diplomsko delo
Petra Pavić (Author), Jelka Strgar (Mentor), Alenka Gaberščik (Co-mentor)


Razumevanje fotosinteze med dijaki tehniških srednjih šol


fotosinteza;celično dihanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [P. Pavić]
UDC: 581.132:373.5(043.2)
COBISS: 10011209 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1290
Downloads: 298
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Understanding of photosynthesis among pupils of technical secondary schools
Secondary abstract: The goal of our research was to examine the knowledge on photosynthesis of the students of the Secondary Technical schools, and their attitude towards it, and whether they have misconceptions about it. The research was conducted on a sample of 466 students in Vegova Secondary Technical and Grammar School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Ljubljana in the first, second and third year of electrical engineering and computer science programme. The test contained 27 closed-ended questions, 2 questions with Likert-type scale and 1 open-ended question. The questions were intended to examine the students’ attitude to photosynthesis, their knowledge and the understanding of the process in general as well as its relation to respiration. Most students believe that photosynthesis is important for life on Earth and that knowledge about photosynthesis is part of general knowledge. As presumed their knowledge is mostly superficial. We have discovered that students have poor understanding of the significance of photosynthesis for plants and the whole ecosystem. The research also revealed that students have several misconceptions regarding photosynthesis, and we pointed out 5 most obvious misconceptions. The results of our research may make the teachers in primary and secondary school aware of the problem of students with understanding photosynthesis and the misconceptions that occur (for example: the use of the conceptual change model). That would result in a better understanding the process of photosynthesis.
Secondary keywords: biology;comprehension;secondary school;biologija;razumevanje;srednja šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Biologija in gospodinjstvo
Pages: X f., 83 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Razumevanje fotosinteze med dijaki tehniških srednjih šol
Keywords (ePrints): fotosinteza
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): photosynthesis
Abstract (ePrints): Cilj naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšno znanje o fotosintezi ter kakšen odnos do nje imajo dijaki ene izmed tehniških srednjih šol in ali imajo o fotosintezi izoblikovane kakšne napačne predstave. Testiranje smo izvedli na vzorcu 466 dijakov na Vegovi elektrotehniško–računalniški strokovni šoli in gimnaziji v Ljubljani v prvih treh letnikih programov elektrotehnike in računalništva. Test znanja je vseboval 27 vprašanj, ki so bila zaprtega tipa, dve vprašanji sta bili z Likertovo lestvico stališč in eno vprašanje odprtega tipa. Vprašanja so preverjala stališča dijakov do fotosinteze in do vprašalnika ter njihovo znanje in razumevanje procesa fotosinteze in fotosinteze v povezavi s celičnim dihanjem. Večina dijakov v raziskavi je bila mnenja, da je fotosinteza pomembna za življenje na Zemlji in da je poznavanje fotosinteze pomembno za splošno izobrazbo. Kot smo predvideli, je znanje dijakov o fotosintezi večinoma faktografsko. Ugotovili smo, da dijaki slabo razumejo predvsem pomen fotosinteze za rastline in celoten ekosistem. Pri raziskavi se je med drugim pokazalo tudi to, da imajo dijaki izoblikovane napačne predstave v zvezi s fotosintezo, in sicer smo v diplomskem delu izpostavili 5 najbolj očitnih napačnih predstav. Ugotovitve raziskave bi lahko služile kot spodbuda za to, da bi se pri poučevanju fotosinteze učitelji v osnovnih in srednjih šolah bolj zavedali težav z razumevanjem in napačnih predstav o fotosintezi (npr. uporaba modela konceptualne spremembe), kar bi privedlo do boljšega razumevanja fotosinteze pri učencih in dijakih.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The goal of our research was to examine the knowledge on photosynthesis of the students of the Secondary Technical schools, and their attitude towards it, and whether they have misconceptions about it. The research was conducted on a sample of 466 students in Vegova Secondary Technical and Grammar School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Ljubljana in the first, second and third year of electrical engineering and computer science programme. The test contained 27 closed-ended questions, 2 questions with Likert-type scale and 1 open-ended question. The questions were intended to examine the students’ attitude to photosynthesis, their knowledge and the understanding of the process in general as well as its relation to respiration. Most students believe that photosynthesis is important for life on Earth and that knowledge about photosynthesis is part of general knowledge. As presumed their knowledge is mostly superficial. We have discovered that students have poor understanding of the significance of photosynthesis for plants and the whole ecosystem. The research also revealed that students have several misconceptions regarding photosynthesis, and we pointed out 5 most obvious misconceptions. The results of our research may make the teachers in primary and secondary school aware of the problem of students with understanding photosynthesis and the misconceptions that occur (for example: the use of the conceptual change model). That would result in a better understanding the process of photosynthesis.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): photosynthesis
ID: 8327959