diplomsko delo
Meta Dolinar (Author), Martina Ozbič (Mentor)


Razumljivost govora predšolskih otrok


govorno-jezikovni razvoj;razumljivost;vprašalnik;sporazumevanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Dolinar]
UDC: 376.1:159.946.3:373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 10022729 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1129
Downloads: 245
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Intelligibility of speech in preschool children
Secondary abstract: Communicating through speech, which is comprehensible to co-speakers and listeners, is very important for people. The efficiency of communicating, which is also related with intelligible speech, has an effect on the quality of life. It gives us the ability to successfully express our wishes, thoughts, ideas, initiatives and messages to our co-speakers, listeners and, generally, all the people who surround us. This gives us the ability to effortlessly enforce ourselves in different micro and macro environments within family, educational institutions, work, and also in our groups of close or more distant friends, acquaintances and other co-speakers. The extent of how much a preschool child's speech will be intelligible to various co-speakers–acquaintances or strangers–depends on different factors relating to the child, the people who listen to him and surround him. Mainly, these factors include the child's age, his hearing, the presence of certain difficulties, disorders or defects in a child, different influences of his surroundings such as speech-language or communication incentives, a noisy environment and the listener's familiarity with the language spoken by child. Usually, in a period when the child's phonological development is not yet complete, children are more intelligible to their parents and acquaintances than to complete strangers. Improving the comprehension of speech is one of the key characteristics of speech and language development and significantly impacts a child's interaction with his environment. The main study of this work is speech intelligibility in preschool children. In the empirical part, the following aspects and factors which can impact a child's speech intelligibility are studied, with the help of the Intelligibility in Context Scale (Slovene) and some additional questions referring to speech intelligibility: the level of speech intelligibility according to different communication partners, the child's gender, the child's age, the presence of difficulties, disorders or defects related to the child's hearing or listening, speech, language and communication, the concerns of the parents with respect to child's speech, language or communication, and attending a speech therapist. The sample consists of children from the area of Ljubljana and its surrounding areas, aged between 2.0 and 6.0 years. Altogether, 223 children have been studied, consisting of 133 boys and 90 girls. The main interests of this work are to find out the extent to which a child is intelligible to different people at a certain age, which potential difficulties or disorders in a child have the biggest effect on his speech intelligibility, and how speech intelligibility varies according to a child's age, sex and presence of specialities, difficulties, disorders or defects. Further interests include finding out the difference in speech intelligibility between children that have speech and language difficulties and attend a speech therapist and the ones that do not, discovering those speech and language disorders that effect speech intelligibility the most, and recognizing the methods and instruments that help a speech therapist assess a child's speech intelligibility. The dissertation concludes with instructions on helping a child whose speech is mildly or completely unintelligible. The purpose of this work is to assess speech intelligibility of preschool children and examine the aforementioned factors that can effect speech intelligibility. The results of the research, which verified seven different hypotheses relating to speech intelligibility of children, show that there are no statistically significant differences in speech intelligibility between girls and boys of the same age, ranging from 2.0 and 4.0 years, regardless of the presence or absence of problems associated with speech, language or hearing. However, with children aged between 4.0 and 6.0 years, the results show that boys with difficulties are significantly less intelligible than girls with difficulties, but at the same time the boys without difficulties are significantly more intelligible than girls without difficulties. Therefore, statistically significant differences in speech intelligibility exist between boys and girls at a certain age. The research also reveals that a child's age is statistically associated with speech intelligibility, and that children whose parents are concerned about their child's speech, language or hearing are significantly less intelligible than children whose parents are not concerned about the said characteristics. Children whose parents think their child has difficulties with hearing or listening, are significantly less intelligible than ordinary children who have no difficulties in the said area. At the same time, children who have certain speech and language disorders, defects or difficulties associated with hearing, are significantly less intelligible in comparison with ordinary children. Furthermore, the results of the research show that children are more intelligible to their relatives rather than strangers. Their speech intelligibility is highest with their parents, followed by closer relatives, educators, peers, distant relatives, and acquaintances. Finally, as expected, children are least speech intelligible to strangers. Children who have difficulties, disorders or defects in the speech-language or the hearing area and attend a speech therapist are not significantly more intelligible than children who have speech-language or hearing issues, disorders or defects and do not attend a speech therapist. Statistically significant differences in speech intelligibility do not exist among these two groups of children.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;communication;speech;predšolski otrok;komunikacija;govor;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: X f., 87 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Razumljivost govora predšolskih otrok
