magistrsko delo
Monika Krbavac (Author), Jernej Belak (Mentor)


Živimo v času, ko so spremembe stalnica, še posebej v poslovnem svetu. Zaradi vedno večje neizprosnosti konkurence in okolja, družbenih sprememb, razvoja tehnologij, informatizacije in predvsem globalizacije se morajo podjetja neprestano prilagajati in boriti za svoj razvoj, ki pogojuje uspešnost podjetja. Podjetja bodo preživela, če bodo sposobna pravočasno spoznati spremembe, se jim prilagoditi in izrabiti svoje možnosti za razvoj. Podjetja morajo gojiti močno zavest kulture podjetja, saj ta predstavlja temelj vsakodnevnega delovanja in komunikacije. Njeno jedro predstavljajo zaposleni s svojimi vrednotami in normami. Skrbno negovano kulturo mora podjetje razumeti kot pristop k trajnostnemu razvoju. Gre v bistvu za osebnost podjetja, ki jo je skoraj nemogoče posnemati. Zato njeno proučevanje, usklajevanje, prilagajanje in razvijanje podjetju ponuja edinstveno konkurenčno prednosti. Za proučevanje kulture podjetja smo se odločili zaradi lastnih opažanj problemskih stanj na tem področju v proučevanem podjetju. Cilj magistrskega dela je predstaviti podjetju pomen sistematičnega in učinkovitega vodenja podjetja v skladu z njegovo prevladujočo kulturo, ki naj za podjetje predstavlja najbolj trajen razvojni smoter. Z raziskavo želimo prispevati k uspešnejšemu delovanju proučevanega podjetja in večjemu blagostanju njihovih udeležencev. Magistrsko delo smo razdelili na dva dela, in sicer na teoretični in raziskovalni del. V prvem delu predstavljamo najpomembnejša znanstvena spoznanja, ki se nanašajo na raziskovalni problem. Predstavimo teoretične pojme, ki pojasnjujejo koncept kulture podjetja. Torej pojasnimo njene značilnosti, sestavine, funkcije in tipologije. Govorimo tudi o razvojnem pomenu kulture podjetja, ki ima vpliv na poslovanje podjetja in njegovo uspešnost. V raziskovalnem delu magistrskega dela predstavimo podjetje in analiziramo njegove razvojne priložnosti in nevarnosti. Osrednji raziskovalni del predstavlja analiza kulture proučevanega podjetja, ki jo opravimo s pomočjo izbrane metodologije. V sklepnem delu povzamemo rezultate raziskave, predstavimo ugotovitve in jih zaključimo s predlogom za uspešnejše obvladovanje podjetja in njegovega razvoja.


podjetje;kultura podjetja;razvoj podjetja;rast podjetja;uspešnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Krbavac]
UDC: 005.73
COBISS: 10773532 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2043
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimportance of enterprise culture for enterprise development
Secondary abstract: We are living in times, where changes are constant, particulary in the business world. Due to the increasing routhlessness of the competition and an the environment, social changes, technologic development, informatisation and especially globalisation, enterprises need to adjust all the time. They need to fight in order to be able to grow and expand, which is the key to success. Enterprises will survive, if they are able to forsee the changes in time, adjust to them and take advantage of the opportunities to come. Enterprises need to maintain a strong culture, which is the foundation of daily business and communication. Its essence is made of employees, their values and believes. Carefully nurtured culture must be understood as an approach to long term development. It is actually a matter of the personality of an enterprise, which is almost impossible to imitate. That is why the study, adjusting and the development offers a unique competitive advantage. We chose to study the enterprise culture due to our own observations of the related problems in the observed company. The goal of the thesis is to introduce the meaning of the systematic and effective leadership to the company, taking into account its dominating culture, which should represent the most permanent developing goals. With this research we wish to contribute to a more successfull business and wellbeing of the observed company and its employees. The thesis has been divided into two parts - the theoretical part and the research. Firstly we introduce the most important scientific recognitions, which are related to the research problem. We present theoretical concepts, which explain the culture of the enterprise. Therefore we explain its characteristics, components, functions and typologies. We also discuss the development meaning of the enterprise culture, which has an impact on the operation of the company and its success. In the research we introduce the company and analyze its development opportinities and traps. The main part of the research is represented by the enterprise culture analisys, which is done with help of the chosen typology. In the final part we summarize the results of the research, present the findings and conclude with a suggestion for a more successfull handling of an enterprise and its development.
Secondary keywords: enterprise culture;enterprise development;company success;type of enterprise culture;strength of a enterprise culture;values;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 84 str.
ID: 8716249