delo diplomskega seminarja
Dejan Stemlak (Author), Vojko Potočan (Mentor)


Vsako uspešno podjetje mora svoje zmogljivosti prilagajati konkurenčnemu trgu ter izkoristiti svoje potenciale. V diplomskem seminarju smo se opredelili na zaloge vhodnega materiala v podjetju Struc kovačija Muta, d. o. o. Podjetje je na trgu prisotno že mnogo let, kar dokazuje, da dobro prilagaja svoje zmogljivosti in da je konkurenčno drugim podjetjem. Danes ga po vsej Evropi poznamo kot enega izmed najmočnejših proizvajalcev vrtnega orodja. V prvem delu seminarja smo predstavili opredelitev problema, cilja ter hipotez. V drugem delu smo predstavili definicije ter obrazložili, kakšen je pomen zalog v podjetju, katere vrste zalog poznamo ter kakšne so njihove funkcije za kasnejše razumevanje raziskovanja problema, ki smo ga proučevali. Definirali smo vlogo nabave pri nabavi vhodnega materiala, kakšne so njene naloge in kakšen je management nabave vhodnega materiala. V tretjem delu smo najprej predstavili podjetje STRUC Kovačija Muta, d. o. o., danes in spoznali smo, kako se je podjetje oblikovalo skozi zgodovino ter kakšen pomen ima na kraj, kjer se je razvijalo. Analizirali smo, kakšne so značilnosti managementa zalog vhodnega materiala, razpravljali, kako se z zastavljeno temo ubada podjetje STRUC Kovačija Muta, d. o. o., in predstavili primer, ko se v podjetju pojavi potreba po določenem materialu, ki ni redno na zalogi. V nadaljevanju smo spoznali proces nabave vhodnih zalog v podjetju, na koncu pa smo razpravljali o možnih izboljšavah, ki bi jih lahko vpeljali. Predstavili smo sistem črtnih kod in razpravljali o tem, kako bi to ekonomično vplivalo na samo podjetje ter na stanje zaloge vhodnega materiala.


management;zaloge;nabava;stroški;črtne kode;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Stemlak]
UDC: 005.932
COBISS: 11586332 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1278
Downloads: 115
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Inventory management in company STRUC Kovačija Muta
Secondary abstract: Every successful company has to adjust its capabilities according to the competitive market, and take advantage of its potentials. In this thesis we have focused on the stock input materials of the Struc Muta d.o.o. company. The said company has been on the market for many years, which shows that it copes well with adjusting its capabilities and that it is a rival to other similar companies. Today, it is well known all over Europe as one the most capable manufacturers of gardening tools. In the first part of this thesis we have presented a definition of the problem, the goal and the hypothesis. In the second part we present the definitions and we explain the meaning of the stock, in the said company. For better understanding of later mentioned research of the problem we have studied, we also explain which types of stock there is and what their functions are. We also defined the role of purchasing the input materials, their function and management. To start the third part, we present the Struc Muta d.o.o company as it is today, we learn how the company has formed through out its history and what meaning it has on the surroundings, where it developed. We have analysed the characteristics of managing the stock input materials, discussed how the Struc Muta d.o.o company deals with the said subject and we have presented an example of when a company is in need of a material, which happens to not be on stock. In the following, we got to know the process of purchasing the stock input materials in the company, and in the end discussed about possible improvements they could introduce. We presented a bar code system and discussed its economical effect it would have on the company and on the conditions of the stock input materials.
Secondary keywords: Struc Kovačija Muta;Input Material;Stocks;Input stocks;Purchase;Costs;System of Bar Codes;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 40 str.
ID: 8726936
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