diplomska naloga
Alen Šabić (Author), Maruška Šubic Kovač (Mentor), Tomo Cerovšek (Thesis defence commission member), Živa Kristl (Thesis defence commission member), Jana Šelih (Thesis defence commission member), Matija Polajnar (Co-mentor)


Razmerje med neprofitno in prosto oblikovano najemnino za stanovanja v Mestni občini Ljubljana


gradbeništvo;VSŠ-OG;diplomska dela;prosto oblikovana najemnina;neprofitna najemnina;stanovanjska politika;stanovanjski sklad Mestne občine Ljubljana;tržno najemno stanovanje;neprofitno najemno stanovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [A. Šabić]
UDC: 338.465:332.872.3(497.4Ljubljana)(043.2)
COBISS: 5629793 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2963
Downloads: 680
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrelationship between non-profit and freely formed apartment rent in the Municipality of Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: The graduation thesis present Acts that contributed to the development of the housing policy in Slovenia from 2000 onward. The main focus of the thesis is on the different types of rentals. Prices of profit rentals are determined freely, wich is not the case for the non - profit rentals, where the price of the rental is determined according to the Housing Act. Rents for aparments in Municipality of Ljubljana are analysed in details. Comparison between advertised freely formed rent and non-profit rent is included. Correlations between the crucial elements that influence the particular rental type and the way in wich they interact are presented. The data for the advertised freely formed rentals were gathered from various internet advertising sources and non-profit rentals were gathered from the database of the Housing Fund of the Municipality of Ljubljana. Advertised rental price is mainly influenced by the location of the apartment, its surface area and its age; on the other hand non-profit rent of the apartment mainly by it's age and the apartment's surface area. The methodology to determine non-profit rent of the apartment and the praxis in Municipality of Ljubljana namely show that the location of the apartment is not taken into account in the calculation. The analisys of the above mentioned rents showed that the advertised freely formed rents per unit are in the average almost four times higher than non-profit rents.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;freely formed rent;non-profit rent;housing policy;Housing Fund of the Municipality of Ljubljana;market rental apartment;non-profit rental apartment;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XII, 54 str., [14] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The relationship between non-profit and freely formed apartment in the municipality of Ljubljana
Keywords (ePrints): prosto oblikovana najemnina;neprofitna najemnina;stanovanjska politika;stanovanjski sklad Mestne občine Ljubljana;tržno najemno stanovanje;neprofitno najemno stanovanje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): freely formed rent;non - profit rent;housing policy;Housing Fund of the Municipality of Ljubljana;market rental apartment;non - profit rental apartment
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni zakoni, ki so oblikovali stanovanjsko politiko v Sloveniji od leta 2000 do danes. Najemnina za tržna, službena in namenska najemna stanovanja se oblikuje prosto glede na tržne razmere, za neprofitna pa v skladu z zakonom po veljavni metodologiji. Podrobneje je izdelana analiza stanovanjskih najemnin za Mestno občino Ljubljana, kjer je izdelana primerjava in analiza za oglaševano prosto oblikovano najemnino in neprofitno najemnino. Predstavljeni so bistveni elementi, ki vplivajo na posamezno vrsto najemnine, in primerjava med njimi. Podatke za oglaševano prosto oblikovano najemnino sem pridobil na internetu, za neprofitno najemnino pa iz evidenc javnega stanovanjskega sklada Mestne občine Ljubljana. Predpostavljal sem, da bodo na prosto oblikovano najemnino vplivali predvsem lokacija, površina stanovanja in starost, na neprofitno najemnino pa predvsem starost in površina stanovanja. Metodologija za določanje neprofitne najemnine in praksa v Mestni občini Ljubljana namreč kažeta, da se v izračunu ne upošteva lokacije stanovanja. Analiza navedenih najemnin je pokazala, da so oglaševane prosto oblikovane najemnine na enoto v povprečju skoraj štirikrat višje kot neprofitne najemnine.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The graduation thesis present Acts that contributed to the development of the housing policy in Slovenia from 2000 onward. The main focus of the thesis is on the different types of rentals. Prices of profit rentals are determined freely, wich is not the case for the non - profit rentals, where the price of the rental is determined according to the Housing Act. Rents for aparments in Municipality of Ljubljana are analysed in details. Comparison between advertised freely formed rent and non-profit rent is included. Correlations between the crucial elements that influence the particular rental type and the way in wich they interact are presented. The data for the advertised freely formed rentals were gathered from various internet advertising sources and non-profit rentals were gathered from the database of the Housing Fund of the Municipality of Ljubljana. Advertised rental price is mainly influenced by the location of the apartment, its surface area and its age; on the other hand non-profit rent of the apartment mainly by it's age and the apartment's surface area. The methodology to determine non-profit rent of the apartment and the praxis in Municipality of Ljubljana namely show that the location of the apartment is not taken into account in the calculation. The analisys of the above mentioned rents showed that the advertised freely formed rents per unit are in the average almost four times higher than non-profit rents.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): freely formed rent;non - profit rent;housing policy;Housing Fund of the Municipality of Ljubljana;market rental apartment;non - profit rental apartment
ID: 8312098