doktorska disertacija
Jana Grah (Author), Marija Kavkler (Mentor), Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič (Co-mentor)


Soustvarjanje spodbudnega učnega okolja za učence z učnimi težavami


učno okolje;inkluzija;timsko soustvarjanje;ocenjevanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Grah]
UDC: 376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9898313 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1078
Downloads: 217
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Creating a supportive learning environment for students with learning difficulties
Secondary abstract: Co-building of supporting learning environment for the learners with learning difficulties is one of the 21st century inclusive school’s elements. Since the physical presence of learners with learning difficulties in the classroom does not self-evidently lead to an effective co-operation and implementation of 21st century inclusive school, I have dedicated my doctor thesis to the establishment of supporting learning environment for the learners with learning difficulties in primary school with the co-building strategy research. The supporting learning environment for the learners with learning difficulties represents an opportunity for all – learners, educators, parents and professional workers, to gain positive experience in education and training process. The table of contents of the theoretical introduction has been organised in a way that it represents a number of elements of inclusive conceptual framework for implementation of the Slovene 5-step model of learning support for learners with learning difficulties. I have represented the legal basis for education and training process of learners with learning difficulties and rights of the child, integration and inclusion, the development of the inclusive practice and partner relationship with parents in an inclusive school. Further on, special education and training needs of learners with learning difficulties have been represented and the types and subgroups of learning difficulties – precisely learners with general and specific learning difficulties have been described. Being aware of them is the key factor for performing help and for the realization of changes in the learning environment according to 5-step model of learning support. We can accomplish the changes in the learning environment in the context of inclusion according to 5-step model of learning support by co-building a supporting physical, social, didactical and curricular learning environment. The introduction itself concludes with the representation of elements of learning environment and important statements regarding these elements. The concept of team co-building defines the professional worker and the learner as co-builders of the supporting process. The project of supporting learners with learning difficulties defines the co-building as a process, in which we have to identify and analyse the student’s knowledge and needs as much as the elements, which have to be secured in the learning environment. Among the most frequent barriers for the successful inclusion of learners with learning difficulties in education and training system of primary school are general beliefs and viewpoints, the conservative school tradition, insufficient qualification of teachers for detecting and treating learners with learning difficulties, small support of team work by school management and special educational system, insufficient willingness of schools and society to accept changes, which are needed for implementation of inclusion with the help of co-building the encouraging learning environment in school. Professional workers’ attitudes towards learners have to be changed and active participation of learners with learning difficulties in the supporting process has to increase. (Mitchell, 2008; Viola, 2006; Čačinovič Vogrinčič, 2011) That is why the sample of the empirical part of my doctor thesis includes professional workers, learners and parents, with whom I have researched and formed a supporting learning environment in a primary school. One goal of the present doctor thesis is a systematic assessment of the learning environment elements. The analysis of the situation represents the starting-point for the change of physical, didactic, curricular and social learning environment with the help of co-building of conditions according to 5-step model of learning support. I wanted to: (1) ascertain how individual groups of professional workers with regard to their role in the primary school (headmasters, teachers of primary schools of 1st-5th grade and 6th-9th grade, counsellors and mobile special-pedagogic service), parents and learners assess the learning environment, (2) to identify and research the latent structures of groups and differences among comprehension and possible stereotypical comprehension of learning environment among individual groups, (3) to identify the differences and connectivity among counsellors̕ perceptions, learners and parents on the basis of criterion variable, while only a common vision and co-building between them can lead to the development of supporting physical, didactic, curricular and social learning environment in the primary school. I have also been looking for the answers to questions and statements regarding which elements of the supporting learning environment can be found in the primary school and which conclusions can be drawn on the basis of results of supporting learning environment’s co-building realization in primary school according to 5-step model of learning support. The research sample presented two groups of people. The first group, included in the quantitative part of the research, consisted of 786 people (323 professional workers, 244 learners and 219 parents), who gave, with the help of survey questionnaire, the assessment of supporting learning environment situation. The second group, included