diplomska naloga
Simon Novak (Author), Peter Lipar (Mentor), Tomo Cerovšek (Thesis defence commission member), Jure Kostanjšek (Thesis defence commission member)


Povečanje zaznavnosti in preglednosti križišč


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;VSŠ;križišča;zaznavnost;preglednost;zasaditev;pravila;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [S. Novak]
UDC: 625.739:656.1(043.2)
COBISS: 6016609 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1149
Downloads: 464
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Detection and transparency increase of intersections
Secondary abstract: People are not able to drive within the limits we have set to ourself. One of the biggest problems in the road traffic is excessive speed and failure to comply with the road traffic regulations. We need to realize that in Slovenia, more than 50% of all accidents happen at the intersections. At the intersection we have different road users and their paths intersect or combine, so it is very important to ensure the safety of them. There are a variety of devices and measures for successful traffic calming in these areas and, consequently, increase security and detection intersections themselves. We distinguish visual action steps to help calm the market before the "critical" points and increase detection using traffic signs. In the end I will present possible solutions.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;intersections;detectability;transparency;planting;rules;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: X,42 str., 10 pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Detection and Transparency increase of Intersections
Keywords (ePrints): križišča;zaznavnost;preglednost;zasaditev;pravila
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): intersections;detectability;transparency;planting;rules
Abstract (ePrints): Ljudje nismo sposobni voziti v okvirih, ki smo si jih sami določili. Eden največjih problemov v cestnem prometu je neprilagojena hitrost in neupoštevanje cestnoprometnih predpisov. Potrebno se je zavedat, da se v Sloveniji več kot 50% vseh prometnih nesreč zgodi ravno v križiščih. Na križišču se križajo ali združujejo poti najrazličnejših prometnih udeležencev, tako da je zelo pomembno, da zagotovimo varnost le-teh. Poznamo vrsto naprav in ukrepov za uspešno umiritev prometa na teh območjih ter posledično povečanje varnosti in zaznavnosti samih križišč. Ločimo vizualne ukrepe, ukrepe s pomočjo katerih umirimo promet pred "kritičnimi" točkami in povečanje zaznavnosti s pomočjo prometnih znakov. Na koncu bom s pomočjo ukrepov na primerih predstavil možne rešitve.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): People are not able to drive within the limits we have set to ourself. One of the biggest problems in the road traffic is excessive speed and failure to comply with the road traffic regulations. We need to realize that in Slovenia, more than 50% of all accidents happen at the intersections. At the intersection we have different road users and their paths intersect or combine, so it is very important to ensure the safety of them. There are a variety of devices and measures for successful traffic calming in these areas and, consequently, increase security and detection intersections themselves. We distinguish visual action steps to help calm the market before the "critical" points and increase detection using traffic signs. In the end I will present possible solutions.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): intersections;detectability;transparency;planting;rules
ID: 8312540