diplomsko delo
Gozdovi v Sloveniji pokrivajo skoraj 60 % površine. Zaradi njihove obilnosti je nujna ustrezna zakonska ureditev, kar je urejeno z Zakonom o gozdovih ter številnimi drugimi zakonskimi in podzakonskimi predpisi.
Večina gozdov je v zasebni lasti, vendar se izvaja javna gozdarska služba, prek Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije in Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije, za vse gozdove. Gozdovi opravljajo številne pomembne funkcije, nujne za življenje vseh živih bitij, in prav zaradi tega je potrebno ustrezno načrtovanje gospodarjenja z gozdovi. Za vsa gozdnogospodarska območja in enote se sprejemajo večletni načrti, ki usmerjajo lastnike k ustreznemu upravljanju z gozdvi. Določeni gozdovi so zaradi svoje pomembnosti deležni posebnega varstvenega režima. Tako ločimo varovalne gozdove in gozdove s posebnim namenom, kot so gozdni rezervati, gozdovi namenjeni ohranjanju biotske raznovrstnosti ali habitatnih tipov, ekološko pomembna območja, območja Nature 2000 in območja varovanja naravnih vrednot ter kulturne dediščine. Ukrepi varovanja takšnih gozdov so različni, lahko gre za pogodbeno varstvo, razglasitev za zavarovano območje, zakonito predkupno pravico ali celo razlastitev nepremičnine. Njihovi lastniki so deležni nadomestila za omejitve pri ravnanju z gozdom v obliki ustrezne davčne olajšave, odškodnine ali pa zahtevajo odkup gozda.
Gozdovi so kot ostale zemljiške parcele evidentirani v zemljiškem katastru ter v zemljiški knjigi. Poleg identifikacijske oznake se v katastru označi meje, površino, lastnika, upravljavca, dejansko rabo ter boniteto zemljišča. Zakon natančno določa postopke, po katerih se lahko urejajo in spreminjajo te postavke.
Lastninska pravica na gozdu se lahko pridobi le na zakonsko določene načine – najobičajneje prek pravnega posla ali dedovanja, lahko pa tudi na podlagi upravne ali sodne odločbe. Za veljavnost sklenjenega pravnega posla sta potrebna ustrezni zavezovalni in razpolagalni pravni posel. Obvezna je razpolagalna sposobnost odsvojitelja ter izpolnitev ostalih zakonsko določenih predpostavk. Prehod lastninske pravice na gozdu je omejen do te mere, da lahko prodajalec kupca svoje nepremičnine izbere le, kadar na gozdu nihče ne uveljavlja svoje predkupne pravice. Pri prodaji gozda je vedno obvezno posredovanje pristojne upravne enote, ki tudi končno potrdi veljavnost sklenjene prodajne pogodbe. Lastninska pravica preide z vpisom prenosa v zemljiško knjigo, pred tem pa je potrebno poravnati davek na promet nepremičnin in prodajno pogodbo notarsko overiti. Na podoben način se sklepajo tudi menjalna pogodba, darilna pogodba, izročilna pogodba ter pogodbi o dosmrtnem preživljanju in preužitku. Bistvena razlika pri teh pogodbah je v tem, da določene za svojo veljavnost ne potrebujejo soglasja upravne enote za sklenitev, ampak samo potrdilo, da soglasje ni potrebno.
Tudi pri razpolaganju z gozdom kot zapuščino zapustnik ni povsem prost. Poleg obveznega nujnega deleža mora upoštevati tudi omejitve, ki veljajo za gozdove, ki so del zaščitene kmetije.
Na podlagi upravne odločbe je mogoč prehod lastninske pravice po denacionalizacijskem postopku, ponovni vzpostavitvi agrarnih skupnosti ter z izvajanjem prostorskih operacij. Sodna odločba pa je način pridobitve lastninske pravice, kadar pride do nakupa gozda v nepravdnem, izvršilnem ali stečajnem postopku.