in the qualitative part of the research, consisted of 209 people (99 counsellors, 60 learners with learning difficulties and 50 parents) from 38 primary schools, who studied in their practical work the co-building of the supporting learning environment in the first three steps of 5-step model of learning support. In the research, the quantitative and qualitative have been used for the processing of statistical data, namely: basic parametric statistics for describing the sample and survey of the whole sample of variables; frequency distribution of all variables from particulars to answers and arithmetic mean; standard deviation for numerical answers; factor analysis for determination of questionnaire’s validity and reliability; canonical discriminant analysis of differences among several answers according to the individual group for discovering latent structures; χ2-test; Levene’s test of homogeneity of variance; t-test; variance analysis; a posteriori comparisons with the Hochberg’s GT2 test and Games-Howell’s test. In the empirical part, an evaluation of the learning environment has been prepared for the research, assessment and development of elements of the learning environment, which has shown statistically important differences among the professional workers, learners and parents in the manifest and latent structure of the answers about learning environment and the use of co-building strategy. Professional workers, learners and parents assess elements of the physical learning environment (the organization and equipment of the school and classrooms), didactic and curricular learning environment differently, especially those connected to the field of knowledge examination and assessment. The most obvious differences are in the social learning environment element evaluations, which are reflected in the school relation experiences and in paying respect to abilities of learners with learning difficulties. The characteristics and the course of events with various possible experiences and treatment of professional workers, learners and parents have been discovered. I have formed corresponding descriptions of supporting learning environment co-building for learners with learning difficulties, illustrations and explanations, which describe the path to a different, inclusive school of the 21st century. The results of the variance and discriminant analysis as the value of discriminant functions prove statistically important differences among the answers of the professional workers, learners and parents. The key element regarding the change of self-evidence in the organization, mentality and treatment with the goal of greater connection and understanding among them for the welfare of the learner with learning difficulties is the abolishment of one of the established differences between the groups regarding the statement: “School professional workers respect the learners and trust in their abilities.” (F1=0.681; F2=-0.295) I have ascertained that professional workers, learners and parents are in the process of changing their viewpoints, mentality and treatment, but they differ in their opinion about respecting special education and training needs of learners with learning difficulties. From the comparison of the answers’ latent structure of the individual groups it is clear that professional workers want the realization of changes in the learning environment in the direction of 21st century inclusive school implementation, but they do not have the sufficient knowledge to discover the characteristics and special needs as they do not have the sufficient knowledge to perform strategies of good teaching practice. Professional workers do not include or do not include enough the learners into the process of support. Co-building is a process in which a safe learning environment, promotion and evaluation of professional workers, learners and parents are established, but it is still not optimally developed in school. Professional workers, learners and parents need to be more connected with each other or invited to form a common vision to continue the changing process of the learning environment together and to include the learners in the process and respect them. That is why they a numerous opportunities have to be offered to them which enable them to make an analysis of the present situation and which enable them to develop the co-building process at realization of changes in learning environment in primary school. The research has made it possible to make the analysis of the present learning environment situation, which contributes to a better understanding of the supporting learning environment’s development perspective in primary school with the help of co-building strategy of professional workers, learners and parents. The research itself draws our attention to the barriers and defects in supporting learning environment’s co-building process and it lays stress on the meaning of forming and maintaining the co-creative relations at school. The contribution to the scientific development of special and rehabilitation pedagogy is in research and development of the supporting learning environment for learners with learning difficulties in primary school with the help of co-building strategy. In the empirical part, the doctor thesis contributes to the development of the pedagogical theory and practice with the presentation of examples of supporting learning environment’s co-building good practice and expressing the experience and opinion of professional workers, learners and parents. The applicative contribution of the doctor thesis is in the empirical part of the thesis, expressed by forming of instruments, used for the research, evaluation and development of the learning environment elements and realization of changes in teaching practice. I present a way of supporting learning environment’s co-building for learners with learning difficulties at primary school.
