diplomska naloga
Tine Logonder (Author), Matjaž Dolšek (Mentor), Alojzij Juvanc (Thesis defence commission member), Drago Saje (Thesis defence commission member), Tomo Cerovšek (Co-mentor)


Uporabnost informacijskega modela zgradbe za potresno analizo


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;medopravilnost;informacijski model zgradbe;BIM;IFC;objektno podprto modeliranje;modalna analiza;potresna analiza;armirano-betonska konstrukcija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [T. Logonder]
UDC: 004.6:624.042.7:659.2(043.2)
COBISS: 4854369 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2234
Downloads: 539
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Applicability of the building information model for seizmic analysis
Secondary abstract: Complexity of structural projects increases and consequently more and more experts are involved in the design and construction process. These facts lead to the need to enhance the interoperability between software tools used in the design and construction process of structure. For that reason the standard IFC (IFC - Industry Foundation Classes, a basic industrial classes) has been developed, which aims to standardize the presentation of buildings data. In the thesis the methods for ensuring the interoperability are firstly described. In the next part the applicability of information models of buildings, designed in tools for objectbased parametric modelling and for seismic analysis of structures, are investigated. Based on the information model of reinforced-concrete industrial building, created in architectural modeling tool (Allplan), the possibility of imports of information models in software tools for static and dynamic analysis of structures, was studied. In addition, the adequacy of obtained analysis model (SCIA Engineer) for the purpose of modal analysis was estimated. The result of modal analysis based on the building information model and that based on “hand made” analysis model were compared and also validated by the two “hand made” analysis models in the program ETABS. It can be concluded that the building information model, which was created in Allplan, is sufficient. On the other hand the seismic analysis performed by using the Scia Engineer software is not appropriate.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;interoperability;building information model;BIM;IFC;object-based modeling;modal amalysis;seismic analysis;reinforced-concrete structure;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 113 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Applicability of the building information model for seismic analysis
Keywords (ePrints): medopravilnost;BIM;IFC;objektno podprto modeliranje;projektiranje potresno odpornih konstrukcij;modalna analiza;potresna analiza;armirano-betonska konstrukcija
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): interoperability;BIM;IFC;object-based modeling;design of earthquake resistant structures;modal analysis;seismic analysis;reinforced-concrete structure
Abstract (ePrints): Dvig zahtevnosti projektov in vse večja delitev dela pri izvajanju gradbenih projektov sta dejstvi, ki vodita k potrebi po vse večji interoperabilnosti med programskimi orodji, uporabljenimi v procesu. Kot eden izmed načinov zagotavljanja interoperabilnosti je standard IFC (IFC – Industry foundation classes; temeljni industrijski razredi), katerega namen je standardizacija predstavitve podatkov o zgradbah. Po začetnem opisu načinov zagotavljanja interoperabilnosti, se v diplomski nalogi ukvarjamo z raziskovanjem uporabnosti informacijskih modelov zgradb, zasnovanih v orodjih za objektno podprto parametrično modeliranje in potresno analizo konstrukcij. Na podlagi informacijskega modela armiranobetonskega industrijskega objekta, izdelanega v orodju za arhitekturno modeliranje (Allplan), smo preučevali moţnosti uvoza informacijskih modelov v programska orodja za statično in dinamično analizo konstrukcij in ugotavljali ustreznost tako pridobljenih računskih modelov za izvedbo modalne analize. Za ovrednotenje primernosti smo modalno analizo naredili še na »ročno« izdelanem računskem modelu v istem programu ter na dveh »ročno« zasnovanih računskih modelih v programskem orodju ETABS. Uporabnost je bila vsaj iz vidika izdelave računskega modela potrjena, vendar pa tega ne moremo trditi za primernost izvedene modalne analize, kjer se je pokazala predvsem neustreznost programskega orodja SCIA Engineer za izvajanje potresne analize.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Complexity of structural projects increases and consequently more and more experts are involved in the design and construction process. These facts lead to the need to enhance the interoperability between software tools used in the design and construction process of structure. For that reason the standard IFC (IFC - Industry Foundation Classes, a basic industrial classes) has been developed, which aims to standardize the presentation of buildings data. In the thesis the methods for ensuring the interoperability are firstly described. In the next part the applicability of information models of buildings, designed in tools for objectbased parametric modelling and for seismic analysis of structures, are investigated. Based on the information model of reinforced-concrete industrial building, created in architectural modeling tool (Allplan), the possibility of imports of information models in software tools for static and dynamic analysis of structures, was studied. In addition, the adequacy of obtained analysis model (SCIA Engineer) for the purpose of modal analysis was estimated. The result of modal analysis based on the building information model and that based on “hand made” analysis model were compared and also validated by the two “hand made” analysis models in the program ETABS. It can be concluded that the building information model, which was created in Allplan, is sufficient. On the other hand the seismic analysis performed by using the Scia Engineer software is not appropriate.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): interoperability;BIM;IFC;object-based modeling;design of earthquake resistant structures;modal analysis;seismic analysis;reinforced-concrete structure
ID: 8312226