Lastnik gozda lahko v svojem gozdu izvaja sečnjo, gradi objekte in gozdne prometnice, gozd ograjuje, pridobiva gozdne dobrine, čebelari ter gozd tudi krči. Vendar je njegova lastninska pravica omejena do te mere, da mora za svoje posege v gozd predhodno pridobiti soglasje Zavoda za gozdove. Za določene pravice pa mora dopustiti, da jih prosto izvršujejo tudi vsi ostali. Tako ima vsak prost dostop v gozd, kjer lahko v zakonsko določenih mejah in na določen način nabira gozdne plodove, zelnate rastline ter gobe. Poleg pravic pa ima lastnik gozda tudi obveznosti. Njegova skrb je, da ohranja gozd, ga varuje pred boleznimi in prenamnožitvijo populacije žuželk ter sanira posledice
civilno pravo;stvarno pravo;stvarne pravice;lastnina;lastninska pravica;nepremičnine;gozdovi;diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
[L. Kolar] |
UDC: |
347.235(043.2) |
Views: |
2839 |
Downloads: |
281 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
Forests in Slovenia cover nearly 60% of the surface. Because of their abundance relevant legislation is necessary, which is regulated by the forest law and many other regulations.
Most of the forests are privately owned, but the public forestry service for all forests has been carried out, through the Forest Service of Slovenia and the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Forests serve many important functions necessary for life of all living beings and that is why the proper planning of forest management is very important. For all forest management areas and units multiannual plans are taken, which guide the owners to manage the forest properly. Specific protection regime is given to certain forests because of their importance. Thus, we distinguish protective forests and forests for special purposes, such as forest reserves, forest management aimed at conserving biodiversity, preservation of habitat types, ecologically important areas, Natura 2000 areas and the protection of natural values and cultural heritage. Security measures for such forests are different; it may be a contractual protection, declaration of a protected area legal right of first refusal, or even expropriation of property. Their owners receive compensation for limitations in the management of forests in the form of appropriate relief, damages or require the purchase of the forest.
Forests are like any other land parcels registered in the cadastre and land registry. In addition to the identification marks border area, the owner, operator, the actual use of land and rating of the land is marked. The Act specifies the procedures by which you can edit and modify these items.
Ownership of the forest can only be obtained on the legal ways - the most commonly through a legal transaction or inheritance, but also on the basis of an administrative or judicial decision. For the validity of the concluded transaction appropriate binding and available legal transaction is required. Disposition of the transferor and the ability to meet other statutory assumptions are obligatory. The transition of ownership of the forest is limited to the extent that the buyer, the seller may choose their own property only when no one asserts its right of first refusal on the forest.
Mandatory intervention of the competent administrative unit which also finally confirms the validity of signed sales contract is always obligatory in the sale of the forest. The right to property passes to the registration of the transfer in the land register, before this it is required to pay tax on real estate sales contract and to certify a contract notarially. In a similar way swap contracts, deeds of gift, transit contracts, endowment contracts and contracts for livelihoods are concluded. The major difference among these contracts is the fact that certain contracts for their validity do not require the consent of the administrative unit for the conclusion, but only confirmation that the consent is not required.
Also at the disposal of trees as a legacy, the deceased is not entirely free. In addition to the mandatory emergency portion he must also consider restrictions that apply to forests that are part of a protected farm.
On the basis of the administrative decision transition of ownership after the denationalization process, restoring agricultural communities and the implementation of spatial operations is possible. The judgment is the method of acquiring title where there is a forest in a non-purchase, foreclosure or bankruptcy proceeding.
Forest owner may in his forests implement logging, build facilities and forest roads, fence forest, gain forest products, cultivate bees and shrink forest. However, his right to property is limited to the extent, that for his interventions in the forest he has to gain a prior approval by the Forest Service. For certain rights he should allow to be executed freely by the others. Anyone has a free enter into the forest, where within legal limits and on a certain way forest fruits, herbaceous plants and mushrooms can be picked. In addition to the rights and the |
Secondary keywords: |
forest;forest parcel;ownership structure;agrarian operations;denationalization;forest roads;disboscation;forest etiquette;free access;forest inspection.; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Pages: |
92 f. |
ID: |
8726183 |