Secondary keywords: learning;learning difficulty;pupil;backward child;učenje;učne težave;učenec;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: 333 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Creating a supportive learning environment for students with learning difficulties
Keywords (ePrints): inkluzivna vzgoja in izobraževanje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): inclusive education
Abstract (ePrints): Soustvarjanje spodbudnega učnega okolja za učence z učnimi težavami je eden od elementov inkluzivne šole 21. stoletja. Fizična prisotnost učencev z učnimi težavami v razredu ne vodi samoumevno do učinkovitega sodelovanja in doseganja inkluzivne šole 21. stoletja, zato doktorsko disertacijo namenjam raziskavi razvoja spodbudnega učnega okolja za učence z učnimi težavami v osnovni šoli v procesu soustvarjanja. Spodbudno učno okolje za učence z učnimi težavami pomeni priložnost za vse, učence, učitelje, starše in strokovne delavce, da pridobijo pozitivne izkušnje v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu. Vsebinske sklope teoretičnega uvoda sem uredila tako, da sem sestavila številne elemente inkluzivnega konceptualnega okvirja za uresničevanje slovenskega petstopenjskega modela nudenja pomoči učencem z učnimi težavami (Magajna, Kavkler, Čačinovič, Pečjak, Bregar Golobič, 2008b). Predstavljam zakonske osnove vzgoje in izobraževanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami in otrokove pravice, integracijo in inkluzijo, razvoj inkluzivne prakse ter partnerski odnos s starši v inkluzivni šoli. Nadaljujem s predstavitvijo posebnih vzgojno-izobraževalnih potreb učencev z učnimi težavami, opisujem tipe in podskupine učnih težav, natančneje učence s splošnimi in specifičnimi učnimi težavami. Poznavanje le-teh je namreč ključni dejavnik za izvajanje pomoči in uresničevanje sprememb v učnem okolju v petstopenjskem modelu nudenja pomoči. Spremembe v učnem okolju v smeri inkluzije lahko v petstopenjskem modelu nudenja pomoči dosežemo s soustvarjanjem spodbudnega fizičnega, socialnega, didaktičnega in kurikularnega učnega okolja. Teoretični uvod zato zaključujem s predstavitvami elementov učnega okolja in pomembnih ugotovitev o teh elementih. Koncept timskega soustvarjanja opredeljuje strokovnega delavca in učenca kot soustvarjalca v procesu pomoči. Soustvarjanje pojmuje projekt pomoči učencu z učnimi težavami kot proces, v katerem je potrebno opredeliti in raziskovati učenčevo znanje in potrebe ter elemente, ki jih je potrebno zagotoviti v učnem okolju. Med najpogostejše ovire za uspešno vključevanje učencev z učnimi težavami v vzgojno-izobraževalno delo v osnovni šoli štejem splošna prepričanja in stališča, konservativno tradicijo šol, nezadostno usposobljenost učiteljev za odkrivanje in obravnavo učencev z učnimi težavami, premajhno podporo timskega dela s strani vodstev šol in specialnega šolstva, nezadostno pripravljenost šol in družbe na spremembe, ki jih zahteva uresničevanje inkluzije s pomočjo soustvarjanja spodbudnega učnega okolja v šoli. Nujne so spremembe odnosa strokovnih delavcev do učenca in povečanje dejavne udeleženosti učencev z učnimi težavami v procesih pomoči (Mitchell, 2005 v Kavkler, 2009, str. 2; Viola, 2006 v Kavkler 2009, str. 2; Čačinovič Vogrinčič, 2011). V empiričnem delu doktorske disertacije sem zato v vzorec oseb vključila strokovne delavce, učence in starše, s katerimi sem raziskovala in oblikovala spodbudno učno okolje v osnovni šoli. Eden od ciljev doktorske disertacije je sistematično ocenjevanje elementov učnega okolja. Analiza stanja namreč predstavlja izhodišče za spremembe fizičnega, didaktičnega, kurikularnega in socialnega učnega okolja s pomočjo soustvarjanja razmer v petstopenjskem modelu nudenja pomoči. Želela sem ugotoviti, kako posamezne skupine strokovnih delavcev glede na vlogo v osnovni šoli (ravnatelji, učitelji razrednega in predmetnega pouka, svetovalni delavci, mobilna specialno-pedagoška služba), starši in učenci ocenjujejo učno okolje, identificirati in raziskati latentne strukture skupin in razlike v pojmovanjih in morebitna stereotipna razumevanja učnega okolja med posameznimi skupinami. Na osnovi kriterijskih spremenljivk pa identificirati razlike in povezanost med percepcijami strokovnih delavcev, učencev ter staršev, ker le skupna vizija in soustvarjalni odnos med njimi vodi k razvoju spodbudnega fizičnega, didaktičnega, kurikularnega in socialnega učnega okolja v osnovni šoli. Iskala sem tudi odgovore na vprašanja in trditve, katere elemente spodbudnega učnega okolja ugotavljamo v osnovni šoli ter katere sugestije lahko izpeljemo na osnovi rezultatov za uresničevanje soustvarjanja spodbudnega učnega okolja v osnovni šoli v petstopenjskem modelu nudenja pomoči. V vzorec raziskave sta bili zajeti dve skupini oseb. Prvo skupino, ki se je vključila v kvantitativni del raziskave, je sestavljalo 786 oseb (323 strokovnih delavcev, 244 učencev in 219 staršev), ki so s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika podale oceno stanja na področju učnega okolja. Od tega je drugo skupino, ki se je vključila v kvalitativni del raziskave, sestavljalo 209 oseb (99 strokovnih delavcev, 60 učencev z učnimi težavami ter 50 staršev) iz osemintridesetih osnovnih šol, ki so v praktičnem delu v dveh šolskih letih raziskovali soustvarjanje spodbudnega učnega okolja na prvih treh korakih petstopenjskega modela nudenja pomoči. V raziskavi so