Keywords (ePrints): govorno-jezikovni razvoj
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): speech and language development
Abstract (ePrints): Sporazumevanje preko govora, ki je razumljiv sogovornikom oziroma poslušalcem, je za človeka zelo pomembno. Učinkovitost sporazumevanja, ki je povezana tudi z razumljivostjo govora, vpliva na kakovost življenja, saj preko učinkovitega sporazumevanja oz. razumljivega govora ustrezno prenesemo svoje želje, misli, ideje, pobude, sporočila drugim sogovornikom, poslušalcem oz. ljudem, ki nas obdajajo. Tako se lahko brez večjih naporov uveljavimo v različnih mikro ali makro okoljih znotraj družine, vzgojno-izobraževalne institucije, službe, v krogu ožjih in širših prijateljev, znancev in drugih sogovornikov. V kolikšni meri bo predšolski otrok razumljiv različnim sogovornikom, tako poznanim kot nepoznanim, je odvisno od različnih dejavnikov, ki se nanašajo na otroka ali poslušalca oz. okolico. Ti dejavniki so predvsem otrokova starost, otrokov sluh, prisotnost določenih težav, motenj ali okvar pri otroku, različni dejavniki okolice, kot so govorno-jezikovne oz. komunikacijske spodbude, prisotnost hrupa v okolju, poslušalčevo poznavanje jezika, ki ga govori otrok, ter drugo. Običajno so otroci v določenem obdobju, ko fonološki razvoj še ni zaključen, bolje razumljivi svojim staršem in bližnjim znancem kot pa tujcu. Izboljšanje razumljivosti govora je ena od ključnih značilnosti govorno-jezikovnega razvoja, ki pomembno vpliva na otrokovo interakcijo z okolico. V diplomskem delu preučujem razumljivost govora pri predšolskih otrocih. V empiričnem delu s pomočjo Lestvice razumljivosti govora v vsakdanjem življenju: slovenščina in dodatnih vprašanj, ki se nanašajo na govorno razumljivost, preučujem naslednje vidike in dejavnike, ki lahko vplivajo na otrokovo govorno razumljivost: stopnjo govorne razumljivosti glede na različne komunikacijske partnerje, otrokov spol, otrokova starost, prisotnost težav, okvar ali motenj, povezanih s sluhom oz. poslušanjem, z govorom, jezikom ali/in s komunikacijo pri otroku, zaskrbljenost staršev v zvezi z govorom, jezikom ali s komunikacijo otroka, obiskovanje logopeda. Za vzorec sem izbrala otroke s področja Ljubljane in okolice, ki so stari od 2,0 do 6,0 let. Skupaj sem preučevala 223 otrok, od tega 133 dečkov in 90 deklic. V diplomskem delu me zanima, v kolikšni meri naj bi bil otrok razumljiv različnim ljudem pri določeni starosti, katere morebitne težave/motnje pri otroku najbolj vplivajo na njegovo govorno razumljivost, kako se razlikuje razumljivost govora glede na otrokovo starost, otrokov spol, glede na prisotne posebnosti, okvare, motnje ali težave. Zanima me tudi, kolikšna je razlika v govorni razumljivosti med otroki, ki imajo govorno-jezikovne težave in obiskujejo logopeda, in med tistimi, ki ga ne, katere so tiste govorno-jezikovne motnje, pri katerih je razumljivost govora najbolj oškodovana ter kateri so načini in pripomočki, s katerimi lahko logoped oceni razumljivost otrokovega govora. Diplomsko delo zaključim z napotki, kako lahko otroku s slabše razumljivim ali nerazumljivim govorom pomagamo. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil oceniti govorno razumljivost predšolskih otrok in preučiti različne že omenjene vidike oz. dejavnike, ki lahko na govorno razumljivost vplivajo. Rezultati raziskave, ki je preverjala sedem različnih hipotez v zvezi z govorno razumljivostjo otrok, so pokazali, da med deklicami in dečki enake starosti od 2. do 4. leta ne glede na prisotnost ali odsotnost težav, povezanih z govorom, jezikom in/ali sluhom, ni statistično pomembnih razlik v govorni razumljivosti, od 4. do 6. leta pa so dečki s težavami statistično pomembno manj govorno razumljivi kot deklice s težavami, hkrati pa so dečki brez težav statistično pomembno bolj govorno razumljivi kot deklice brez težav. V splošnem so torej med dečki in deklicami v določeni starosti statistično pomembne razlike v govorni razumljivosti. Raziskava je pokazala tudi, da je otrokova starost v statistični povezanosti z razumljivostjo otrokovega govora, da so otroci, katerih starši so zaskrbljeni glede govora, jezika in/ali sluha, statistično pomembno manj govorno razumljivi kot otroci, katerih starši glede otrokovega govora, jezika in/ali sluha niso zaskrbljeni, da so otroci, katerih starši menijo, da imajo težave s sluhom in/ali poslušanjem, statistično pomembno slabše govorno razumljivi v primerjavi s tipičnimi otroki, (ki nimajo težav na omenjenem področju), hkrati pa so tudi otroci, ki imajo določene govorno-jezikovne motnje in/ali okvare oz. težave, povezane s sluhom, statistično pomembno slabše govorno razumljivi v primerjavi s tipičnimi otroki. Rezultati raziskave nadalje kažejo, da so otroci bolj razumljivi bližnjim kot daljnim osebam, in sicer najbolj govorno razumljivi so staršem, nato ožjim družinskim članom, sledijo jim otrokovi vzgojitelji, nato vrstniki, širši družinski člani, znanci, pričakovano pa so otroci najmanj govorno razumljivi neznancem. Otroci, ki imajo težave, motnje ali okvare na govorno-jezikovnem ali slušnem področju in obiskujejo logopeda, niso statistično pomembno bolj govorno razumljivi kot otroci, ki imajo govorno-jezikovne oz. slušne težave, motnje ali okvare ter logopeda ne obiskujejo. Med omenjenima skupinama otrok ni statistično pomembnih razlik v razumljivosti govora.