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Sekundarni naslov: |
Children′s ideas about bees |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Children come to class with already formed ideas, points of view and ways of comprehending things. When learning about a new topic they may intuitively operate with incorrect ideas or already formed scientific concepts. A teacher should be aware of this fact and should first of all try to test the already existing knowledge. Only after fulfilling this task, he or she will be able to give a quality lesson and help children build a new knowledge structure, as encouraged by the constructivist learning theory.
In my diploma work I focused on children’s already formed ideas about bees by closely studying those connected with the honey, knowledge about the life of bees, the way of finding flowers and knowledge about bees’ living places. Apart from this I also researched the attitude of the pupils towards bees.
Data was collected with the help of a questionnaire, which contained different types of questions. Having been designed for pupils with good reading and writing skills it was distributed in 4th− and 5th−grade classes.
The information I collected showed that children have a lot of different, already formed ideas about bees, which are, from the scientific point of view, more or less correct. Children’s ideas about the creation of honey are not entirely correct - some think that bees make honey from pollen, while some did not know that honey is also made from aphid's secretion. From different pictures showing solitary bees, honey bees, bumblebees and some hymenoptera insects children mostly recognized the Slovenian honey bee kranjska sivka. Bee pollination is a topic about which children have developed mostly pre-patterned ideas rather that patterned ones. A lot of children’s ideas about bees’ nightlife and their life during the winter were stereotypical. A big percentage of questioned pupils did not recognize and could not name a wasp’s nest; also they were confusing it with a beehive. Children are mostly convinced that bees are not dangerous. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
primary school;science education;concept formation;osnovna šola;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;oblikovanje pojma; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Strani: |
V, 92 str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Children′s ideas about bees |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
otroške predstave |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
children’s ideas |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Učenci vstopajo k pouku z nekaterimi že oblikovanimi stališči, idejami, pojmovanji. Pri določeni tematiki lahko uporabljajo napačne in intuitivne pojme ali pa že izoblikovane znanstvene predstave. Učitelj se mora tega dejstva zavedati in jih najprej odkriti. Šele ko je ta pogoj izpolnjen, lahko izpelje kakovostno učno uro in učencem pomaga pri konstruiranju nove strukture znanja, kot to spodbuja konstruktivistična teorija pouka.
V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočil na nekatere že izoblikovane predstave učencev o čebelah. Podrobneje sem raziskal nekatere predstave, ki so povezane z nastankom medu, poznavanjem življenja čebel, čebeljim obiskovanjem cvetov, poznavanjem bivališča čebel. Ugotavljal sem tudi odnos (stališča) učencev do čebel.
Podatke sem pridobival z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki je vseboval naloge različnega tipa. Za rešitev vprašalnika je bilo treba imeti dobro razvite bralne in pisalne sposobnosti, zato je bil razdeljen med učence 4. in 5. razreda.
Podatki, ki sem jih dobil, so pokazali, da imajo učenci o čebelah izoblikovanih veliko različnih, naravoslovno bolj ali manj ustreznih predstav. O nastanku medu učenci nimajo povsem natančnih predstav, saj nekateri menijo, da čebela pridela med iz cvetnega prahu, prav tako pa ne vedo, da čebela pridela med tudi iz izločkov listnih uši. Učenci so na različnih fotografijah, ki so prikazovale samotarske čebele, medonosno čebelo, čmrlja in nekatere kožokrilne žuželke, kot predstavnika čebel najpogosteje prepoznavali medonosno čebelo kranjsko sivko. O čebeljemu opraševanju imajo učenci različne predvzročne predstave v večji meri kot vzročne. O življenju čebel ponoči, pozimi imajo učenci precej stereotipnih predstav. Zelo velik delež anketiranih učencev ni prepoznal in pravilno poimenoval osirja, prav tako pa so ga zamenjevali z bivališčem čebel. Večina otrok je prepričanih, da čebela ni nevarna žival. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
Children come to class with already formed ideas, points of view and ways of comprehending things. When learning about a new topic they may intuitively operate with incorrect ideas or already formed scientific concepts. A teacher should be aware of this fact and should first of all try to test the already existing knowledge. Only after fulfilling this task, he or she will be able to give a quality lesson and help children build a new knowledge structure, as encouraged by the constructivist learning theory.
In my diploma work I focused on children’s already formed ideas about bees by closely studying those connected with the honey, knowledge about the life of bees, the way of finding flowers and knowledge about bees’ living places. Apart from this I also researched the attitude of the pupils towards bees.
Data was collected with the help of a questionnaire, which contained different types of questions. Having been designed for pupils with good reading and writing skills it was distributed in 4th− and 5th−grade classes.
The information I collected showed that children have a lot of different, already formed ideas about bees, which are, from the scientific point of view, more or less correct. Children’s ideas about the creation of honey are not entirely correct - some think that bees make honey from pollen, while some did not know that honey is also made from aphid's secretion. From different pictures showing solitary bees, honey bees, bumblebees and some hymenoptera insects children mostly recognized the Slovenian honey bee kranjska sivka. Bee pollination is a topic about which children have developed mostly pre-patterned ideas rather that patterned ones. A lot of children’s ideas about bees’ nightlife and their life during the winter were stereotypical. A big percentage of questioned pupils did not recognize and could not name a wasp’s nest; also they were confusing it with a beehive. Children are mostly convinced that bees are not dangerous. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
children’s ideas |
ID: |
8310505 |