Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Early science for the very young – how to acquaint children aged from 1 to 2 years with natural objects and materials |
Secondary abstract: |
Preschool children express the wish to explore nature very early because they feel extremely motivated by it. However, they can acquire deep knowledge only through direct experience and active learning is vital in this respect. In active learning, a child interacts with objects and builds his or her comprehension.
Science education should start as soon as possible so that children can start developing a positive, favourable and responsible attitude towards nature. The development begins in early childhood and children foster it especially through frequent positive experience. Hence, experience with living nature is a good way to build knowledge and a positive attitude towards nature. In addition, teachers must also set an example with their personal attitude towards nature, thus influencing the children as well.
For the purpose of the thesis we designed several activities intended for children aged from 1 to 2 years. They explored living and non-living nature. The activities were based on children's active learning and free exploration. Numerous objects and materials were available to them in the science corner, where they were exploring the characteristics of the objects and materials. We established that setting up a science corner is an appropriate activity for early science education of children aged from 1 to 2 years. We also noted that the children were more interested in inanimate objects than animate ones. They tended to play longer at a time in the corner with non-living objects, but returned more often to the corner with living objects. In my view, it is possible to encourage early science education and a positive attitude towards nature by putting children in contact with natural objects and materials. |
Secondary keywords: |
pre-school child;environmental education;predšolski otrok;okoljska vzgoja; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
37 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Začetno naravoslovje za najmlajše – kako približati naravne objekte in materiale otrokom, starim od 1 do 2 let |
Keywords (ePrints): |
aktivno učenje |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
active learning |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Predšolski otroci že zgodaj izražajo željo po raziskovanju narave, saj jih ta kar najbolj motivira. Kakovostno znanje o njej pa lahko pridobijo le na podlagi neposrednih izkušenj. Pri tem pa je pomembno otrokovo aktivno učenje. To je učenje, pri katerem otrok deluje na predmete, pri tem pa konstruira novo razumevanje.
Zgodnje uvajanje v naravoslovje naj se začne čim prej. Le tako bodo otroci lahko že zgodaj začeli razvijati pozitiven, naklonjen in odgovoren odnos do narave. Ta se začne oblikovati že v zgodnjem otroštvu, otroci pa ga lahko razvijejo predvsem s pogostimi pozitivnimi izkušnjami. Prav tako pa je pomemben tudi osebni zgled vzgojitelja. Ta lahko s svojim odnosom do narave pri svojem delu vpliva na otroke.
V diplomskem delu sem oblikovala dejavnosti, ob katerih lahko že najmlajši otroci, stari od 1 do 2 let, raziskujejo živo in neživo naravo. Dejavnosti so temeljile na aktivnem učenju in otrokovem prostem raziskovanju. V obliki naravoslovnega kotička sem jim v raziskovanje ponudila različne objekte in materiale. Otroci so prek igre spoznavali njihove značilnosti. Ugotovila sem, da je naravoslovni kotiček primerna dejavnost za zgodnje uvajanje naravoslovja v skupine otrok, starih od 1 do 2 let. Otroke je dlje časa zanimal neživi kotiček kot živi. Razlika v raziskovanju obeh je bila naslednja: z neživim kotičkom so se igrali dlje časa, k živemu pa so se večkrat vračali. Menim, da lahko s stikom z naravnimi objekti in materiali že v zgodnjem otroštvu spodbujamo učenje začetnega naravoslovja ter vplivamo na pozitiven odnos do narave. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Preschool children express the wish to explore nature very early because they feel extremely motivated by it. However, they can acquire deep knowledge only through direct experience and active learning is vital in this respect. In active learning, a child interacts with objects and builds his or her comprehension.
Science education should start as soon as possible so that children can start developing a positive, favourable and responsible attitude towards nature. The development begins in early childhood and children foster it especially through frequent positive experience. Hence, experience with living nature is a good way to build knowledge and a positive attitude towards nature. In addition, teachers must also set an example with their personal attitude towards nature, thus influencing the children as well.
For the purpose of the thesis we designed several activities intended for children aged from 1 to 2 years. They explored living and non-living nature. The activities were based on children's active learning and free exploration. Numerous objects and materials were available to them in the science corner, where they were exploring the characteristics of the objects and materials. We established that setting up a science corner is an appropriate activity for early science education of children aged from 1 to 2 years. We also noted that the children were more interested in inanimate objects than animate ones. They tended to play longer at a time in the corner with non-living objects, but returned more often to the corner with living objects. In my view, it is possible to encourage early science education and a positive attitude towards nature by putting children in contact with natural objects and materials. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
active learning |
ID: |
8327998 |