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Communicating through speech, which is comprehensible to co-speakers and listeners, is very important for people. The efficiency of communicating, which is also related with intelligible speech, has an effect on the quality of life. It gives us the ability to successfully express our wishes, thoughts, ideas, initiatives and messages to our co-speakers, listeners and, generally, all the people who surround us. This gives us the ability to effortlessly enforce ourselves in different micro and macro environments within family, educational institutions, work, and also in our groups of close or more distant friends, acquaintances and other co-speakers. The extent of how much a preschool child's speech will be intelligible to various co-speakers–acquaintances or strangers–depends on different factors relating to the child, the people who listen to him and surround him. Mainly, these factors include the child's age, his hearing, the presence of certain difficulties, disorders or defects in a child, different influences of his surroundings such as speech-language or communication incentives, a noisy environment and the listener's familiarity with the language spoken by child. Usually, in a period when the child's phonological development is not yet complete, children are more intelligible to their parents and acquaintances than to complete strangers. Improving the comprehension of speech is one of the key characteristics of speech and language development and significantly impacts a child's interaction with his environment. The main study of this work is speech intelligibility in preschool children. In the empirical part, the following aspects and factors which can impact a child's speech intelligibility are studied, with the help of the Intelligibility in Context Scale (Slovene) and some additional questions referring to speech intelligibility: the level of speech intelligibility according to different communication partners, the child's gender, the child's age, the presence of difficulties, disorders or defects related to the child's hearing or listening, speech, language and communication, the concerns of the parents with respect to child's speech, language or communication, and attending a speech therapist. The sample consists of children from the area of Ljubljana and its surrounding areas, aged between 2.0 and 6.0 years. Altogether, 223 children have been studied, consisting of 133 boys and 90 girls. The main interests of this work are to find out the extent to which a child is intelligible to different people at a certain age, which potential difficulties or disorders in a child have the biggest effect on his speech intelligibility, and how speech intelligibility varies according to a child's age, sex and presence of specialities, difficulties, disorders or defects. Further interests include finding out the difference in speech intelligibility between children that have speech and language difficulties and attend a speech therapist and the ones that do not, discovering those speech and language disorders that effect speech intelligibility the most, and recognizing the methods and instruments that help a speech therapist assess a child's speech intelligibility. The dissertation concludes with instructions on helping a child whose speech is mildly or completely unintelligible. The purpose of this work is to assess speech intelligibility of preschool children and examine the aforementioned factors that can effect speech intelligibility. The results of the research, which verified seven different hypotheses relating to speech intelligibility of children, show that there are no statistically significant differences in speech intelligibility between girls and boys of the same age, ranging from 2.0 and 4.0 years, regardless of the presence or absence of problems associated with speech, language or hearing. However, with children aged between 4.0 and 6.0 years, the results show that boys with difficulties are significantly less intelligible than girls with difficulties, but at the same time the boys without difficulties are significantly more intelligible than girls without difficulties. Therefore, statistically significant differences in speech intelligibility exist between boys and girls at a certain age. The research also reveals that a child's age is statistically associated with speech intelligibility, and that children whose parents are concerned about their child's speech, language or hearing are significantly less intelligible than children whose parents are not concerned about the said characteristics. Children whose parents think their child has difficulties with hearing or listening, are significantly less intelligible than ordinary children who have no difficulties in the said area. At the same time, children who have certain speech and language disorders, defects or difficulties associated with hearing, are significantly less intelligible in comparison with ordinary children. Furthermore, the results of the research show that children are more intelligible to their relatives rather than strangers. Their speech intelligibility is highest with their parents, followed by closer relatives, educators, peers, distant relatives, and acquaintances. Finally, as expected, children are least speech intelligible to strangers. Children who have difficulties, disorders or defects in the speech-language or the hearing area and attend a speech therapist are not significantly more intelligible than children who have speech-language or hearing issues, disorders or defects and do not attend a speech therapist. Statistically significant differences in speech intelligibility do not exist among these two groups of children.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): speech and language development
ID: 8327973