magistrsko delo
Denis Mužerlin (Author), Matjaž Iršič (Mentor)


Odjemalci oziroma potrošniki se odločajo za nakup določene storitve v skladu s svojimi potrebami, osebnostnimi lastnostmi in dejanskimi problemi, ki naj bi jih določena storitev odpravila. Pri odločanju odjemalcev je pomembno tudi njihovo prepričanje, percepcija in številni drugi dejavniki. Poznavanje omenjenih lastnosti odjemalcev in dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na njihove nakupne odločitve glede posamezne storitve, je zato ključno, da lahko ponudniki storitev oblikujejo tako storitev, ki bo čim bolj zadovoljila potrebe odjemalcev. Pri tem je pomembno tudi razumevanje tržnih segmentov, ki jih zaznamuje heterogenost odjemalcev, in sicer z vidika različnih dejavnikov demografije ali drugih geografskih, vedenjskih in ostalih dejavnikov. Tako v magistrskem delu proučujemo odjemalčevo odločanje o nakupu storitve življenjskega zavarovanja. Za cilj si zastavimo izgraditi model, ki v veliki meri pojasni odločanje odjemalcev za nakup storitve življenjskega zavarovanja. Omenjeni model je lahko pomemben dejavnik zniževanja stroškov trženjskih aktivnosti določene zavarovalnice, saj povečuje možnost uspešnega razvoja nove zavarovalniške storitve in omogoča bolj fokusirane trženjskokomunikacijske aktivnosti zavarovalnice. V delu tako vzamemo za primer zavarovalnico Vzajemna, ki je v preteklih letih želela razširiti paleto svojih zavarovanj z novimi zavarovanji s področja življenjskih zavarovanj. V Sloveniji je bil pred letom 2009 precej v porastu trg življenjskih zavarovanj, ki je beležil okrog 10 odstotnih točk višjo rast od trga premoženjskih zavarovanj. K uspešnemu razvoju nove vrste zavarovanja, ki ga Vzajemna do sedaj še ni tržila, bi lahko prispeval tudi model odločanja odjemalcev za storitev življenjskega zavarovanja, ki bi temeljil na demografski podlagi. Njegov razvoj in izpeljavo tako prikažemo v magistrskem delu. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavimo storitve in njihove lastnosti, nato prikažemo segmentiranje proučevanega trga kot osnovo za pravilno pozicioniranje storitve ter analiziramo procese in modele porabnikovega odločanja. V predmetnem delu obravnavamo tudi osnovne pojme v zavarovalništvu, vrste življenjskih zavarovanj, trg življenjskih zavarovanj v Sloveniji ter vpliv heterogenosti odjemalcev na pomen posameznih elementov in percepcijo v zvezi z življenjskimi zavarovanji. V empiričnem delu na podlagi analize odgovorov anketirancev izdelamo model vpliva demografskih dejavnikov na odločitev odjemalcev o nakupu življenjskega zavarovanja. Model pojasnjuje, katere demografske lastnosti odjemalcev vplivajo na odločanje za storitev življenjsko zavarovanje. Na podlagi proučevanega problema si v delu zastavimo tudi dve glavni hipotezi in tri podhipoteze. Prvo glavno hipotezo, ki se glasi »verjetnost za nakup police življenjskega zavarovanja je odvisna od odjemalčevih demografskih značilnosti«, preverjamo z binarnim logit modelom. Drugo glavno hipotezo, ki se glasi »višina premije in vrsta življenjskega zavarovanja sta odvisna od demografskih dejavnikov«, preverjamo z bivariatnimi analizami. Poleg glavnih hipotez testiramo tudi druge v magistrskem delu podane podhipoteze. Za preskus v magistrskem delu zastavljenih hipotez uporabimo tudi telefonsko anketo, pri čemer so ciljna populacija vsi prebivalci Slovenije v starosti med 18 in 60 let. Pri tem izvedemo vzorčenje v dveh fazah, in sicer v prvi fazi izberemo 5.000 enot z uporabo enostavnega slučajnega vzorčenja ter nato v drugi fazi opravimo anketiranje 389 oseb izmed izbranih 5.000. Na pridobljenih podatkih nato izvedemo statistično analizo s pomočjo programskega paketa SPSS. Pri tem uporabimo deskriptivne metode, testiranje razlik v povprečjih (test hi-kvadrat, t-test in analiza variance ter ostali bivariatni testi) in analizo logit, v kateri kot odvisno spremenljivko uporabimo binarno odločitev za nakup storitve življenjskega zavarovanja, kot neodvisne spremenljivke pa demografske dejavnike. Pridobljeni rezultati nam omogočajo izdelavo modela odločanja odjemalcev, saj lahko na podl


odjemalec;odločanje;storitve;življenjsko zavarovanje;trg;segmentacija;modeli;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: D. Mužerlin
UDC: 339.13:368.91
COBISS: 11597084 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1401
Downloads: 211