bili uporabljene kvantitativne in kvalitativne statistične metode obdelave podatkov, in sicer: osnovna parametrijska statistika za opis vzorca in prikaz celotnega vzorca spremenljivk, frekvenčna razporeditev vseh spremenljivk od generalij do odgovorov ter aritmetične sredine in standardni odkloni za numerično izražene odgovore, faktorska analiza za določanje veljavnosti in zanesljivosti vprašalnika, kanonična diskriminantna analiza razlik v posameznih odgovorih glede na posamezno skupino, za ugotavljanje latentnih struktur, χ2-test, Levenejev F-test homogenosti varianc, t-test, analiza variance, aposteriorne primerjave s Hochbergovim GT2 testom in z Games-Howellovim testom. V empiričnem delu je bila v raziskovanju, ocenjevanju in razvoju elementov učnega okolja pripravljena ocena učnega okolja, ki je pokazala statistično pomembne razlike med strokovnimi delavci, učenci in starši v manifestni in latentni strukturi odgovorov o učnem okolju ter o uporabi soustvarjanja v šolski praksi. Strokovni delavci, učenci in starši različno ocenjujejo elemente fizičnega učnega okolja (urejenost in opremljenost šole in učilnic), didaktičnega in kurikularnega učnega okolja, predvsem tiste, ki so povezane s področjem preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja. Najbolj izrazite so razlike v ocenah elementov socialnega učnega okolja, ki se odražajo pri doživljanju odnosov v šoli ter spoštovanju zmožnosti in sposobnosti učencev z učnimi težavami. Odkrite so značilnosti in poteki dogodkov z različnimi možnostmi doživljanja ter ravnanja strokovnih delavcev, učencev in staršev. Oblikovani so ustrezni opisi soustvarjanja spodbudnega učnega okolja za učence z učnimi težavami, pojasnitve in razlage, ki opisujejo pot do drugačne, inkluzivne šole 21. stoletja. Rezultati analize variance in diskriminantne analize ter vrednost diskriminatnih funkcij dokazujejo statistično pomembne razlike med odgovori strokovnih delavcev, učencev in staršev. Za ključno pri spreminjanju samoumevnosti v organizaciji, mišljenju in ravnanju strokovnih delavcev, učencev in staršev, s ciljem večjega povezovanja in razumevanja med njimi v dobrobit učenca z učnimi težavami, štejem odpravljanje ene izmed ugotovljenih razlik med skupinama pri trditvi »Strokovni delavci šole spoštujejo učence in zaupajo v njihove sposobnosti.« (F1=0,681; F2=-0,295). Ugotavljam, da strokovni delavci, učenci in starši so v procesu spreminjanja stališč, mišljenja in ravnanja, vendar se razlikujejo v mnenjih o spoštovanju posebnih vzgojno-izobraževalnih potreb učencev z učnimi težavami. Iz primerjave latentnih struktur odgovorov posameznih skupin je razvidno, da strokovni delavci želijo uresničevanje sprememb učnega okolja v smeri oblikovanja inkluzivne šole 21. stoletja, vendar nimajo dovolj znanja za odkrivanje značilnosti in posebnih potreb ter za izvajanje strategij dobre poučevalne prakse. Strokovni delavci premalo vključujejo oziroma sploh ne vključujejo učenca v proces pomoči. Soustvarjanje je proces, s pomočjo katerega se sicer zagotavljajo pogoji za učenje, napredovanje in vrednotenje dela strokovnih delavcev, učencev in staršev, vendar v šoli še ni optimalno razvit (Čačinovič Vogrinčič, 2008; Grah, 2009). Strokovne delavce, učence in starše je potrebno bolj povezati oziroma povabiti, da oblikujejo skupno vizijo, da skupaj nadaljujejo proces spreminjanja učnega okolja in v proces pomoči vključijo in spoštujejo učenca. Zato jim je potrebno ponuditi čim več priložnosti, ki jim omogočijo analizo stanja ter razvoj procesa soustvarjanja za pridobivanje pozitivnih izkušenj pri uresničevanju sprememb v učnem okolju v osnovni šoli. Raziskava je omogočila analizo stanja učnega okolja, ki prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju perspektive razvoja spodbudnega učnega okolja v osnovni šoli v procesu soustvarjanja strokovnih delavcev, učencev in staršev. Opozarja na ovire in pomanjkljivosti pri soustvarjanju spodbudnega učnega okolja, poudarja pomen oblikovanja in vzdrževanja soustvarjalnega odnosa v šoli. Prispevek k znanstvenemu razvoju specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike je zajet v raziskovanju in razvijanju spodbudnega učnega okolja za učence z učnimi težavami v osnovni šoli v procesu soustvarjanja. Doktorska disertacija v empiričnem delu prispeva k razvoju pedagoške teorije in prakse s predstavitvijo primerov dobre prakse soustvarjanja spodbudnega učnega okolja, z izražanjem izkušenj in mnenj strokovnih delavcev, učencev in staršev. Aplikativni doprinos doktorske disertacije je v oblikovanju instrumentarija, s katerim smo v empiričnem delu raziskovali, ocenjevali in razvijali elemente učnega okolja ter uresničevali spremembe v poučevalni praksi. Predstavljam način soustvarjanja spodbudnega učnega okolja za učence z učnimi težavami osnovni šoli.