diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Eva Valant (Author), Marko Ferjan (Mentor)


V današnjem času ljudje ne kupujemo več zgolj zaradi zadovoljitve fizioloških potreb za preživetje. Veliko kupujemo in zapravljamo, ker živimo v potrošniško naravnani družbi, ki nam kar naprej nekaj ponuja, predstavlja. Lahko bi rekli, da na ta način zadovoljujemo predvsem potrebe po pripadnosti in spoštovanju. Tega se zavedajo tudi že trgovci in vedo, da na prodajo niti slučajno ne vpliva več sam izdelek in njegove lastnosti, ampak med drugim tudi zaposleni s svojim pristopom, komunikacijo in videzom. Raziskave kažejo, da pri komunikaciji kar 55 % predstavlja neverbalna komunikacija: govorica telesa, izrazi obraza, oči in pogled, dotikanje, prostor, barve, zunanji videz posameznika … V diplomski nalogi ugotavljamo in raziskujemo, kakšen pomen ima zunanji videz oziroma urejenost prodajalca na uspešnost prodaje. S pomočjo literature smo najprej predstavili osnovne pojme poslovnega komuniciranja, sestavine komunikacijskega procesa in načine komuniciranja. Bolj podrobno pa smo opisali neverbalno komuniciranje in predstavili tudi vrste nebesednega komuniciranja. Raziskavo o tem, ali videz prodajalca vpliva na uspešnost prodaje, smo naredili s pomočjo ankete, s katero smo od naključno izbranih nakupovalk želeli ugotoviti, koliko jim pomeni urejen videz prodajalca oziroma koliko urejen videz prodajalca vpliva na njihov nakup. Podatke smo obdelali s pomočjo tabel in grafov. Ugotovili smo, da obstaja neznatna povezanost med urejenostjo prodajalke in ceno kupljene šminke. Povezanost med urejenostjo prodajalke in vrednostjo nakupa pa sploh ne obstaja. Obe ugotovitvi raziskave pripisujemo predvsem temu, da je poleg urejenosti zelo pomembna verbalna komunikacija prodajalke oziroma, da je dobra verbalna komunikacija prodajalke, bolj pomembna od njene zunanje urejenosti. Ravno tako smo ugotavljali tudi ali obstaja povezanost med urejenostjo obleke in make-upa prodajalke in nakupovalke, drugače povedano ali bo urejena nakupovalka raje prosila za pomoč urejeno prodajalko in obratno. Tudi tukaj povezanost ne obstaja iz česar sklepamo, da se nakupovalka, ki ni naličena raje za pomoč obrne na prodajalko, ki je lepo naličena, saj meni da ji bo le-ta znala bolje svetovati. V predlogih za izboljšave predlagamo, da prodajalci upoštevajo osnovna priporočila oblačenja in urejenosti, saj s tem pripomorejo k splošnemu pozitivnemu vtisu, ki ga naredijo na kupca.


poslovno komuniciranje;neverbalna komunikacija;urejenost prodajalca;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [E. Valant]
UDC: 005.57
COBISS: 6381587 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3611
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Correlation Between Appearances and Efficiency
Secondary abstract: Nowadays people don't go shopping just because they would like to satisfy their physiological needs for survival. We shop and spend a lot because we live in a consumer oriented society, which forces us into shopping and spending money. We could say that by shopping we satisfy our needs for respect and belonging to the society. Tradesmen, of course, know very well that a product and its quality are no longer the most important thing in selling. Employees with their approach, communicative skills and appearances also have a quite big influence on sale. Researches show that 55 % of communication is represented by non-verbal communication such as: body language, facial expressions, eye contact, touching, space, colours, appearances, etc. In this graduation thesis we are doing a research on the importance and connection between a salesperson appearances and the efficiency of sale. With the help of literature we have first represented the basis of business communication process, components of a communication process and ways of communication. We have described non-verbal communication in detail and we have also represented the types of non-verbal communication. We have made a research on the influence between the appearances of a salesperson and the efficiency of sale with the help of a questionnaire. We have asked for co-operation randomly chosen women and we have asked them how important a salesperson’s appearances for them are when they go shopping. We have processed all the data with charts and tables. We have found out that there is a slight connection between the salesperson’s appearances and the price of the bought lipstick. There is no connection between the saleswoman’s appearances and the value of the purchase. We ascribe both findings of the research to the fact, that beside salesperson’s appearances his or her verbal communicative skills are also very important or we could say that a saleswoman’s good verbal communication is more important than her appearances. In our research we have also wanted to find out if there is a connection between the tidiness of a saleswoman’s dress and the tidiness of a customer’s dress. With other words, will a tidy customer rather ask for help a tidy saleswoman and conversely. There is also no connection here, probably because a customer without makeup would rather ask for help a saleswoman with tidy makeup, probably because she would give her good advice. In our suggestions of improvements we suggest to salespeople to consider the basic recommendation of dressing and tidiness, because with tidy appearances they can leave a good impression on customers. his or her appearances.
Secondary keywords: • business communication • non-verbal communication • seller’s appearances;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Maribor, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 47 f.
ID: 8715617
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