diplomska naloga
Blaž Hrast (Author), Janez Žmavc (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Violeta Bokan-Bosiljkov (Thesis defence commission member), Dejan Hribar (Co-mentor), Zvonko Cotič (Co-mentor)


Hladna reciklaža obstoječih cest - stabiliziranje z različnimi vezivi


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;voziščna konstrukcija;stabilizacija;vezivo;vezana nosilna plast;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [R. Pavlin]
UDC: 625:656.1:691.16(043.2)
COBISS: 5842017 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3327
Downloads: 881
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Cold recycling of existing roads - stabilization with different binders
Secondary abstract: The first part of the thesis describes different methods for reconstruction worn-out roads with focus on solving structural deformations with deep-cold recycling. It is also describing causes for pavement distress. Recycling of damaged pavement structures is implemented in such manner that the whole asphalt pavement and a part of stone material (unbound bearing course) are cut-off, and relevant quantity of binder (foamed bitumen, cement, lime…) is added. As a result we produce thick, hardened layers that are homogenous and have no weak interfaces between thinner pavement structure layers, as it is in case of e.g. conventionally produced pavement structures. The stabilised material becomes more supporting and more resistant to freezing. Disposal facilities for worn-out material are not necessary, and required volume of new material is minimal. The second part presents my experimental assignment, which was made in company Primorje d.d. from Ajdovščina. Job-mix formulas were prepared in the laboratory with recycled material from a local road. Researches with different binders were confirming to SIST EN 14227-1:2005. Stabilised mixtures were classified into strength classes by compressive strength and by direct tensile strength and the module of elasticity.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;pavement structure;stabilization;binder;roadbase;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 66 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Cold recycling of existing roads - stabilization with different binders
Keywords (ePrints): voziščna konstrukcija;stabilizacija;vezivo;vezana nosilna plast
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): pavement structure;stabilization;binder;roadbase
Abstract (ePrints): V prvem delu naloge so opisani različni postopki obnove dotrajanih cest s poudarkom na reševanju strukturnih poškodb z globoko reciklažo po hladnem postopku. Opisani so tudi vzroki za nastanek poškodb voziščnih konstrukcij. Reciklaža poškodovanih voziščnih konstrukcij se izvede tako, da se odrezka celotno asfaltno vozišče, del kamnitega materiala (nevezane nosilne plasti) in doda ustrezno količino veziva (penjeni bitumen, cement, apno …). Kot rezultat ustvarimo debele strjene plasti, ki so homogene in ne vsebujejo šibkih vmesnih ploskev med tanjšimi plastmi voziščne konstrukcije kot npr. v konvencionalno izdelanih voziščnih konstrukcijah. Stabiliziran material je veliko bolj nosilen in zmrzlinsko odporen. Odlagališča izrabljenega materiala niso potrebna, potrebna količina novega materiala je minimalna. V drugem delu je predstavljena moja eksperimentalna naloga, ki je bila izdelana v podjetju Primorje d.d. iz Ajdovščine. Izdelane so bile laboratorijske sestave stabilizacijskih mešanic iz recikliranega materiala voziščne konstrukcije lokalne ceste. Raziskave z različnimi hidravličnimi vezivi so potekale skladno s standardom SIST EN 14227-1:2005. Stabilizirane mešanice so bile klasificirane v trdnostne razrede glede na tlačno trdnost in glede na kombinacijo natezne trdnosti in modula elastičnosti.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The first part of the thesis describes different methods for reconstruction worn-out roads with focus on solving structural deformations with deep-cold recycling. It is also describing causes for pavement distress. Recycling of damaged pavement structures is implemented in such manner that the whole asphalt pavement and a part of stone material (unbound bearing course) are cut-off, and relevant quantity of binder (foamed bitumen, cement, lime…) is added. As a result we produce thick, hardened layers that are homogenous and have no weak interfaces between thinner pavement structure layers, as it is in case of e.g. conventionally produced pavement structures. The stabilised material becomes more supporting and more resistant to freezing. Disposal facilities for worn-out material are not necessary, and required volume of new material is minimal. The second part presents my experimental assignment, which was made in company Primorje d.d. from Ajdovščina. Job-mix formulas were prepared in the laboratory with recycled material from a local road. Researches with different binders were confirming to SIST EN 14227-1:2005. Stabilised mixtures were classified into strength classes by compressive strength and by direct tensile strength and the module of elasticity.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): pavement structure;stabilization;binder;roadbase
ID: 8312442