diplomska naloga
Urban Čepon (Author), Boris Kompare (Mentor), Dušan Žagar (Thesis defence commission member), Tjaša Griessler Bulc (Co-mentor)


Analiza delovanja čistilnih naprav za odpadne vode pri planinskih kočah


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;VKI;čistilna naprava za odpadno vodo;čistilna naprava;planinske koče;zakonodaja;fiyikalno-kemijske meritve;kemijske analize;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [U. Čepon]
UDC: 696.139:628.287 (043.2)
COBISS: 6406241 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2887
Downloads: 710
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Performance analysis of wastewater treatment plants for mountain lodges
Secondary abstract: The thesis is based on independent chemical analyses, on-site analyses and field sampling. It includes seven selected wastewater treatment plants at mountain lodges. At each plant the author conducted three sets of winter analyses and two sets of summer analyses. The research includes 200 hours of field work in the mountains. Before conducting the analyses it was necessary to catalogue all wastewater treatment plants at Slovenian Alpine Association's mountain lodges and on this basis choose a representative sample of wastewater treatment plants for further research. The thesis interfer widely with Slovenian environment with exact, analytical review of Slovenian legislation about small wastewater treatment plants. The results are generally applicable to all small wastewater treatment plants while mountain-related are stressed separately. The thesis monitored 20 parameters at inflow and outflow of wastewater treatment plants all around Slovenia. Propositional improvements for concrete plants are made on this data. The great amount of data acquired in the research is of great help for further scientific research. The thesis also includes proposals and questions for improvement of Slovenian legislation, proposals for wastewater treatment plants producers as well as proposals to improve and to make on-site samplings and measures uniform. It also includes proposals for further investors of wastewater treatment plants in mountain environment.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;wastewater treatment plant;sewage plants;alpine environment;mountain lodges;legislation;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 99 str., 2 pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Performance analysis of wastewater treatment plants for mountain lodges
Keywords (ePrints): čistilna naprava za odpadno vodo;čistilna naprava;planinske koče;zakonodaja;fizikalno-kemijske meritve;kemijske analize
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Wastewater treatment plant;sewage plants;alpine environment;mountain lodges;legislation
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomska naloga temelji na samostojni izvedbi terenskih fizikalno-kemijskih meritev ter vzorčenj in kemijskih analiz odpadne vode na sedmih izbranih čistilnih napravah pri planinskih kočah. Na vsaki napravi so bili izvedeni trije krogi zimskih meritev, vzorčenj in analiz ter dva kroga poletnih. Skupaj je bilo izvedenih 200 ur terenskih raziskav v gorskem svetu. Pred tem je bilo potrebno izvesti popis vseh čistilnih naprav na kočah Planinske zveze Slovenije, na podlagi katerega je bil izbran reprezentativni vzorec čistilnih naprav za nadaljnjo raziskavo. Naloga tudi širše poseže v slovenski prostor z natančnim, analitskim pregledom zakonodaje o malih komunalnih čistilnih napravah (v nadaljevanju MKČN). Izsledki so splošni za vse MKČN v Sloveniji, posebej pa so poudarjene ugotovitve v povezavi z gorskim svetom. Analiziranih je 20 parametrov vtočnih in iztočnih vrednosti sedmih čistilnih naprav, lociranih širom Slovenije, na katerih temeljijo predlogi izboljšav za posamezne čistilne naprave. Z analizo tako velikega števila parametrov vtočnih kot tudi iztočnih vrednosti je sama naloga bogat vir podatkov za nadaljnje študije čistilnih naprav na občutljivih območjih. Poleg konkretnih predlogov izboljšav, so v diskusiji podani predlogi in odprta vprašanja za izboljšanje slovenske zakonodaje o MKČN, predlogi za projektante in proizvajalce čistilnih naprav, ter predlogi za izboljšanje in poenotenje terenskih meritev in vzorčenj. Podani so tudi nasveti vsem bodočim investitorjem čistilnih naprav v gorskem svetu.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The thesis is based on independent chemical analyses, on-site analyses and field sampling. It includes seven selected wastewater treatment plants at mountain lodges. At each plant the author conducted three sets of winter analyses and two sets of summer analyses. The research includes 200 hours of field work in the mountains. Before conducting the analyses it was necessary to catalogue all wastewater treatment plants at Slovenian Alpine Association's mountain lodges and on this basis choose a representative sample of wastewater treatment plants for further research. The thesis interfer widely with Slovenian environment with exact, analytical review of Slovenian legislation about small wastewater treatment plants. The results are generally applicable to all small wastewater treatment plants while mountain-related are stressed separately. The thesis monitored 20 parameters at inflow and outflow of wastewater treatment plants all around Slovenia. Propositional improvements for concrete plants are made on this data. The great amount of data acquired in the research is of great help for further scientific research. The thesis also includes proposals and questions for improvement of Slovenian legislation, proposals for wastewater treatment plants producers as well as proposals to improve and to make on-site samplings and measures uniform. It also includes proposals for further investors of wastewater treatment plants in mountain environment.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Wastewater treatment plant;sewage plants;alpine environment;mountain lodges;legislation
ID: 8313022