delo diplomskega seminarja
Jure Puhar (Author), Jernej Belak (Mentor)


V diplomskem seminarju sem želel prikazati planiranje razvoja podjetja X. Pričel sem s teoretičnim delom, kjer sem si pomagal z različno literaturo. Na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč sem postavil temelje planiranja razvoja podjetja X v praksi. Podjetje X je računovodski servis, ki je že uveljavljen na tržišču in ima tri zaposlene. Gre za družbo z omejeno odgovornostjo, ki opravlja storitveno dejavnost. Združitev z drugim računovodskim servisom utegne prinesti konkurenčno prednost podjetju X in osmisli njegovo planiranje razvoja. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelil podjetje, pravne oblike, velikost podjetja ter na kratko značilnosti računovodskega servisa. Pri planiranju razvoja sem se lotil proučevanja podjetja, proučevanja vrednot udeležencev podjetja in proučevanja okolja ter SWOT analizo. Nadaljeval sem z vizijo in politiko podjetja ter strategijami. Teoretični del sem zaključil s programom uresničitve. V praktičnem delu sem predstavil nastanek, rast in razvoj podjetja X in predstavitev panoge. Pod poglavjem planiranja razvoja sem proučil podjetje X, proučil vrednote udeleženca podjetja X in proučil okolje podjetja X. Nadalje sem pojasnil SWOT analizo podjetja X, vizijo in politiko podjetja X ter strategije. Zadnji, a pomembni poglavji sta združitev računovodskega servisa X z Y in program uresničitve kako bo to potekalo. Priložena je bilanca stanja in poslovnega izida.


podjetje;razvoj podjetja;planiranje razvoja;računovodski servisi;združitve podjetij;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Puhar]
UDC: 005.51
COBISS: 11570460 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1115
Downloads: 113
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Planning a development of the company X
Secondary abstract: In the graduate seminar I wanted to show the a development plan for company X. I started with a theoretical part in which I have studied, collected and compare different theories from various literature. Based on theoretical principles I have laid the foundations of development planning for company X in practice. Company X is primarily an accounting firm that is already established in the marketplace and has three employees. It is a limited liability company that provides different types of financial services. Merging with another accounting firm may bring a competitive advantage to company X and give meaning to its development planning. In the theoretical part I have described the company, its legal form, size and briefly identified characteristics of the accounting firm in question. While planning the development of the company I have studied how the company itself operates, what are its employees values and what is the environment in which the company X operates like. I have also done a SWOT analysis for the company in question. Further in the theoretical part I have established what is company X's vision. what are company policy and strategies. I have completed the theoretical part with a realisation program. In the practical part I have presented how the company was started, its growth and development of it up until now. I continue with the presentation of the sector in which the company operates. In the development planning chapter I have examined the company X, the values of company X's employees and explored the environment in which X functions. Furthermore, I explain the SWOT analysis of the company X, its vision, its company policies and strategies. Last two but important chapters are merging accounting firms X to Y and the realisation program or how will it be done. I have also enclosed company's balance sheet and income statement.
Secondary keywords: • development planning;• accounting firm;• company X;• merging companies.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 48 str., 2 str. pril.
ID: 8724786