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Co-building of supporting learning environment for the learners with learning difficulties is one of the 21st century inclusive school’s elements. Since the physical presence of learners with learning difficulties in the classroom does not self-evidently lead to an effective co-operation and implementation of 21st century inclusive school, I have dedicated my doctor thesis to the establishment of supporting learning environment for the learners with learning difficulties in primary school with the co-building strategy research. The supporting learning environment for the learners with learning difficulties represents an opportunity for all – learners, educators, parents and professional workers, to gain positive experience in education and training process. The table of contents of the theoretical introduction has been organised in a way that it represents a number of elements of inclusive conceptual framework for implementation of the Slovene 5-step model of learning support for learners with learning difficulties. I have represented the legal basis for education and training process of learners with learning difficulties and rights of the child, integration and inclusion, the development of the inclusive practice and partner relationship with parents in an inclusive school. Further on, special education and training needs of learners with learning difficulties have been represented and the types and subgroups of learning difficulties – precisely learners with general and specific learning difficulties have been described. Being aware of them is the key factor for performing help and for the realization of changes in the learning environment according to 5-step model of learning support. We can accomplish the changes in the learning environment in the context of inclusion according to 5-step model of learning support by co-building a supporting physical, social, didactical and curricular learning environment. The introduction itself concludes with the representation of elements of learning environment and important statements regarding these elements. The concept of team co-building defines the professional worker and the learner as co-builders of the supporting process. The project of supporting learners with learning difficulties defines the co-building as a process, in which we have to identify and analyse the student’s knowledge and needs as much as the elements, which have to be secured in the learning environment. Among the most frequent barriers for the successful inclusion of learners with learning difficulties in education and training system of primary school are general beliefs and viewpoints, the conservative school tradition, insufficient qualification of teachers for detecting and treating learners with learning difficulties, small support of team work by school management and special educational system, insufficient willingness of schools and society to accept changes, which are needed for implementation of inclusion with the help of co-building the encouraging learning environment in school. Professional workers’ attitudes towards learners have to be changed and active participation of learners with learning difficulties in the supporting process has to increase. (Mitchell, 2008; Viola, 2006; Čačinovič Vogrinčič, 2011) That is why the sample of the empirical part of my doctor thesis includes professional workers, learners and parents, with whom I have researched and formed a supporting learning environment in a primary school. One goal of the present doctor thesis is a systematic assessment of the learning environment elements. The analysis of the situation represents the starting-point for the change of physical, didactic, curricular and social learning environment with the help of co-building of conditions according to 5-step model of learning support. I wanted to: (1) ascertain how individual groups of professional workers with regard to their role in the primary school (headmasters, teachers of primary schools of 1st-5th grade and 6th-9th grade, counsellors and mobile special-pedagogic service), parents and learners assess the learning environment, (2) to identify and research the latent structures of groups and differences among comprehension and possible stereotypical comprehension of learning environment among individual groups, (3) to identify the differences and connectivity among counsellors̕ perceptions, learners and parents on the basis of criterion variable, while only a common vision and co-building between them can lead to the development of supporting physical, didactic, curricular and social learning environment in the primary school. I have also been looking for the answers to questions and statements regarding which elements of the supporting learning environment can be found in the primary school and which conclusions can be drawn on the basis of results of supporting learning environment’s co-building realization in primary school according to 5-step model of learning support. The research sample presented two groups of people. The first group, included in the quantitative part of the research, consisted of 786 people (323 professional workers, 244 learners and 219 parents), who gave, with the help of survey questionnaire, the assessment of supporting learning environment situation. The second group, included in the qualitative part of the research, consisted of 209 people (99 counsellors, 60 learners with learning difficulties and 50 parents) from 38 primary schools, who studied in their practical work the co-building of the supporting learning environment in the first three steps of 5-step model of learning support. In the research, the quantitative and qualitative have been used for the processing of statistical data, namely: basic parametric statistics for describing the sample and survey of the whole sample of variables; frequency distribution of all variables from particulars to answers and arithmetic mean; standard deviation for numerical answers; factor