diplomska naloga
Jasmin Hercegovac (Author), Alojzij Juvanc (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Marijan Žura (Thesis defence commission member)


Presoja uspešnosti urbanistično zasnovane obvoznice Rakek


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;urbanistična zasnova;OPN;Rakek;Unec;GC Podskrajnik;promet;cestno omrežje;obvoznica;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: Jasmin Hercegovac
UDC: 625.7:711.1(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 6549601 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2720
Downloads: 931
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Rakek urban planned bypass-road assessment
Secondary abstract: The graduation thesis deals with the Rakek bypass-road assessment. More specifically, it examines the performance of the urban planned southern bypass for Rakek and compares it with three new possible versions of the future bypass route. By doing so, the urban design turns out to be inappropriate and the most suitable new version is chosen. The designing of new possible routes is based on road design regulations and is designed completely by AutoCad Civil 3D computer program. The area of Rakek, economic zone Podskrajnik and the municipality of Cerknica is located at the traffic junction of the 3a. and 4. development axes. Due to its geographical position and transport infracture it has a huge potential for development. The existing road network does not allow for a suitable connection between roads R1-212 Unec - Rakek - Cerknica and R3-640 Logatec – Rakek or the connection to the highway system. The problem of the area in question is the morphology of the terrain to the north and east as well as the best agricultural land to the south. When choosing the most suitable version we took into consideration: constructional and technical characteristics, traffic efficiency and road safety, land use and land space limitations, interventions in municipal infrastructure and the cost aspect.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;urban assessment;OPN;Rakek;Unec;EZ Podskrajnik;traffic;road network;bypass road;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: X, 55 str., 28 str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Presoja uspešnosti urbanistično zasnovane obvoznice Rakek
Keywords (ePrints): urbanistična zasnova;OPN;Rakek;Unec;GC Podskrajnik;promet;cestno omrežje;obvoznica
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): urban assessment;OPN;Rakek;Unec;EZ Podskrajnik;traffic;road network;bypass road
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo obravnava obvoznico kraja Rakek. Natančneje preučuje uspešnost urbanistično zasnovane južne obvoznice kraja Rakek in jo primerja s tremi novimi variantami bodoče obvoznice. Ob tem se ugotovi, da je urbanistična zasnova neustrezna in se med ostalimi variantami izbere najbolj ustrezno. Projektiranje vseh variant temelji na Pravilniku o projektiranju cest (Uradni list RS 91/05) in je v celoti izdelano z računalniškim programom AutoCad Civil 3D. Območje kraja Rakek, gospodarske cone Podskrajnik in občine Cerknica se nahaja na prometni povezavi, ki povezuje 3.a in 4. razvojno os. Zaradi svoje geografske in prometne lege ima velik razvojni potencial. Obstoječe cestno omrežje ne omogoča ustrezne povezave R1-212 Unec – Rakek – Cerknica in R3-640 Logatec – Rakek ter navezave na avtocestni sistem. Ves promet sedaj poteka skozi samo naselje Rakek. Težava obravnavanega območja je morfologija terena na severu in vzhodu ter najboljše kmetijske površine na jugu. Zato se pokritim vkopom in potekom ob robu kmetijskih zemljišč v nobenem primeru ni bilo mogoče izogniti. Pri izbiri najprimernejše variante smo upoštevali: gradbeno-tehnične lastnosti, prometno uspešnost in prometno varnost, namensko rabo zemljišč in prostorske omejitve, posege v komunalno infrastrukturo, ter stroškovni vidik.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The graduation thesis deals with the Rakek bypass-road assessment. More specifically, it examines the performance of the urban planned southern bypass for Rakek and compares it with three new possible versions of the future bypass route. By doing so, the urban design turns out to be inappropriate and the most suitable new version is chosen. The designing of new possible routes is based on road design regulations and is designed completely by AutoCad Civil 3D computer program. The area of Rakek, economic zone Podskrajnik and the municipality of Cerknica is located at the traffic junction of the 3a. and 4. development axes. Due to its geographical position and transport infracture it has a huge potential for development. The existing road network does not allow for a suitable connection between roads R1-212 Unec - Rakek - Cerknica and R3-640 Logatec – Rakek or the connection to the highway system. The problem of the area in question is the morphology of the terrain to the north and east as well as the best agricultural land to the south. When choosing the most suitable version we took into consideration: constructional and technical characteristics, traffic efficiency and road safety, land use and land space limitations, interventions in municipal infrastructure and the cost aspect.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): urban assessment;OPN;Rakek;Unec;EZ Podskrajnik;traffic;road network;bypass road
ID: 8327186