diplomsko delo
Manca Farkaš (Author), Darja Zorc-Maver (Mentor), Urška Benčič (Co-mentor)


Doživljajska pedagogika v osnovni šoli


doživljajska pedagogika;izkustveno učenje;prosti čas;odnosi;odraščanje;igra;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Farkaš]
UDC: 37.013.42(043.2)
COBISS: 9882185 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3140
Downloads: 278
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Experiential pedagogy in primary school
Secondary abstract: This thesis begins with a theoretic part which observes the contemporary life of children, teenagers and young adults through the eyes of different authors. Special emphasis is placed on difficulties of growing up and their consequences. Further focus is put on topics of free time use, human relations, meaning of games and playing, team work, and the effect of sport for appropriate motoric functions’ development. This thesis analyses primary school, which is part of every human being's life. Analysis focuses on the basic goal of elementary education and its role in children upbringing. Specialists have critical views of traditional teaching forms, which are also brought forward. The method of experiential pedagogy is presented in more detail, since it is an alternative option, a sort of an exit from everyday life, and routine student teaching. The second, empirical part can be further divided into two. An experiment of introducing the method of experiential pedagogy into teaching, which was carried out in a chosen primary school, is presented in one part. The project was named Weekend of Experiential Pedagogy for Nine-graders. After the project, the pupils answered questions of a fully structured interview, the interview for teachers and the principal was on the other hand half structured. The interviews checked the effects of this method on the school work after the project and the project’s role as a school for life. They also put into view the consequences of the project for relationships between students themselves, between teachers and students, and the possibilities for future incorporation of this method into the program of the primary school. The results showed stronger and tighter relationships between the students and the teacher, students’ interrelations also improved; stigmatization and exclusion were less frequent after the project with experimental pedagogy. Many positive effects of this approach were quite obvious, as pupils tried out new experience, they took on responsibility, discovered new facts about themselves, enhanced the group thrust, embraced the presence of others, and formed knowledge of appropriate human contacts. Also the teachers gained new knowledge and new ideas for further work with students. The possibilities of introducing the method of experiential pedagogy into primary school are numerous: hours for class community forming, days for extracurricular activities, additional professional help for talented pupils and for pupils with emotional and behavioural disorders, school’s additional offers etc. The problem seems to be primarily that the school workers are not familiar with this method. Therefore a structured presentation of this method for the teachers would be crucial, as they could carry it out on numerous occasions with some additional help of external associates.
Secondary keywords: growth;primary school;rast;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 113 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Experiential pedagogy in primary school
Keywords (ePrints): doživljajska pedagogika
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): experiential pedagogy
Abstract (ePrints): Teoretični del diplomske naloge s pomočjo različnih avtorjev odpira temo življenja otrok in mladostnikov v današnjem času. Izpostavljene so težave v odraščanju in njihove posledice. Posebej poglobljena področja so: način preživljanja prostega časa, odnosi, pomen igre in timskega dela ter vpliv športne dejavnosti za motoričen razvoj vsakega posameznika. Posebno mesto v diplomski nalogi ima osnovna šola, ki se dotakne vsakega človeka. Preverja se torej, kakšen je temeljni cilj osnovnega šolanja ter kakšne so vzgojne dejavnosti. Posebej je predstavljena metoda doživljajske pedagogike, kot dopolnilo tradicionalnim oziroma klasičnim oblikam pouka in nekakšen izhod iz vsakdana ter oblik pristopa do učencev, ki predstavljajo že nekakšno rutino. Empirični del pa je sestavljen iz dveh delov, in sicer v osnovni šoli je bil izveden poskus vpeljave metode doživljajske pedagogike. Opisan je projekt, ki je potekal po tej metodi, tako imenovani Vikend doživljajske pedagogike za devetošolce. Po izpeljanem projektu se je s pomočjo strukturiranih intervjujev z učenci ter polstrukturiranih intervjujev z učiteljicama in ravnateljico preverjalo, kakšne učinke je imela ta metoda na nadaljnje šolsko delo in kot šola za življenje, kakšni so bili vplivi na odnose, med učenci ter med učenci in učiteljico ter kakšne so možnosti vpeljave te metode v osnovno šolo. Po uporabi metode doživljajske pedagogike se opaža krepitev in bolj poglobljen odnos med učiteljico in učenci, tudi učenci se med seboj zbližajo, zmanjša se proces stigmatizacije in izključevanja. Opaža se veliko pozitivnih učinkov takšnega pristopa, saj se učenci preizkusijo v novih preizkušnjah, prevzemajo odgovornost, odkrivajo nova spoznanja o sebi, v skupini se krepi občutek zaupanja, bližine in primernega dotika. Učiteljice dobijo nova znanja in izhodišča za nadaljnje delo z učenci. Možnosti za vpeljavo doživljajske pedagogike v osnovno šolo je več (ure oddelčne skupnosti, dnevi dejavnosti, dodatna strokovna pomoč za nadarjene in učence z vedenjskimi težavami, dodatna ponudba šole …), primarno pa je težava že to, da zaposleni metode ne poznajo, zato bi bilo ključnega pomena metodo predstaviti osnovnošolskim učiteljem, ki bi jo lahko kasneje s pomočjo zunanjih izvajalcev tudi izvajali.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): This thesis begins with a theoretic part which observes the contemporary life of children, teenagers and young adults through the eyes of different authors. Special emphasis is placed on difficulties of growing up and their consequences. Further focus is put on topics of free time use, human relations, meaning of games and playing, team work, and the effect of sport for appropriate motoric functions’ development. This thesis analyses primary school, which is part of every human being's life. Analysis focuses on the basic goal of elementary education and its role in children upbringing. Specialists have critical views of traditional teaching forms, which are also brought forward. The method of experiential pedagogy is presented in more detail, since it is an alternative option, a sort of an exit from everyday life, and routine student teaching. The second, empirical part can be further divided into two. An experiment of introducing the method of experiential pedagogy into teaching, which was carried out in a chosen primary school, is presented in one part. The project was named Weekend of Experiential Pedagogy for Nine-graders. After the project, the pupils answered questions of a fully structured interview, the interview for teachers and the principal was on the other hand half structured. The interviews checked the effects of this method on the school work after the project and the project’s role as a school for life. They also put into view the consequences of the project for relationships between students themselves, between teachers and students, and the possibilities for future incorporation of this method into the program of the primary school. The results showed stronger and tighter relationships between the students and the teacher, students’ interrelations also improved; stigmatization and exclusion were less frequent after the project with experimental pedagogy. Many positive effects of this approach were quite obvious, as pupils tried out new experience, they took on responsibility, discovered new facts about themselves, enhanced the group thrust, embraced the presence of others, and formed knowledge of appropriate human contacts. Also the teachers gained new knowledge and new ideas for further work with students. The possibilities of introducing the method of experiential pedagogy into primary school are numerous: hours for class community forming, days for extracurricular activities, additional professional help for talented pupils and for pupils with emotional and behavioural disorders, school’s additional offers etc. The problem seems to be primarily that the school workers are not familiar with this method. Therefore a structured presentation of this method for the teachers would be crucial, as they could carry it out on numerous occasions with some additional help of external associates.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): experiential pedagogy
ID: 8311889
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