diplomska naloga
Andrej Hercog (Author), Boris Kompare (Mentor), Dušan Žagar (Thesis defence commission member), Matjaž Četina (Thesis defence commission member), Darko Drev (Co-mentor), Tjaša Griessler Bulc (Co-mentor)


Livno Polje v Bosni in Hercegovini je največje kraško polje na svetu. Spada med Mokrišča mednarodnega pomena, zaščitena z Ramsarsko konvencijo (The List of Wetlands…, 2013). Reko Cetino, ki teče preko polja, dolvodno uporabljajo za pripravo pitne vode. Na Livnem polju leži naselje Grborezi s približno 1000 prebivalci, ki nima urejenega čiščenja odpadnih voda. Naselje ima novozgrajeno kanalizacijo, ki pa se končuje z betonskem usedalnikom volumna 5 m3, od koder odpadna voda prosto izteka v površinski odvodnik Cetino. Izgradnja čistilne naprave na tem mestu je ključnega pomena za varstvo zaščitenega območja Livno Polje in kvaliteto pitne vode dolvodno. Mednarodna organizacija je izdelala strokovno študijo, v kateri je izpostavljena rastlinska čistilna naprava kot najprimernejša tehnologija za to lokacijo (Gotovac in sod., 2008). Na podlagi usmeritev študije (Gotovac in sod., 2008) in obstoječega idejno tehnološkega projekta št. 48/09 (Ameršek, 2010), smo izdelali nalogo v obliki projekta za izvedbo rastlinske čistilne. Predlagan sistem čiščenja vključuje mehansko predčiščenje ter sedem gred s podpovršinskim tokom vode, zasajenih z navadnim trstom (Phragmites australis). Da bi dosegli optimalno učinkovitost čiščenja, smo uporabili kombinacijo gred z vertikalnim in horizontalnim tokom. Predvideli smo tudi protipoplavno zaščito celotnega sistema. Naloga zajema tehnološki in tehnični opis vseh delov rastlinske čistilne naprave, načrte, popis del in projektantsko oceno investicije. Takšna čistilna naprava bi bila optimalna rešitev problematike odpadnih voda naselja Grborezi, tako z vidika zaščite naravnega okolja in pitne vode, kot tudi s finančnega vidika.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;rastlinske čistilne naprave;projekt za izvedbo;vertikalni podpovršinski tok;horizontalni podpovršinski tok;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [A. Hercog
UDC: 57.017:628.32(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 6659937 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3000
Downloads: 916
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Constructed wetland Grborezi
Secondary abstract: Livanjsko Field in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the largest karst field in the world. It is on the list of Wetlands of International Importance, protected under the Ramsar Convention (The List of Wetlands…, 2013). The river Cetina which runs through the field is downstream used for drinking water preparation. In the Livno Field there is a settlement Grborezi with approximately 1000 residents and no sewage treatment. The settlement has new sewage system, ending in a small concrete septic tank of 5 m3 in volume for primary treatment, with outlet into surface water Cetino. Constructing the wastewater treatment system at this location is of key importance for conservation of protected environment Livno Polje as well as downflow drinking water quality. Professional study of this case was made by international organizations, all of them concluding that constructed wetlands are the most appropriate technology (Gotovac in sod., 2008). Based on the study (Gotovac in sod., 2008) and an existing outline scheme number 48/09 (Ameršek, 2010), we made a detailed design of constructed wetland. The proposed system consists of mechanical pretreatment and seven reed beds with subsurface flow. The combination of vertical and horizontal flow treatment wetland was used to achieve optimal efficiency. Anti-flood measures were also considered. The thesis consists of technological and technical descriptions of treatment components, detailed design, list of materials and cost estimate. This kind of wastewater treatment would be the optimal solution to Grborezi sewage treatment problem as it takes environment protection, drinking water conserving and financial perspective into account.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;constructed wetland;detailed design;vertical subsurface flow;horizontal subsurface flow;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIII, 31. str, 11 pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
ID: 8327068