magistrsko delo
Sara Frajzman (Author), Vojko Potočan (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava problematiko etike in etičnosti vodenja managementa. Negativne posledice ekonomskega delovanja so pripeljale do spoznanja, da tudi poslovni svet potrebuje etiko. Seveda pojma nista v popolni harmoniji, nikakor pa se ne izključujeta. Predvsem za dolgoročni uspeh podjetja je upoštevanje etičnih načel nujno. Zavedati se je potrebno, da podjetje deluje in posluje v okolju in za svoja dejanja odgovarja drugim. Poslovna etika naj bi se torej ukvarjala z vprašanjem, kaj je prav in kaj napačno v vsakdanjem poslovnem delovanju. Uspeh podjetja je v veliki meri odvisen od managerjev in ustrezno vodenih zaposlenih. Managerji z vodenjem vplivajo in usmerjajo zaposlene, da bi dosegli cilje. Njihova naloga je zaposlene seznaniti s tem, kaj je znotraj in izven meja spremenljivega vedenja. Vodenje, ki temelji na pravih, uveljavljenih vrednotah, vpliva na oblikovanje etike podjetja. Managerji imajo težko nalogo, saj so pri vodenju in delovanju razprti med lastnimi vrednotami, vrednotami posameznikov v podjetju, zahtevami podjetja in družbe. Za doseganje večje etičnosti imajo managerji na voljo razna orodja, ki jih v magistrski nalogi podrobneje opredelimo. V magistrskem delu podajamo tudi napotke, kako vpeljati etiko v poslovanje podjetja. Zavedati pa se je potrebno, da ni dovolj samo dober namen, ampak je potrebno konkretno delovanje in udejanjanje etike v praksi. Managerji, ki bodo neetično vodili in delovali, bodo prej kot slej izgubili zaupanje in osebno verodostojnost, ki si jo je težko prislužiti nazaj. Poglavje v magistrski nalogi posvečamo tudi izboljšanju managerskega vodenja. Seveda je etičnost vodenja v prvi vrsti odvisna od samih managerjev, njihov lastnosti, ciljev in vrednot. Posebno pozornost morajo v podjetju nameniti izbiri bodočih managerjev in njihovemu nagrajevanju. Pri določanju nagrad oziroma plače je potrebno določiti ustrezne kriterije uspeha in managerja v primeru slabega poslovanja tudi kaznovati (npr. z znižanjem plače). Mnenja o tem, ali lahko z izobraževanjem in usposabljanjem managerjev dosežemo večjo etičnost vodenja, so deljena. Nekateri avtorji so mnenja, da se sistem vrednot oblikuje v otroštvu in odraščanju, spreminjanje oblikovanega sistema vrednot pa zahteva veliko časa. Na drugi strani pa dodatno izobraževanje s področja etike nudi managerjem več možnih alternativ, kako voditi in ob tem upoštevati etična načela.


management;vodenje;manager;poslovodni delavci;etika;poslovna etika;modeli;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Frajzman]
UDC: 005:174
COBISS: 10386972 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4110
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: How to Improve Management Ethics
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with the problems of ethics and the management ethics. Negative effects of the economic activity have led to the recognition that also business world needs ethics. These two concepts are not in accordance, however, they certainly do not exclude each other. Consideration of ethics principles is necessary, especially for the company's long-term success. We must keep in mind that a company operates in an environment and that it is responsible for its own actions. Therefore, business ethics should be concerned with the questions of what is right and what is wrong in everyday functioning. The company's success to a great degree depends on the managers and properly guided employees. Managers have influence on the employees and they orient them in order to achieve desired goals. It is their duty to introduce employees with acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Management based upon established values has influence on the forming of the company's ethics. Managers do not have an easy task, since they are torn between their own values, employees' values, and the demands of the company and the society. In order to achieve higher levels of business ethics the managers can make use of different instruments which are more specifically described in the thesis. Moreover, guidance for introducing ethics in the company's operation is given. However, good intentions are not enough, therefore, concrete actions and realization of business ethics in practice are needed. Managers with unethical behaviour sooner or later lose trust and personal credibility, both being hard to regain. One of the chapters deals with the improvement of management. Management ethics depends mostly on the managers, their own characteristics, goals and values. Particular attention needs to be given to the selection of future managers and their remunerations. When establishing remunerations and salaries it is necessary to specify proper criteria, and in case of poor performance managers need to be punished (e.g. salary cut). Opinion on whether educating and training of employees can contribute to higher levels of management ethics is mixed. Some authors think that the value system is shaped in childhood and adolescence, and that changing of an already formed value system demands a lot of time. On the other side, additional training in the field of ethics offers the managers more alternatives in managing, and at the same time it also proposes how to include the principles of ethics in everyday functioning.
Secondary keywords: management;business ethics;management ethics;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 94 str.
ID: 8715948