diplomska naloga
Tomislav Kekec (Author), Aleš Breznikar (Mentor), Miran Kuhar (Thesis defence commission member), Dušan Kogoj (Thesis defence commission member), Miran Brumec (Co-mentor)


Natančnost geodetskih načrtov


geodezija;diplomska dela;geodetski načrt;natančnost;podatkovni sloj;terenska izmera;topografija;zemljiški kataster;gospodarska javna infrastruktura;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [T. Kekec]
UDC: 528.48(043.2)
COBISS: 5379169 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2005
Downloads: 873
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Accuracy of the geodetic plans
Secondary abstract: This thesis investigates whether it is possible to give an overall assessment of the accuracy of geodetic plan. The introductory part presents the legal basis of geodetic plan and its definition under the Regulations of Land Survey Maps and Topographic Key. The content of the geodetic plan and description of geodetic and surveying information sources which are the graphical part of geodetic plan are introduced in the second part. This part also describes the types of land survey plans, as they are required under applicable law. The central part of the thesis is to estimate the accuracy of geodetic plan. The introductory chapter describes the work of estimating the accuracy of geodetic works, but the accuracy assessment resources that are used in the manufacture of geodetic plans are described in the second part. It is necessary to make such a division because the accuracy of the data layer depends directly on the origin of the creation of it. Some words in the thesis are also on experiences in manufacturing of geodetic plans. The collected information were submitted by the authorized operators of certain public infrastructure because this data was taken over during the manufacturing of geodetic plan and we had no control on it. A specific meaning is ascribed to communications between the client and final users of geodetic plan and geodetic companies in the process of manufacturing. In conclusion, it is suggested how the accuracy should be displayed in the certificate of geodetic plan.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;geodesy;geodetic plan;accuracy;data layer;field measurement;topography;land register;economic public infrastructure;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: X, 69 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Accuracy of the geodetic plans
Keywords (ePrints): geodetski načrt;natančnost;podatkovni sloj;terenska izmera;topografija;zemljiški kataster;gospodarska javna infrastruktura
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): geodetic plan;accuracy;data layer;field measurement;topography;land register;economic public infrastructure
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi je raziskano ali je možno podati skupno oceno natančnosti geodetskega načrta. V uvodnem delu je predstavljena zakonska podlaga geodetskega načrta in njegova opredelitev po Pravilniku o geodetskem načrtu in Topografskem ključu. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena vsebina geodetskega načrta in opis virov oziroma geodetskih podlag, ki sestavljajo grafični del geodetskega načrta. V tem delu so tudi opisane vrste geodetskih načrtov, kot jih predpisuje veljavna zakonodaja. Osrednji del diplomske naloge je ocena natančnosti geodetskega načrta. V uvodnem delu poglavja je opisano podajanje ocene natančnosti pri geodetskih delih, v nadaljevanju pa so po sklopih opisane ocene natančnosti virov, ki jih uporabljamo pri izdelavi geodetskih načrtov. Takšna razdelitev je nujna, saj je natančnost podatkovnega sloja neposredno odvisna od izvora nastanka le-tega. Nekaj besed je v diplomskem delu namenjeno izkušnjam pri izdelavi geodetskih načrtov. Zbrane so informacije, ki so jih posredovali nekateri pooblaščeni upravljavci gospodarske javne infrastrukture, saj so to podatki, ki jih v izdelavi geodetskega načrta prevzamemo in nanje nimamo vpliva. V procesu izdelave je določen pomen pripisan komunikaciji med naročnikom oziroma končnim uporabnikom geodetskega načrta in geodetskim podjetjem. V zaključku diplomske naloge je podan predlog, kako naj se natančnost prikaže v certifikatu geodetskega načrta.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): This thesis investigates whether it is possible to give an overall assessment of the accuracy of geodetic plan. The introductory part presents the legal basis of geodetic plan and its definition under the Regulations of Land Survey Maps and Topographic Key. The content of the geodetic plan and description of geodetic and surveying information sources which are the graphical part of geodetic plan are introduced in the second part. This part also describes the types of land survey plans, as they are required under applicable law. The central part of the thesis is to estimate the accuracy of geodetic plan. The introductory chapter describes the work of estimating the accuracy of geodetic works, but the accuracy assessment resources that are used in the manufacture of geodetic plans are described in the second part. It is necessary to make such a division because the accuracy of the data layer depends directly on the origin of the creation of it. Some words in the thesis are also on experiences in manufacturing of geodetic plans. The collected information were submitted by the authorized operators of certain public infrastructure because this data was taken over during the manufacturing of geodetic plan and we had no control on it. A specific meaning is ascribed to communications between the client and final users of geodetic plan and geodetic companies in the process of manufacturing. In conclusion, it is suggested how the accuracy should be displayed in the certificate of geodetic plan.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): geodetic plan;accuracy;data layer;field measurement;topography;land register;economic public infrastructure
ID: 8312172