analysis for determination of questionnaire’s validity and reliability; canonical discriminant analysis of differences among several answers according to the individual group for discovering latent structures; χ2-test; Levene’s test of homogeneity of variance; t-test; variance analysis; a posteriori comparisons with the Hochberg’s GT2 test and Games-Howell’s test. In the empirical part, an evaluation of the learning environment has been prepared for the research, assessment and development of elements of the learning environment, which has shown statistically important differences among the professional workers, learners and parents in the manifest and latent structure of the answers about learning environment and the use of co-building strategy. Professional workers, learners and parents assess elements of the physical learning environment (the organization and equipment of the school and classrooms), didactic and curricular learning environment differently, especially those connected to the field of knowledge examination and assessment. The most obvious differences are in the social learning environment element evaluations, which are reflected in the school relation experiences and in paying respect to abilities of learners with learning difficulties. The characteristics and the course of events with various possible experiences and treatment of professional workers, learners and parents have been discovered. I have formed corresponding descriptions of supporting learning environment co-building for learners with learning difficulties, illustrations and explanations, which describe the path to a different, inclusive school of the 21st century. The results of the variance and discriminant analysis as the value of discriminant functions prove statistically important differences among the answers of the professional workers, learners and parents. The key element regarding the change of self-evidence in the organization, mentality and treatment with the goal of greater connection and understanding among them for the welfare of the learner with learning difficulties is the abolishment of one of the established differences between the groups regarding the statement: “School professional workers respect the learners and trust in their abilities.” (F1=0.681; F2=-0.295) I have ascertained that professional workers, learners and parents are in the process of changing their viewpoints, mentality and treatment, but they differ in their opinion about respecting special education and training needs of learners with learning difficulties. From the comparison of the answers’ latent structure of the individual groups it is clear that professional workers want the realization of changes in the learning environment in the direction of 21st century inclusive school implementation, but they do not have the sufficient knowledge to discover the characteristics and special needs as they do not have the sufficient knowledge to perform strategies of good teaching practice. Professional workers do not include or do not include enough the learners into the process of support. Co-building is a process in which a safe learning environment, promotion and evaluation of professional workers, learners and parents are established, but it is still not optimally developed in school. Professional workers, learners and parents need to be more connected with each other or invited to form a common vision to continue the changing process of the learning environment together and to include the learners in the process and respect them. That is why they a numerous opportunities have to be offered to them which enable them to make an analysis of the present situation and which enable them to develop the co-building process at realization of changes in learning environment in primary school. The research has made it possible to make the analysis of the present learning environment situation, which contributes to a better understanding of the supporting learning environment’s development perspective in primary school with the help of co-building strategy of professional workers, learners and parents. The research itself draws our attention to the barriers and defects in supporting learning environment’s co-building process and it lays stress on the meaning of forming and maintaining the co-creative relations at school. The contribution to the scientific development of special and rehabilitation pedagogy is in research and development of the supporting learning environment for learners with learning difficulties in primary school with the help of co-building strategy. In the empirical part, the doctor thesis contributes to the development of the pedagogical theory and practice with the presentation of examples of supporting learning environment’s co-building good practice and expressing the experience and opinion of professional workers, learners and parents. The applicative contribution of the doctor thesis is in the empirical part of the thesis, expressed by forming of instruments, used for the research, evaluation and development of the learning environment elements and realization of changes in teaching practice. I present a way of supporting learning environment’s co-building for learners with learning difficulties at primary school.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): inclusive education
ID: 8311897
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