavim rezultate raziskave in predlagam ukrepe za izboljšanje aktualne situacije.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The motivation to get a deeper insight into the speech and language disorder was its influence on person's general development and his/her self-image. In the theoretical part, the definition of speech, different phases in the speech development and factors which have an influence on them (with special attention to parents) are presented. The most extensive is the chapter where I write about preschool children’s speech and language disorders. Empirical part contains questions for preeschool childrens parents and their answers. I asked them about speech and language disorders, their awareness of these disorders for childs development, if they think that they are important factor in childs speech development, did they speak to a specialist and who that was, do they think it's important for every kindergarten to have speech and language specialist. I conclude with the conclusions, which emphasize the importance of parents in a child's speech and language development, highlight the results of the study and suggest measures to improve the current situation.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): speech
ID: 8311594