diplomsko delo
Anja Lužnik (Author), Darja Skribe-Dimec (Mentor)


Uporaba sistema tekočega učenja Jospeha Cornella


učna metoda;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Lužnik]
UDC: 373.32.016:50(043.2)
COBISS: 10044745 Link will open in a new window
Views: 632
Downloads: 170
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Joseph Cornell's flow learning use
Secondary abstract: Natural science is one of the subjects where nature or natural environment can often be used directly for teaching. Joseph Cornell, who introduced Flow Learning, also emphasises this fact. The main focus of my thesis was how Joseph Cornell’s Flow Learning could be used in our primary schools. I selected some learning objectives out of natural science and technology curriculum which could be achieved with the Flow Learning system using Cornell’s activities. I tested my thesis in practice with a group of scouts from 3rd to 5th grade. In the theoretical part, a few theories and opinions on classes in nature and the positive effect of nature and natural environment on children is presented. Joseph Cornell, his work and his Flow Learning system is also presented. In the empirical part, I selected certain learning objectives out of natural science and technology curriculum and examples of learning units with Joseph Cornell’s Flow Learning. In my practical test, I finally discovered that after the Flow Learning activities had been performed, the attitude of children towards environment as well as their behaviour had changed. Practical value of my thesis lies in establishing some connections between Joseph Cornell’s Flow Learning and certain learning objectives. In practical use, I ascertained that its use had a positive effect on children and their behaviour.
Secondary keywords: primary school;science education;osnovna šola;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: VIII, 68 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Uporaba sistema tekočega učenja Jospeha Cornella
Keywords (ePrints): naravoslovje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): natural science
Abstract (ePrints): Pouk naravoslovja je eden tistih predmetov, pri katerem lahko naravo oziroma naravno okolje pogosto neposredno uporabimo za poučevanje. To poudarja tudi Joseph Cornell, ki je uvedel sistem tekočega učenja. V diplomskem delu sem se posvetila temu, kako bi lahko sistem tekočega učenja Josepha Cornella uporabili v naših osnovnih šolah. Iz učnih načrtov za spoznavanje okolja ter naravoslovje in tehniko sem izbrala nekaj učnih ciljev, ki bi jih lahko dosegli preko sistema tekočega učenja z uporabo Cornellovih dejavnosti. Svoje delo sem preizkusila praktično s skupino skavtov, ki obiskuje 3.–5. razred osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila nekaj teorij in mnenj o pouku v naravi oziroma o pozitivnem vplivu narave in naravnega okolja na otroke. Predstavila sem tudi Josepha Cornella in njegovo delo ter njegov sistem tekočega učenja. V empiričnem delu sem naredila izbor določenih učnih ciljev iz učnih načrtov za spoznavanje okolja ter naravoslovje in tehniko ter primere učnih enot s sistemom tekočega učenja Josepha Cornella. Nazadnje sem to praktično preverila in ugotovila, da se je po izvajanju dejavnosti s sistemom tekočega učenja pri otrocih spremenil odnos do okolja in njihovo vedenje. Uporabna vrednost mojega diplomskega dela je v tem, da sem naredila že nekaj povezav sistema tekočega učenja Josepha Cornella in določenih učnih ciljev iz učnih načrtov za spoznavanje okolja ter naravoslovje in tehniko in s praktičnim izvajanjem ugotovila, da uporaba sistema tekočega učenja pozitivno vpliva na otroke in njihovo vedenje.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Natural science is one of the subjects where nature or natural environment can often be used directly for teaching. Joseph Cornell, who introduced Flow Learning, also emphasises this fact. The main focus of my thesis was how Joseph Cornell’s Flow Learning could be used in our primary schools. I selected some learning objectives out of natural science and technology curriculum which could be achieved with the Flow Learning system using Cornell’s activities. I tested my thesis in practice with a group of scouts from 3rd to 5th grade. In the theoretical part, a few theories and opinions on classes in nature and the positive effect of nature and natural environment on children is presented. Joseph Cornell, his work and his Flow Learning system is also presented. In the empirical part, I selected certain learning objectives out of natural science and technology curriculum and examples of learning units with Joseph Cornell’s Flow Learning. In my practical test, I finally discovered that after the Flow Learning activities had been performed, the attitude of children towards environment as well as their behaviour had changed. Practical value of my thesis lies in establishing some connections between Joseph Cornell’s Flow Learning and certain learning objectives. In practical use, I ascertained that its use had a positive effect on children and their behaviour.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): natural science
ID: 8327999
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