diplomsko delo
Renata Kutnar (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


V moji diplomski nalogi se bom osredotočila predvsem na konflikte, ki nastajajo znotraj vsake organizacije, ter so neizpodbitno vpeti v vsako poro delovanja le-te. Vsak konflikt nastane zaradi nasprotujočih si ciljev, vrednot, pričakovanj udeležencev v konfliktu. Ni organizacije, v kateri med sodelavci ne bi bilo trenj in konfliktov, nobena organizacija ni imuna nanje. Brez konfliktna organizacija je utopija in iluzija. Pojav konfliktov je torej vsakodnevni pojav, naloga vseh udeležencev pa je, da skupaj poiščejo ustrezne rešitve in tudi ustrezne poti za reševanje le-teh. Zelo pomembni so dobri in spoštljivi medsebojni odnosi, katere pa proizvaja predvsem dobro in pravilno komuniciranje med udeleženci, pri katerih prihaja do razhajanj. Zaradi dejstva, da vsak posameznik po svoje dojema in sprejema svet, ter zaradi nepopolne komunikacije, se konflikti kar vrstijo. Da bi se čim bolj uspešno spopadali z njimi, se moramo dobro pripraviti na reševanje le-teh z razumevanjem pogledov drugih in z razumevanjem komunikacijskih sposobnosti. Pri pravilnem pristopu v konfliktnih situacijah imajo pomembno vlogo tudi pogajanja, s katerimi skušamo najti optimalno rešitev za vse vpete v določen konflikt.


organizacija;konflikti;spori;medosebni odnosi;medosebne komunikacije;pogajanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [R. Kutnar]
UDC: 005.334.2
COBISS: 12043036 Link will open in a new window
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Conflicts in organization
Secondary abstract: In my diploma work, I will focus primarily on the conflicts that arise within each organization, and are undeniably embedded in every pore of operation thereof. Each conflict is caused by conflicting goals, values, expectations of participants in the conflict. There is no organization in which between the employees would not have been tensions and conflicts, no organization is immune to them. Without conflict organization is utopia and illusion. The appearance of conflicts is therefore a daily occurrence, the task of all participants is to work together to find suitable solutions and appropriate ways to deal with them. Very important are good and respectful relationships, which produces mainly good and proper communication between participants, which leads to divergence. Due to the fact that each individual according to their perception of and accepts the world as well as incomplete communication conflicts which lined up. In order to most effectively cope with them, we have to prepare well to deal with them with understanding the views of others and the understanding of communication skills. When the proper approach to conflict situations play an important role in the negotiations, which we try to find the optimal solution for all embedded in particular conflict.
Secondary keywords: conflict;organization;interpersonal relations;communication;negotiation;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 36 f.
ID: 8706908
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