diplomska naloga
Klemen Stropnik (Author), Anka Lisec (Mentor), Dušan Kogoj (Thesis defence commission member), Samo Drobne (Co-mentor)


Prostorska analiza trga kmetijskih zemljišč v Sloveniji v obdobju 2007-2011


geodezija;diplomska dela;GIG;kmetijska zemljišča;trg kmetijskih zemljišč;regresija;prostorska regresija;metoda najmanjših kvadratov;prostorsko utežena regresija;občine;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [K. Stropnik]
UDC: 332:528.46:711.2/.4(043.2)
COBISS: 6381153 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2321
Downloads: 600
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Spatial analysis of agricultural land market in Slovenia in 2007-2011
Secondary abstract: This thesis analyses the agricultural land market in Slovenia between 2007 and 2011. We examined the influence of the chosen factors on the price of agricultural land at municipality level using two regression methods: the global method of ordinary least squares and the local method of geographically weighted regression. Here, we analysed how the distance of municipalities from chosen centres in the country, population, employment rate and average gross personal income, the size of the net dwelling area in a municipality, the municipality's budget, the age structure of a municipality's population and the average prices of flats and houses in a municipality influence the average price of agricultural land in a municipality. At the inter-municipality level, the average price of a flat and the average price of a house in a municipality proved to be important impacts, and the influence of distance from the capital among other factors. In the diploma thesis, we also describe spatial distribution of influences of the individual factor, which significantly shaped the price of agricultural land in the years we looked at.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;geodesy;GIG;agricultural land;agricultural land market;regression;spatial regression;ordinary least squares (OLS);geographically weighted regression (GWR);municipality;Slovenia;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XII, 35 str., 5 pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Spatial analysis of agricultural land market in Slovenia in 2007 - 2011
Keywords (ePrints): kmetijska zemljišča;trg kmetijskih zemljišč;regresija;prostorska regresija;metoda najmanjših kvadratov;prostorsko utežena regresija;občine;Slovenija
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): agricultural land;agricultural land market;regression;spatial regression;ordinary least squares (OLS);geographically weighted regression (GWR);municipality;Slovenia
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi smo analizirali trg kmetijskih zemljišč v Sloveniji med letoma 2007 in 2011. Vpliv izbranih dejavnikov na ceno kmetijskega zemljišča smo analizirali na občinski ravni z dvema regresijskima metodama: z globalno metodo najmanjših kvadratov in z lokalno metodo prostorsko utežene regresije. Pri tem smo analizirali vpliv naslednjih dejavnikov na povprečno ceno kmetijskega zemljišča v občini: oddaljenost občin od izbranih središč v državi, število prebivalcev, zaposlenost in povprečen bruto osebni dohodek, koristne stanovanjske površine v občini, proračun občine in starostno strukturo v občini ter povprečne cene stanovanja in hiše. Na obravnavani medobčinski ravni sta se kot pomembnejša izkazala vpliva povprečne cene stanovanj in povprečne cene hiš v občini, od ostalih dejavnikov pa vpliv oddaljenosti občine do prestolnice. V delu prikažemo tudi prostorsko razporeditev jakosti vpliva posameznega dejavnika, ki je značilno vplival na ceno kmetijskega zemljišča po obravnavanih letih.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): This thesis analyses the agricultural land market in Slovenia between 2007 and 2011. We examined the influence of the chosen factors on the price of agricultural land at municipality level using two regression methods: the global method of ordinary least squares and the local method of geographically weighted regression. Here, we analysed how the distance of municipalities from chosen centres in the country, population, employment rate and average gross personal income, the size of the net dwelling area in a municipality, the municipality's budget, the age structure of a municipality's population and the average prices of flats and houses in a municipality influence the average price of agricultural land in a municipality. At the inter-municipality level, the average price of a flat and the average price of a house in a municipality proved to be important impacts, and the influence of distance from the capital among other factors. In the diploma thesis, we also describe spatial distribution of influences of the individual factor, which significantly shaped the price of agricultural land in the years we looked at.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): agricultural land;agricultural land market;regression;spatial regression;ordinary least squares (OLS);geographically weighted regression (GWR);municipality;Slovenia
ID: 8312873