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Customers or consumers opt to buy certain services in accordance with their needs, personal characteristics and the actual problems to be eliminated certain services. When considering the importance of customers as well as their belief, perception, and many other factors. Knowing these characteristics of customers and factors affecting their purchase decisions on individual services is therefore essential, that service providers can create such services that will meet the needs of most customers. It is important to also understand the market segments characterized by heterogeneity of the customers in terms of various demographic factors, or other geographic, behavioral and other factors. Thus, in the master's work, we studie a client decide on the purchase of life insurance services. For the objectives we set ourselves to build a model that is largely explained by customers deciding to purchase life insurance services. This model can be an important factor in lowering the cost of certain insurance marketing activities, it increases the likelihood of successful development of new insurance and provides a more focused marketing and communication activities of insurance companies. In so far as we take for example a mutual insurance company Vzajemna, which has in recent years sought to extend its range of insurance with a new guarantee in life insurance. In Slovenia, it was 2009 before rising significantly in life insurance market, which has seen around 10 percentage points higher growth than non-life insurance market. The successful development of new types of collateral that Vzajemna insurance company has not yet traded, which could also model making customers for life insurance services, based on demographic grounds. Its development and to illustrate the derivation of the master's work. In the theoretical part of the first to introduce services and their properties, then displays the studied market segmentation as a basis for the proper positioning of the services and processes and analyze the user's decision-making models. In the subject area are dealt with basic concepts in the insurance industry, types of life insurance, life insurance market in Slovenia and the impact of customer heterogeneity on the importance of individual elements and perception in relation to life insurance. In the empirical part of the work we produce, on the basis of analysis of the replies of the respondents, the model of demographic factors on consumer decision to purchase life insurance. The model clarifies the demographic characteristics of customers affect the decisions of life insurance services. Based on the work of study also raise the problem of two main hypothesis and three subhypothesis. The first main hypothesis, which is "likely to buy life insurance policy depends on the demographic characteristics of the customer" must be checked by a binary logit model. The second main hypothesis, which reads "the amount of the premium and the type of life insurance depend on demographic factors" must be checked by bivariate analysis. In addition to the main hypotheses tested in the master's other work given subhypothesis. To test the master of the set of hypotheses using a telephone survey, with the target population is all of Slovenia's population aged between 18 and 60 years. In the sampling carried out in two stages, in the first phase of 5,000 units selected using simple random sampling, and then perform the second phase of interviewing 389 persons selected from among 5,000. On data and then carry out statistical analysis using SPSS software package. Using the descriptive method, testing the differences in the averages (chi-square test, t-test and variance analysis and other bivariate tests) and logit analysis where the dependent variable is used as a binary decision to buy life insurance services, as independent variables and demographic factors. The results obtained allow us to make a model-making customers, as it can based on the known characteristics predict the likelihood of client services for the purchase of life insura
Secondary keywords: - customer decision making model - life insurance - insurance company - characteristics of customers - demographic and behavioral factors;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 115 str., 20 f. pril.
ID: 8716776