diplomsko delo
Kristina Ponebšek (Avtor), Simona Kranjc (Mentor)


Deiktične geste pri malčkih

Ključne besede

malčki;odkrivanje motenj na področju sporazumevanja;vokalizacija;sindrom Dandy Walker;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Ponebšek]
UDK: 376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9496905 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1121
Št. prenosov: 191
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Deictic gestures in toddlers
Sekundarni povzetek: Deictic gestures have important role in human communication in general and also in prelinguistic communication in infancy and toddlerhood. The aim of my study was to analyze and compare the toddlers in communication with their mothers. First I focused on deictic gestures and their role in language development. I investigated whether the deictic gestures are mostly right handed and accompanied by vocalization. Other question was if deictic gestures have different functions of pointing in comparisson of toddler`s gender (declarative or imperative gestures). I also wondered how mothers respond to toddlers regardless of their gender and whether the mother's gestures have influence on toddler`s acquisition of language. To explore these questiones I observed five toddlers (three boys and two girls) and their mothers. At the beginning of the research toddlers were already in 19th months of age. I followed them until their 22nd month. Three children were normally developed, one child was a bit late in the general development and one child had a Dandy Walker syndrome. I compared their communication during the period of three months. A qualitative method was used in my study. I video-taped 30-minutes structured situations each months, all together three months. Parents had been interviewed at the beginning and in the end of the study. I made check list, based on similar check lists. The results shows that deictic gestures are usually accompanied by vocalizations, they are mostly right-handed and later in development toddlers use more declarative deictic gestures. I also found that toddlers express theirselves through gestures much easier and there are no differences according to gender and mother's response, but mother's gesture and verbalizations help their child to understand and express theirselves in communicative situations.
Sekundarne ključne besede: pre-school child;communication;speech;speech defect;predšolski otrok;komunikacija;govor;govorna motnja;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Surdo-logo
Strani: VI, 113 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Deictic gestures in toddlers
Ključne besede (ePrints): malčki
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): toddlers
Povzetek (ePrints): Deiktične geste so zelo pomembne pri sporazumevanju med ljudmi. Prispevajo pa tudi velik delež pri zgodnjem sporazumevanju malčkov, ki se odvija še pred govorom. Cilj raziskave je bil analizirati in primerjati malčke v komunikaciji z materjo. Raziskovala sem, ali so deiktične geste res tvorjene v večini z desno roko in spremljane z vokalizacijo, ali se deiktične geste ločijo glede na namen uporabe in glede na spol otroka (deklarativne ali imperativne geste). Zanimalo me je tudi, kako se matere odzivajo na malčke glede na njihov spol in ali imajo materine geste vpliv na hitrejše usvajanje govora malčka. V vzorec sem vključila pet malčkov (tri dečke in dve deklici) in njihovih mater. Otroci so na začetku raziskave že dopolnili 19. mesec starosti. Spremljala sem jih do njihovega 22. meseca. Trije otroci so se normalno razvijali, en otrok je malce kasnil v splošnem razvoju in en otrok je imel sindrom Dandy Walker. Primerjala sem njihovo komunikacijo v obdobju treh mesecev. Za namene raziskave sem uporabila kvalitativno metodo opazovanja. Strukturirane situacije sem snemala enkrat mesečno po 30 minut. Za boljšo interpretacijo opazovanja pa sem uporabila tudi strukturiran intervju s starši. Na podlagi podobnih lestvic sem izdelala opazovalno lestvico. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da deiktične geste spremlja vokalizacija, da so večinoma tvorjene z desnico, da malčki s starostjo uporabljajo več deklarativnih gest, da se s pomočjo gest laže izražajo, da ni razlik glede na spol malčka in odzivanje matere ter da materine geste in poimenovanja vplivajo, da malčki bolje razumejo situacije in se tudi bolje izražajo.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Deictic gestures have important role in human communication in general and also in prelinguistic communication in infancy and toddlerhood. The aim of my study was to analyze and compare the toddlers in communication with their mothers. First I focused on deictic gestures and their role in language development. I investigated whether the deictic gestures are mostly right handed and accompanied by vocalization. Other question was if deictic gestures have different functions of pointing in comparisson of toddler`s gender (declarative or imperative gestures). I also wondered how mothers respond to toddlers regardless of their gender and whether the mother's gestures have influence on toddler`s acquisition of language. To explore these questiones I observed five toddlers (three boys and two girls) and their mothers. At the beginning of the research toddlers were already in 19th months of age. I followed them until their 22nd month. Three children were normally developed, one child was a bit late in the general development and one child had a Dandy Walker syndrome. I compared their communication during the period of three months. A qualitative method was used in my study. I video-taped 30-minutes structured situations each months, all together three months. Parents had been interviewed at the beginning and in the end of the study. I made check list, based on similar check lists. The results shows that deictic gestures are usually accompanied by vocalizations, they are mostly right-handed and later in development toddlers use more declarative deictic gestures. I also found that toddlers express theirselves through gestures much easier and there are no differences according to gender and mother's response, but mother's gesture and verbalizations help their child to understand and express theirselves in communicative situations.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): toddlers
ID: 8311141